They're gonna screw over Elune and Anshe

There’s a slowly spreading theory that Elune is somehow in cahoots with Zovaal to an extent, or at least allowing him to do his thing up to a certain point

There’s even a theory that Zovaal is Anshe, and when the devs last year said Cairne would appear to tell Baine of the truth of his people, it was about Zovaal, and how Elune saved him (ergo the Earthmother story about how Elune sustained Anshe after a wound by the Dark Ones ie Shadowlands rulers, why the Maw looks oddly almost solar, etc)

And the truth is, given the Elune sister shenanigans (why would you call your nephew’s foster mom a pet?), I wouldn’t put it past them

I think they’re going to villain bat Elune and Anshe.

Same way Velen no longer has an absolute faith in the Light after the Xera shenanigans.

Because religion bad or something


Would you mind explaining how your theory fits in with this - which is supposed to come after whatever the heck we learn from Elune that the Winter Queen was interested in during that one cinematic that we beat to death?



Not my theory so can’t explain it :relieved:

Why are you making stuff up now to come up with random threads?


20 post alt that only exists to respond belligerently to people for years

Welcome 2 the block list

Religion is bad or something lol, ask Thaddeus

Well, can someone? Because you’re elevating it here and raising a concern - I feel like the information that I brought up speaks against it.

You know that I’m a pessimist about Night Elf matters, but that does have to be grounded in existing facts.

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Which admittedly would explain a lot, except for one fact: Why is he called Zovaal?

But they have already cut the myth of Elune a few times, among other things they ruined the myth with their decision with (90%)life pantheon that Elune does not belong to a pantheon but is something else.

That would also explain something, but not why everyone calls him Zovaal, even if the taurename was FALSE once again, it would then be alternatively belore, and not Zovaal.

Not much to reflect given we’re short one cinematic where Elune speaks and a new Tear is formed.

Can’t analyze what we don’t have.

But I do think there’s a non zero chance anshe and elune will be villain batted as was their original intent with Bwonsamdi and as they did with Xera

One can’t deny a non-zero chance of anything, so I can’t really invest much significance in that statement.

However, what I’m asking is how what I’m looking at here - the conclusion to the Ardenweald matter, fits within the theory.


You realize that the raid comes after the ardenweald campaign and we don’t face zovaal in the raid and he very likely gets all 5 sigils to get to the Sepulcher yes?

We’re losing this patch against the Big Bad.

Your reply isn’t addressing the point.

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The conclusion to ardenweald leads to a new sigil after elune intervenes to help make one after saving tyrande

But zovaal claimed the earlier sigil all the same

It’s another case of selective intervention, like Teldrassil.

You can’t screw over someone nonexistent. Anshe doesn’t exist, and has never existed. Not a single person at Blizzard has even thought about the concept since they wrote the vanilla manual. I know you’ve been pretending for the last year that he does exist, but it just isn’t so. You’re fighting windmills, here.

I know its your pet topic, and there’s certainly nothing wrong with desiring that he be implemented. But as it stands, he isn’t real, and you can’t keep going on like this pretending that Blizzard is “screwing over” a made-up deity. Blizzard isn’t even aware of him.

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Okay sure whatever the other 50% of the post stands lol

So, let me see if I understand where you are going with this.

Elune likes Ardenweald, therefore she restores it. However,
Elune also likes Zovaal, so she pretends to support Ardenweald just enough to show that she’s on side, but crucially withholds that support to allow Zovaal to get the sigil.

Is that an accurate way of depicting this?


Essentially sure

You say that as though I have a detail wrong - could you elaborate?

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Bring all your hate, but I could actually dig this. Sometimes Elune has screwed up on the actual “support department” as far as the story is concerned.

This feels less like logical support and well, hate.