Elune Cutscene Anxiety Thread

If the victims pursue justice they will only destroy themselves!!!



Because all Night Elves are naturally supposed to go to Ardenweald ofc

Winter queen just said they might still be able to save the souls/guide them to their spring.

I doubt they are pretending we dont know. If anything Warcraft has story has always been a cycle. The heroes have always had two choice. Find a way to move on from their trauma or either end up dead/possible a hollow person at the end of it.

And it is not like you are not allowed to pursuit justice. You just cant let consume you.


Can night elves please become atheists now?


It could be either or, but I assume her direct intervention with the souls, or attempt to, was her knowing the Maw was waiting for them and trying to kill two birds with one stone.

Guess I will never get justice for Gilneas or Liam then.

Not like I wasn’t already convinced of that two weeks ago, much less 10 years ago.


Created by me :slight_smile:


Yeah thats what I saw.
Bravo to that guy.

I’m actually about to throw up oh my god


Oh, it’s only getting worse. Just read through the Youtube comments.

“The writing team have completely jumped the shark and entered orbit this expansion.”

"Elune’s “help” was literally just killing her worshippers in masse so their souls could be anima juice

Unironic YIKES"

“Blizzard crapping on night elf players and fans once again. I’d say fire these writers already, but considering recent events, clearly actions don’t have consequences for seniors and top brass.”

“Alright, now it’s obvious that they are doing this on purpose to mock the community. No sane writer would write such an utter bs.”

“Ah yes, upper management making decisions that affect the lives of the people working below them, classic projection of internal problems. Way to draw inspiration from real life in the worst way possible.”


Better to be powerless than to be underlings of a stupid goddess. Where’s that Skull of Guldan when you need it?

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Elune let her people die so the fairy forest could get anima.
The forsaken nelves made the right choice.


As stated earlier,


Considering how stupid Elune is, more likely she assumed they do, because she has no clue how the Shadowlands works.

Real talk if you’re feeling this type of visceral reaction due to the games story for your health you should really move on. It’s not worth paying fifteen bucks a month to feel this way homie.


Not likely to happen, but stay bitter about it I guess.

Pretty sure that was a one time thing since they made a big deal out of it, so no, she’s not going to be hijacking any soul streams anytime soon. Well… maybe her ‘favorite children’ again once they aren’t all being funneled into the Maw, but I guess we’d have to wait and see on that one.

Yeah no, neither the Arbiter or the other realms of the Shadowlands would go along with that. Your going to have try to take your vengeance elsewhere instead of relying on cosmic beings to do it for you.

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A lack of omniscience in regards to the Jailer is not indicative that nature loving souls would not end up in the Night Elven afterlife of Ardenweald.

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Whitewashing genocide to be something allowed by Elune was truly my #2 worst case scenario theory.

#1 worst case scenario was Elune and Zovaal are BFFs

#2 was “Elune let Teldrassil happen because magic woo woo reason so it’s justified”


“Vengeance or contract renewal”


that reminds me of another meme

Also created by me :slight_smile:

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