Elf fans. Do you still want High Elves?

naturally. if you’ll recall i was talking about people who wanted the game to stick with the lore, but nothing in the lore suggests people of any race must be a specific color. humans could be green, elves could be turquoise, etc. i’m not disagreeing with diversity at all. just explaining that people who have fair skinned void elves arent ww2 villians by default. diversity is great. no complaints here other than my disagreement with the idea that fair skin = bad

(this is a hyper alt)

this was not what the discussion was about. the person who was worried that high elf fans were a bunch of racist ww2 villians because they select the fairer skin options, is what started this. it isnt political. people dont select fair skin options because of some political stance. this got lannislight worked up because he thought i was arguing against diversity, when what i was disagreeing with was the concept that fair skin selection is possible evidence of racist political ideology.

i then spent the next 3 or 4 posts, trying to analyze why some people argue against diversity in a video game with established lore, to calm lannislight down, but it only made it worse. suffice it to say, the actual argument was just me trying to defend people’s skincolor choices.

(i’m lightspeed)

what color would the low elves be

maybe the devs could remove the word “high”, and just have it be elf. i personally, dont care about the title beyond differentiating “high elves” from void elves, since those 2 groups are quite a bit different from each other.

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well ive seen people who were upset about changes to luke skywalker in disney star wars that had nothing to do with diversity. people who were upset about changes to dr. who, star trek, comic book franchises, etc. people who were upset about changes to all manner of pop culture stories and who argued that these changes were unnecessary and in some cases, malicious. so my assumption was that people who dont want wow to be diverse, view it as more changes for the sake of change, at the expense of the game’s lore. i dont agree with them but i dont auto assume they’re arguing it so the game will be only be for white people. that seems unlikely.

Lor isn’t King and he was a fool. They needed Vereesa to save them, which she did despite how they treated her afterwards. These are the same people that tried to kidnap her kids. Yet she still saved them.

That’s the difference between a High Elf and a Blood Elf.

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these arent real racial groups. they are fictional. they do whatever the writer decides they do.


Well, it’s clear you didn’t play TBC. Everything you’re basing your argument upon is based after TBC lore and Blizzard revamped the starting area. So, your arguments bear no merit as you don’t evsn know the lore.

High Elves cannot have reddened skin or green eyes - that’s a Blood Elf only thing. That was due to the Fel and Blood Elves sucking up all the magic around them - especially Fel which was used as a substitute since the Sunwell was gone and forcibly draining an imprisoned Naaru isn’t effective.

When Blood Elves came out they all had only Green eyes and reddened skin compared to their original pale skin. In contrast the High Elves of the Alliance, Lodges, and Dalaran retained pale skin and blue eyes as they weren’t tainting themselves with Fel.

Their racial was different as well to reflect the Blood Elves indulging on all magic without concern- especially Fel, which was used in their structures. We also know Fel canonically changes any race that consumes too much of it. Such as the Red Eredar, Fel Orcs and Fel Elves.

That is the canon. Deal with it.


Your point? The lore is consistent upon the behavior of the Blood Elves. They’re traitorous, ungrateful, and will toss aside anything and anyone when they no longer can use them.

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That is a private server. Not retail. The character select menu isn’t even the same as retail.

its fiction.

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the guy who uploaded that just used it as an example. the actual interesting part is in the video. play the first couple minutes of it.

i screenshotted, copy/pasted to graphics program, cut out the interesting part and labelled the races except the two in question. to me it looks like a draconid and a troll. or a frost dwarf and a troll or an ogre and a troll. too blurry

interesting, the dracthyr not on the image

hmm maybe a bird race? dunno sure looks like a dwarf

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  1. Lorthermar Isn’t king because he expressley chose not to be king, everyone would have been fine with it but his loyalty to the sunstriders was such that he refused to take the title nor allow anyone else to have it.
  2. She chose to walk away from her home and really wasn’t owed a damn thing by them after the fact.

Sure they can.

Green eyes yes, reddened skin no. Unless you’re talking about a tan.

Or it was just a case of players having access to more customizations so that they weren’t the same generic shade.

This may come as a shock to you but Blood elves have a whole bunch of different eye colors which by your logic would indicate that even if this conjecture was true at some point it isn’t really anymore.


It’s funny how this applies to all of your logic.


I am 99.9% certain those are just placeholder icons for male and female dracthyr


Even if it wasn’t it doesn’t really prove anything; Like writers and game devs have ideas all the time that don’t actually go anywhere.


That looks like a Dwarf.

Vereesa saved them. They owe her a lot, especially after trying to kidnap her kids so they could force her to leave the Alliance and serve as their slave puppet. Even with the hatred within the Blood Elves, they know how popular the Windrunner name still is and that Vereesa is one of the greatest Elven generals still around. They wanted her sister too, but they eventually exiled her as well.

As long as the Windrunners are on the Alliance, there will be a good portion of High Elves that won’t return home and agree to serve the Horde as Blood Elves.

Vereesa is right to hate the Blood Elven leadership. They’re hypocrites, liars, and cowards who bear no honor or pride for what they used to be.