Entire server worth of Characters gone!

damn… thats scary…


I don’t know if this has been asked but did you actually go to the realm? My characters don’t show on the server list either, luckily I have where all my characters are written down :smiley: but if I actually open the Garrosh server I can see my characters


*since …

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You submitted a ticket and expect a response within a few hours during Covid…? Be more patient bud

Same thing happened to me. I sorted realm list by name, for my characters on Maiev. They weren’t listed as being ON Maiev (as in the number of character in the realm list), but when I chose Maiev from the list they populated anyway.

i’ve had network hiccups that causes me to see no characters on my select screen

Is there someone in game you could have check to see if the character still exist via mail, guild or friends list?

You could also create a character on the realm to see if refreshes and they might show up?

Also do you have more than 1 WoW account? Make sure you launching the correct one above the play button. Right above your game time in the Blizzard launcher.

Dude. This is not the time.

OP - I doubt your characters are lost forever. Blizz backs everything up.

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Did you try letting your screen sit there for a few moments? Might be a simple render bug like the PTR has.

Which server are you not seeing? Have you tried posting over in Customer Support?

What if the Zombie invasion created so much heat that it melted a machine and now peoples data is getting lost from all the heat :stuck_out_tongue:

There were no realm mergers.

Realms were connected, but not merged. Those are two very different things.

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Sorry OP but what you are experiencing is likely…

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People use the terms interchangeably, just like banned/silenced/suspended is all the same.

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On the launcher, above the play button under accounts, make sure you are logged into the correct wow licence.


I had this happen to me yesterday. It was wierd.

Do you have a second account? I accidentally logged into my second account one day after I restarted my computer. Saw there was like five characters and none were the ones I remembered. Looked at the launcher and saw it was on the wrong account.

have you tried using the character undelete to see if they are there?

Also try writing a Bug Ticket. I had some issues earlier and waited forever for customer service to respond to my standard ticket so I wrote a Bug Ticket and strangely they responded to my issue way quicker than the standard ticket response. Issue was fixed by Bug people :smiley:

Same issue…TWO realms…no cust svc contact either…Bronzebeard/Shandris