Enable RealID for the Forums Please

I’ve given my btag out several times on the forums, to help with tanking/healing, or achievs or whatever. Have never had randos try to add it and troll me.

…Might be because they don’t want cat gif spam, idk.

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Pray tell. What is your real name?

Thought I muted this one…

here comes all the ban happy people now they want you banned from the game because of a forum post they dont like.

brb gonna go doxx you with your real ID

The forums are fine and no changes are needed.

Yes, great idea. Let’s use people’s REAL names for a video game forum. That way, when you disagree with me, I can look you up and cause you trouble in real life by calling your friends/family/employer to sh1t talk you. :thinking: :thinking:


Well I disagreed with you so I don’t really care what you think of the matter in that thread. You bring things out of context. If you are supporting RealID than you dont care about privacy.

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Only trolls and people who meme would support RealID on the forums or anywhere else. There is no legitimate argument in favor of Real ID.


Never forget when people got doxed due to the RealID

you know this already happens, but it is a tool that you don’t and most certainly shouldn’t have access to as a player, because it’s not your job to know these things.
The armory already provides the truly dedicated stalkers enough information to track down your alts, let it be.

I don’t like realid, you can read back and see that but hey!

I am all for the battletag which is great for privacy.

It amazes me that even here you try to put words into my mouth. Kudos on the continuity I guess?

Gonna be awkward on the Elven Moon Guard forum…

Blizzard can already track who we are IRL as they have our subscription information, it is not other players business to know who I am or where I am at.

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They are not fine when players that are on ignore circumvent with their alts to talk to the person ignoring them to be civil.

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These forums would be so quiet with real ID enabled.

I hope they do it for like a week just to see what it’s like.

No, I’m not going to bother reading whatever you replied to on here. I didn’t put words in your mouth, reread what I wrote silly.

You mean that? Yeah, I think you should go to this thread here:

It’s the non troll version of the thread, silly.

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Please limit the posting abilities of the people with the worst ideas. Thanks.

I would never go to the forums if my real information was displayed. Btag, sure. I am not interesting enough to keep multiple alts to troll with anyway :laughing: