Elune Cutscene Anxiety Thread

Lots happening here, so I might have missed.

I need to play through everything yet, but my biggest question is Elune’s actions Re: Teldrassil’s Night Elves.

-Was it Elune COULDN’T save them, so intended to send them as a rush to help Ardenweald. If she couldn’t, why?

-Or did she CHOOSE to not save them, to also send them to Ardenweald.

It sounds like she couldn’t save them for whatever reason. Since she says “In the Wake of great Tragedy” as in “This was going to happen and I couldn’t stop it, so I got what good I could from it and intended to help Ardenweald” (Good being very loose here) but we’ve seen Elune do great things…why couldn’t she stop it. Hmm.


Yeah. I would say it actually makes you care about the characters etc. You also have ACTUAL character development in the story. and the story puts YOU the player in the center instead of being referred to as “MAW WALKER” constantly the game at worst refers to you as “Warrior of light” but I dont mind it as bad as I mind being called “MAW WALKER” or CHAMPION by magni.

I was fine with Garrosh referring to me as champion etc. but magni referring to me as AZEROTHS CHOSEN when i barely interacted with azeroth the entity i just feel like “meh”

Except that we just had it reconfirmed that the Night Elf souls were obliterated in the maw, so renewal for who exactly? Why not have some justice?

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I’m assuming they’re going to use the Tear of Elune to restore Ardenweald. Or as part of something to help stop Zovaal. It’s a powerful artifact of life.

I think the point is it’s become a very tired and overdone plot point that the Alliance has had to go through over and over again. It makes it feel the storytellers are out of fresh and creative ideas on where they want the Alliance story to go, so they just reuse this one pretending like none of us will notice.

And if this is what meant by the justice vs. vengeance story then that’s quite an oof.


well yeah the sigils are basically gonna be the infinity stones if we follow the current story.

They might reveal that in a book or something though. Dont forget to buy the sylvanas book to get “VERY VAGUE ANSWERS”. Or well as we say on earth “A waste of time and money”

Oh look, with a single cinematic, they showed how their story sucks, how Elune is an idiotic jack***, and they ruined anything interesting about Tyrande.

Edit: Well atleast I can tell Ethriel that she was wrong, as there is a cinematic, but I find little joy in it atm.


The implication to me is that she couldn’t save them or intervene enough on that scale, and instead tried to send them directly to Ardenweald, because she knew the Maw was taking all the souls. Instead, her intervention was messed with, and they went to the Maw anyway, and she was unaware because she can’t really see into the Shadowlands.

It seems to be like what happened with Uther, on a much larger scale. The Light couldn’t stop him from being killed, but it did intervene to at least send part of his soul to Bastion.

Honestly I do get what they’re doing, and I don’t have too much issue with it, if it had a stronger base. But that base isn’t there because they let the Darkshore stuff sit for a year instead of actually showing the Night Warrior doing Night Warrior things. It feels like reading a book that’s missing chapters, so to speak.


I still think WoD/Legion did the best jobs including the character as actual characters in the story rather than a transient murder force.


You know I saw this comment on the youtube video so I take no credit for it but it did make almost spit out my coffee.

So the narrative is: Renewal or Vengeance
So you can’t have punitive justice and grow past the pain for the better.

So lets take that in mind and consider the current situation of the great injustices in the Blizzard offices. Truly the corpo scrum must be pushing the:
We did nothing wrong.
Justice is bad and unfair.
Please don’t pursue revenge, instead embrace us for a renewal.

It is absolutely hilarious to me Blizzard corpo speak has now lined up perfectly with this dog doodoo of a story.
Does a victim deserve to render justice on their abuser? WELL OF COURSE NOT THINK ABOUT THE RENEWAL! WILL SOMEONE PLEASE THINK OF THE RENEWAL!?

hahaha, I love it.


I’m not here to say whether it’s good or bad. That’s up to you. But Elune is a life goddess and is responsible for supplying souls for the Shadowlands. She let her people go since all Night Elves go to Ardenweald, in hopes that it would aid her sister whose realm was dying. That’s just her reasoning.


I want to add here as well - mostly for the brigade of people who are speculating on what this means or trying to pass this off as good content. The GD threads on this are pretty solidly against it as well, and the video is getting ratio’d on YouTube.

If you believe that this is good or satisfying content, you are once again in a small minority. For the rest of us, it is not.


This is so bad.

So, so bad.

On a theological level, on a narrative level, on a metaphysical level, in every way.


Nobody gives a f*** about this. Considering Elune let her so-called “favoured children” burn to be soul fuel, well noone should want to be her favoured children.

Ardenweald sucks. Elune sucks. Tyrande sucks. The story is garbage.


This is what I thought as well, like she wanted to pull a Ysera and get them there herself.

Tho personally I think she might be unaware everything was going to the Maw? She just knew the drought was happening.

I’m really trying to not knee jerk reaction everything though. Waiting (Asking) for context. I think the scene helped fill in some gaps but also raised a lot more questions.


So…a life goddess is in charge of…death?

This new cosmology is nonsense.

Elune allowing genocide to her “favoured children” (OH LOOK IT’S CONFIRMED IN-GAME SHE DOESN’T CARE ABOUT TAUREN, TROLLS, OR ORCS) because her sister needed souls is possibly the worst possible story beat they could’ve adapted from the Tanakh/Old Testament.


What this seems to show me as well as otger events that have occured is that Blizzard enjoys being patronizing.

The top comment,

“The victim mustn’t pursue justice”
Very intriguing narrative to come out of blizzard. Yes… Very strange.

Is quite succinct.

IKR?!, it doesn’t make sense because like most things in this story it’s super vague and light on details.

“…guide their souls unto their spring” can hint that they are heading towards some kind of rebirth. But the problem is, and what’s been told to us players is that only Wild Gods and powerful deities like Ursoc and Ysera can reborn through Ardenweald (Ursoc is gone permanently via the Afterlife cinematic short and Ysera is reborn but prematurely and forever tied to Ardenweald now).

Personally even if it meant bringing everyone back to life that burned at Teldrassil I don’t think I’d be for that; you can’t just handwave away a narrative-defining event like that a la Avengers: Endgame. Otherwise what was the point of the last 3 years? :expressionless: lol

This line is also problematic; …“and in the wake of tragedy, sent for the cascade of souls to sustain you”.

Here, others have noted that they think this kind of implies that Elune had the power to intervene at Teldrassil, but personally I don’t think so. It’s subtle and confusing wording to be sure, but for me after watching this cinematic several times I actually think it means that while she couldn’t intervene at Teldrassil, she tried to guide all the souls to Ardenweald after.

BUT! This doesn’t make sense at all:

  1. Elune has no control over who gets sent where in the Shadowlands. Why would she think the “cascade of souls” would go right to Ardenweald? She can’t control that, the Arbiter was supposed to. And even if she could, obviously they were all getting sent to the Maw, which again, how did she not know that? In fact she did know that, she “…heard your cries, felt your pain” etc etc so she was obviously attuned enough to know something was wrong in Ardenweald, why would she think just throwing more resources at the problem would make it go away? :sweat_smile:

But in the end, Tyrande is back to her normal self. Somewhat lost in all this is the fact that I think that now makes her the only vessel to take the Night Warrior’s power and live afterwards.

I’m not sure what that seed, fashioned from Elune’s tear at the end there is supposed to be.