Elf fans. Do you still want High Elves?

They asked the largest high elven force from a neutral city to come assist them against the Amani… She was not there to save them. She was there to help them because they (Halduron) thought they needed more troops and didn’t want to drain forces from the Horde or the rest of the Blood Elves dealing still with the Scourge.

Vereesa was not exiled. Shes not allowed back now that shes actively Hostile. But she was not exiled. She left to live with her husband in Dalaran.

I mean after the truce against the Amani I wouldn’t want a hostile force sitting on my doorstep either…

I always support my fantasy races, such as elves, being more diverse.

Its also nice to be able to use darker tones that have shown up in previous books but not in game.

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yes, but i’d prefer people not assume selected skin color has anything to do with real life politics lol



I should level Persistent up, but she’s my only fleshy void elf.

Representation and diversity are not “real life politics”

Once void elves got non void options they were included in the full range of available skin tones as they should at that point.

But to be very clear when I did support HEs on the alliance I recall a large sentiment of



takes like that encouraged and spoken loudly in high elf fan spaces that I feel is important to call out.

Blood Elves are High Elves make no mistake, but any high elves neutral or alliance aligned are like blood elves diverse w the full range of skin tone options to reflect that representation, and the people who say stuff like the above should be called out.


What would be added on the horde to compensate? Couldn’t be too unique when Helves are just a recolor. Maybe Forest Trolls? Or Taunka?

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same thing happened when blood elves and humans got more skin color options. so not only isnt it political, its not even factional. it could be chalked up to people who want changes to be lore supported or it could be chalked up to people who dont like change (they get panicky if the familar changes) or it could be people who are racist, but since we cant say which one it is, its better to just assume its the least negative - they want the game to be consistent with its lore.

i proved that humans could easily be diverse, since there are whole factions in the desert for generations. was a bit harder to argue in favor of elves having non blue shades since their ancestors were highborne but this is where i think the answer is obvious: if we had a color wheel at char creation, like most games, none of this would be an issue.


Funny how you keep trying to reference this as some unshakeable claim to shut down any argument….yet it’s obvious you have no idea about the story behind the entire event to begin with.

What you’re referencing is the event when the Silver Covenant came to Quel’thalas on invitation by Halduron to help with the sudden rising Amani threat.

Why you may ask?

Firstly …it’s based around a player written story of Halduron and his wishes to reunite the High Elven (yes that’s both the high elves and blood elves) people under one nation. The story won 1st place and as a prize they added Vereesa into a story arc that, unsurprisingly enough, once again supplemented the Blood elven storyline.

Secondly, The Horde forces were already away and spread thin and the Amani were suddenly on the rise. Vereesa never disconnected from Quel’thalas, she and even Alleria still have contacts and friends within and Vereesa has multiple times referenced Quel’thalas as her home (despite her living away for so long…). She was in contact with Halduron and knew of the looming threat and immediately went in to assist the Blood Elves from their age old enemy: The Amani.

The entire story was the idea of a union of the separated groups under common grounds and objective, and to showcase that there was hope for a cease of hostilities. It wasn’t about some…showcase of Vereesa superiority which you seem to be tooting…


i saw a video the other day that said forest trolls is a real possibility based on a graphic visible from a dev’s laptop or some such during an interview. it showed all the playable races and forest trolls, ogres or similar. i’ll see if i can find it

here it is


Would be very nice if true. I’d love to see Ogres on the Horde and Vrykul on the Alliance so orcs and humans both get their “giant Progenitor” races.

see my post above - found the video

And I called those same people out too.

Thats literally what I said.

This sounds a little too close to the type of people who want diversity to be explained away but are fine w the status quo of white people simply being allowed to exist in setting.

Being against representation or having stances rooted in racism and hiding behind “they want lore consistency” is a bad take.

Anyways, thats all I had to add on this matter, was that diversity and representation exists on high elves/blood elves, and trying to object to that by saying its political is a bad take.

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Just here to complete my weekly
YES, I still want High Elves. Also, I won’t be on for a bit because I canceled my sub and it’ll lapse tomorrow.

“Live long and prosper”
-Some logical High Elf…probably


What this game really needs is more space goats.

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No I want cookie elves!

remove “away” and you are correct. since azeroth is not real life, they argued that the races should just follow the lore. if humans always looked caucasian, they should always look caucasian. well humans did have a dark brown option in vanilla so, they always looked diverse, its just the amount of diverse options were scant. so it was good that more were added. do i detect you are suggesting i’m racist?


Can void elves please have green eyes option and more belf hairstyles, at least?


can lightforged draenei have more than 1 eyecolor? all they have is yellow. its weird considering every other race has multiple eye colors.


Quoting another thread where this same convo has come up / the answer I would point to on the issue.

But simply put the humanoid races including High Elves should and do have diverse representation and that should receive 0 objection from anyone unless they have a certain mindset.


Quelthalas and the kingdom of the High(Blood) Elves are one such race that is diverse, full stop. That diversity doesn’t end for any High Elves that are neutral / Alliance leaning is what I am saying, because the thread took a turn in several places where peoples suggestions were…

Here was one such case, where Fenelon corrected them.

I’m a bit confused by youre statement because you seem to say “it has nothing to do w politics” when saying this but

But what I said was verbatim that.

Where I’m noticing the disconnect and I don’t know why, is because you seem to be defending people who say problematic things if they hide behind saying its for lore reasons.

While I hope you find this answer insightful maybe even going through the linked thread w the quote I provided, I will say I am done w this convo, because it seems circular both in our exchange but as the topic as a whole- I only chimed in because I think its important to note that High Elves like humans are diverse in wow end of story.


Assigning IRL epigenetics into a game where humans come from Lovecraftian Cursed Robots is so completely banal and ridiculous lmao

It’s much more interesting and coherent for different skin colors and hair textures to be due to different robot materials.

Godforbid, maybe people can RP that White Humans have a greater magical affinity for iron and Black Humans have a greater magical affinity for copper when we eventually get more Human Shaman besides Kul Tirans.


At this point, I think what is best is a narrative, not even a race. Just some Silver Covenant plot, perhaps connecting them with Void Elves. It’s kinda already done with Alleria there.

And share customization between Blood Elves and Velves. This is mandatory.