Elune Cutscene Anxiety Thread

We do not know if Elune actually could prevent this. We only know what she did after…

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This is not your finest work.

I don’t think this is the implication either. Elune took advantage of a bad situation and tried to save the Night Elven afterlife of Ardenweald on her sister’s, The Winter Queen’s, behalf.


Cool story bro

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So the abuser was misled or was not thinking correctly when they did all the bad things. But they are an ALLY now so that means we have to accept them.

The abused must never pursue justice in any form because it is bad and self destructive.

Bravo blizzard.
This perfectly explains your recent history.

Blizzard has a toxic culture that must be addressed (The Horde)
Actually its not blizzard its just that one or two persons (Alex and friends)
Actually Alex and friends are misunderstood and not at fault and pursuing justice is detrimental to the person that feels like a victim.
We think this is all out of proportion and we should all just come together and heal… a renewal if you will of this relationship.

… Danuser what are you doing?

D: Taking down notes for my storyline.

HR: But this is a training seminar to prepare you for the lawsuit we were made aware of a few months ago. This might take a year or two to come out but we need to prepare. As a public figure of the company you must not deviate from this message.

D: No no I am listening. This is some good stuff.



What was Stormheim if not Genn pursuing vengeance over being… reasonably intelligent and realizing that the apocalypse wasn’t the time to be starting a war?


My personal theory (Until I get more context and story of course) is that Night Elf souls go through the normal process of the Arbiter, as far as I know there isn’t anything to suggest they don’t?

So - Elune is in Communication with the Winter Queen - Or at the very least knows the drought is happening because she can hear their cries.

But, no one knows why the drought is happening. When we get to Oribos, it’s deserted. The lines of travel and communication are down because all of the souls are being sent to the Maw. Denathrius knows, and I think the Kyrian do as well - But no one told the WQ and with her realm rapidly dying she has a lot going on.

SO. With Teldrassil burning, Elune isn’t able to intervene to save them for…some reason … and attempts to bypass the normal route by sending all of the souls to Ardenweald herself. Kind of like she did with Ysera, to help the WQ. Maybe there’s a special shipping label you can put on a soul to tell the Arbiter “Hey send this here” lol

She doesn’t know the Arbiter is down, and they are all rapidly funneled into the Maw.

And from there things continue. WQ thinks she didn’t help. Elune doesn’t know what happened to the souls? IDK It has raised some questions, which is ok, I just hope we get answers!


I agree. I thoroughly enjoyed the cinematic.


Sylvanas a good guy confirmed. Killing Nelfs appeased their god


We do actually.

“I answered your please, you were supposed to get souls”

^That means she allowed Teldrassil to burn for the sake of her sister.

That is literally “Elune let Teldrassil happen for magic woo reason”, because she both affirms she 1) allowed the genocide so that those souls would get to her and b) confirms all night elves were going to go to Ardenweald.


Cool, now you can make a night elf and play as Elune’s personal soul-fuel. Have fun in Ardenweald!


You know I made a post in the RP-forum and asked what people would think about a young priestess of Elune who had lost her faith in Elune after the Burning and started to follow the Holy Light…I didn’t want this to become actual lore!

Honestly though I made a post in the wow-subreddit and I will copy it:

At the current stage of writing the Light is pretty much the best form of faith you can have. It does not rely on moody gods, loa or elementals. You can solely rely on yourself, your own strength, your own willpower and as long as you believe that what you’re doing is just and right…then it will answer your call.

The Light runs on the power of Shonen-anime. If you’re in a dark and desperate moment just pray hard enough and put your entire faith in the Light and everything is possible. The Argent Dawn defending against the Scourge, Tirion shattering his bonds in Icecrown, Liadrin and the Silver Hand repelling the onslaught death knights, our own character after picking up the Ashbringer and freeing ourselves from the power of a dreadlord.


Certainly nothing that’s relevant to current affairs anymore and hasn’t prevented the Gilneas narrative from being dropped like a rock.

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Of course you did.

Enjoy what’s left of this dying company.


Sounds like a cult.
No thanks, I’m going fel.

Screw religion.

Edit: Can someone make a meme overlapping Elune and Afrasiabi

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This is one of the most level-headed takes I’ve seen in the midst of this outrage, and I have to say I agree.

I haven’t been playing WoW for the past week (for, you know, reasons) so I haven’t seen how the questline explains who, what, or where Elune is, so I’m going primarily off the cinematic that was posted.

The quote “in the wake of tragedy” seems to imply Elune made her decision not to help after Sylvanas had already begun said tragedy, not that Elune had planned to genocide her own people.

She also wasn’t simply “hoping” the night elves end up there. It’s pretty clear that there is almost a guarantee that the Kal’dorei get sent to Ardenweald, as even the dreadlords (in the book “Enemy Infiltration”) note a connection between the Emerald Dream and Ardenweald, and we know Elune is heavily linked to the former.

Finally, Elune is a goddess/first one/eternal one/thingy that never dwelt in the mortal realm. I don’t find it particularly lore-breaking that someone in Elune’s position would prioritize saving a cosmic plane of existence over keeping the night elves alive.

To be clear; yes, this is still condoning genocide, and anyone who thought Elune was going to bend over backwards to save the night elves is going to be upset at her decision. However, considering Elune didn’t choose direction action when it came to any of the Legion’s invasions, or the gradual loss of night elf territory to the forces of the Horde, it seems that Elune is either unable to commit to the direction action the Night Elves/Night Elf fans are looking for, or she is simply apathetic due to her station as a goddess. Both are possibilities that track with what we know of Elune so far.


Probably Pantheon of Life, but yes, this one. Because, if you haven’t figured it out yet, THERE ARE NO REAL GODS IN WARCRAFT!

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Temporally soul fuel. She tells about the rebirth.
She have send her children to help her sister, to be reburned back to Azeroth later.
Why not if in this case death does not means much?

I don’t play lesser player races.

Just leave him be, his entire schtick is spite posting other people who don’t enjoy the writing and expects other people to feel sorry for his own hang-ups about it.

Not worth your time.


Please don’t give me the “wait and see” crap again.
It doesn’t matter because the point is she made the decision to let them die, knowing they will not be reborn in the first place. It’s only because of Tyrande that she gives them the “renewal” option.
Either way, I highly doubt they will be reborn.

This is not true. Only Wild Gods can be reborn through the pods.