Entire server worth of Characters gone!

Logged on today… to find an entire sever (which I play all Horde on) GONE. 10 toons. Not showing on server list. 120s- DH, Mage, Warlock, Shaman, DK. 101 Druid, 112 Warrior, 113 Hunter, 73 mage, 25 Rogue. Plus guild, gold and all items. no reply from any customer service. AWESOME Blizz thanks.


Did you log onto the ptr by accident?

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No, I have been playing sense BC… I know what servers I am looking at. but that was a good suggestion. As the Alliance server still has my 4 toons showing

And how long ago did you submit the ticket?

Earlier today… however I just logged again a moment ago. I have a character now populated on a realm I haven’t been on in ages???

oh…I guess you missed the announcement about realm mergers.


Not sure, but it might correct itself in a few minutes.


Did you check character restore? We’re they deleted by someone who may have gotten access?

If you haven’t played since BC that count be the case.

*Edit oh you said you have been playing since BC. Sorry read it wrong

i looked at the merge list. The realm I lost all my toons on was not on that list.

I don’t think he said that…

I have auth on my phone, and i recently changed my password. I am positive I have only access to this account.

Yeah I read it wrong oops.

no worries… just upset I have lost all that I have worked for.

Just wait for a response. It can take a bit but they’ll get to you


sigh… I know. said almost 3 days for response times on ticket as I read it now.

And you haven’t received any emails from blizzard recently about your account?

nothing… no emails saying weird account activity, or anything of that nature. No odd log on attempts.

so sorry :disappointed: OP. Hang in there my dude. Stay positive. Keep us updated please. If you ever on proudmoore alliance or A52 horde, glad to help with bags and such. Worse case scenario.

Thanks… yeah just frustrated with entire deal.


They’re all still there. Which realm?