Enable RealID for the Forums Please

I know this will upset some folks but I genuinely think that the best way to moderate the Forums and the game in-general is 24/7 RealID for the Forum & in-Game.

The moderators for this forum are amazing folks, they are working hard to do the best they can to clean up posts and even GMs who are in-game and banning those breaking ToS.

As good as they are there’s only so much they can do, which is why I think enabling RealID can be a step forward in making the job easier and the game and the forums safer.

Folks will have less of an incentive to troll or mislead others when their RealID is showing and it’s far easier for Blizzard to keep track of bad actors whenever they do encounter one.

I think this is a positive step forward in the direction of stricter moderation and I think it will greatly benefit everyone :heart:


trying a new trolling tactic i see

yes please enable realID, that way we can finally find out if OP is actually one of the Big Three T’s of forum trolls and not just a copycat


Nope. Just limit the alt-hopping, or list other alts the poster has used in the past 30 days.


There’s so much that could go wrong with this.
Real ID for forums could easily open up all kinds of harassment and possible in game stalking for many,many reasons.

Not saying that’s exactly what would happen but it would open the doors for that.


I’m all for it

Lmao yeah ok buddy

  1. Replace the flag button with an actual report button with no limit.

  2. Create a “Forum ID” system and don’t allow alt-hopping.

  3. Live moderation? Requires hiring more mods.


You’re the Dean of the Clown College, OP.

The master clown, if you will.


I’ve always thought you should level that character. That’s a smexy durid.

How many pizzas were delivered to the Blizzard mod who posted using his realid a few years ago?

Yeah, seems like a swell idea, OP!


Real ID hell no, not even down for Btag, could you imagine the spam Friend requests @_@ everyone wants to be friends with a Dwarf!


No need for real id, battlenet tag is just fine.

I get you want rage, not going to happen, but if you want to out your real name have at it.


I’ll take Bad Ideas That Refuse to Die for $2000, Alex.


Shut seagull.png

I can’t post it cause I’m afraid it’s actually against forum rules

But feel free to Google it

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Well they could just do what they do for all their other Blizzard forums and have it under their Battle Tag with a chosen alias. At least I think you get to choose the alias :thinking:

I can’t remember how I did my Diablo one tbh

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You have to be trolling (already know you are) to suggest Real ID and think it would benefit you more than harm. At worst you would get reported to oblivion and have to make another account with an active sub, at best everyone will just mute a singular person and probably get rid of 10% of the problem just like that.

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the trolling thats been going on the last couple weeks, has proven that statement laughably false.


good news, my main is a druid that looks identical to this one. lol

i wanted to use this appearance but keep the name nillah since ive been using it on the forums for like a decade, hence the alt

They did this already.

It was a nightmare and they had to shut it down.



Dox every one? With the cancel happy blue haired Taliban running around. Ya, that would end well.