Enable RealID for the Forums Please

I think a fair compromise would only let ppl switch forum poster mains once per week or month or something. It’s terrible that I can flip through all ten of my character accounts and heart my own posts.

Trolling and disngenous clickybaity threads belong in an RnF forum not GD

Outcome would not be the same:

  • It would stop one person is topic spamming under many different alts. No hiding behind sock puppets.
  • It would stop one person from using many alts in a single thread to make it look like strong support for the main post.
  • It would stop people from using multiple alts on a single account flagging and hiding posts. No single person should be able to hide a post.
  • It would stop people from using multiple alts on a single account giving “Likes”. Only one “like” per account.

This would add accountability to forum posters.

if you want real id i say make a compromise id like the ability to block out key words say lgbtq posts so i would never have to see any of them pop up again.

if you dont want this kind of compromise no deal.

I’m against showing battletags, because it’s already possible.
I know several people who got harassed and stalked through the battle tag.

The best solution would to allow just one single character which is locked for six months until you can change it again.

I don’t think this is possible, care to explain?

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Yeah we need something suddenly today we now a wave necromancy hitting several of the hot-topic threads that weren’t 404’d

Sounds like fake news. You cant stalk someone with just their Battletag without being mutual friends. You can’t whisper, see if they are online/offline, see what games they have, see what characters they have. The privilege only comes with being mutual battletag friends.

Can you necro my thread? Lol
Convert Forum to BattleTag - Community / General Discussion - World of Warcraft Forums (blizzard.com)

It is possible, better said, it was in the past and still is on the other forums (HotS), where your battle tag is shown simply by opening your activity profile and checking the url at top. It will display your complete battle tag.

I won’t go into detail how things work but I give you an idea what people could get out of you in the past by simply changing a part of the url to something else: Your timezone and the city you’re living in. This is still possible but only yourself see it anymore, ever since they added an auth to it.

That isn’t an example of harassment.

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Then be blessed in not having experienced the sheer amount of vicious harassment I have seen in the past, simply because people are better players than you.

I’m absolutely against opening the battle tag up. Just lock an avatar to the forum account for six months and be done with it.

You still have not answered the question or explained how anyone could harass someone with just their Battletag. Battletag is not RealID.

You cant stalk someone with just their Battletag without being mutual friends. You can’t whisper, see if they are online/offline, see what games they have, see what characters they have. The privilege only comes with being mutual battletag friends.

All you are doing is spreading misinformation that are unfounded.

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I’m serious I am really starting to think 1 guy has a crap ton of accounts to keep posting the same argument in the same way on. One goes away another comes us.

Someone needs to create a spreadsheet of toons and keep track of alts haha.

I’m working on one actually at least for the ones I can confirm.

I have one for that one poster who accused me of misgendering them, they have 60 that I found.


That answer is pretty much it yes - the major difference between Battle Tag and Real ID is that giving out your Battle Tag is not exposing the email address that you have associated with your Battle.net account.

When Real ID was first implemented a lot of people complained that in order for people to add them to their friends list, they had to give out their Battle.net username (email address), which was a potential security risk.

Blizzard’s answer to this issue was the implementation of Battle Tag, which is a name that you choose with a randomly generated number on it (ie: YourName#1993) which you can then give out to allow people to add you to their Battle.net friend’s list without exposing your email address to them.

In addition to this, as pointed out in the article you have linked, people added to your friends list with their Battle Tag will only show their Battle Tag, instead of showing the name they have associated with their Battle.net account.

The reason people ask for your Real ID still is probably out of habit, or due to them being unaware that Battle Tag is the same thing but with better privacy - remember that giving out your Real ID means you’re giving out the username to your Battle.net account.

Battletag is not your Battle.net id One is a name created by players so they can create friends lists. The other is your account info.

Battletags do not contain account info Battle.net ids do


You can already do this through a french website.

I’m calling BS on that, you can see battle tag but you can’t harass people with it.

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You kids got nothing better to worry about?

We’re not going to be doing anything with Real ID ever again.
