Enable RealID for the Forums Please

True, not Real ID, but BTag instead. They are not the same.

But wont that impact my social credit score?

no the fact you think its a good idea shows you know nothing about people. people are evil toxic and vengeful for petty little things you give them the knowlege of a person they will even target them irl. wake up to reality humans are bad enabling realID for forums is the worst possible thing for everyone.

Again, real ID Bad
Battletag Good

neither should be public.

You want Blizzard to Doxx us for you?

That will fly.

Explain what a stranger could do with Battletag. It is not the same as RealID.


Spam send invites. There’s a reason why I list my discord on the forums and not my bnet…

Block any battle tag invites same as you block toon names. nice thing about btag is you block all the toons a person has in a single stroke.


True but still annoying. XD

You could just not accept or decline it. That’s not really “harassment” though.

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Oh it isn’t harassment it’s just flat out annoying. Plus I have had instances where someone sends me a bnet, ironically, right as someone in game is sending me one I click it and then I get all kinds of weirdo whispers.

Remove / block at that point but it’s no biggie. It’s more of an annoyance thing so I just tend to avoid it.

I only " " quoted that because some people tried to argue that it was. haha

Lead by example. You first.

Oh all good. I could potentially see it being an issue if someone’s guild members changed their bnet to be similar to someone then troll the forums but that may be a stretch.

I know a lot of people put their bnet ons rio too and in recruitments for guilds etc. I would worry though that someone would find out what toons someone plays and harrasses them outside of bnet with those character names OR if they do a google search on the character name and find their personal pages.

Some folks, like on rp servers, have artwork of their toons with the name and it can pop up in a google search other information. But again, that’s a bit of a stretch.

Not out of the realm of possibility, it’s just a big stretch that it would actually happen. You know what I mean?

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I think you exemplified it well. There are all of these one-off scenarios that are extremely unlikely to happen and those are the only arguments people have against Battletag.

I agree that RealID was a terrible idea, but people hate Battletag without actually understanding it.


Yeah, and another thing I worry about is will blizz have the resources not only to actually swap it over, BUT to also moderate it in the capacity it needs to be moderated in?

Will things carry over from the forums to in game? There are a lot of ifs in the scenarios.

How about you make a thread about how GMs can combat trolls like you better and get rid of them?

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Last time that was suggested the Blizzard worker who suggested it got thousands of phone calls and got hundreds of pizzas from multiple people all delivered to his house and they were all COD pizzas and he got harassed and threatened for months. Blizz will never suggest this option ever again.

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thank god it didnt go as bad as that now adays we have to deal with death threats online and worse some people show up to peoples houses, its crazy online which is more reason to not have real id or even battletag to be made public its for everyones privacy and safety.( VPN’s exist because of this)