The shallowness of Human Lore in Warcraft--Why?

Because all other people’s IRL were used for the monster races

That is the point of the game

Troll = Subsaharan Africa, Southern Amerindian, Latin American, and Caribbean
Dwarf = Scottish + Irish

You cannot assign Phenotype Blackness to a singular kingdom because it forces a racist narrative onto the game that separates Black people from all in-game Human Lore as we know it

And you certainly cannot double dip on Cultural Blackness, that ship has sailed long ago

I don’t give a damn how other franchises do it, because other franchises didn’t make the active choice to assign NonWestern Cultures to Monster Race ubiquitously and invariably and “forgot” to include NonWhite Humans for two decades.

All Humans come from Tentacle Monster Cursed Robots Of Varying Materials that landed on the shores of Lordaeron and established kingdoms with vacant blank slate histories ATM meant to be analogues of Western Europe and Anglo America.


You’re trying to inject IRL racial histories and opening the door for racist players and absolutely not.

There’s enough cultural diversity within the context of Western Europe to create nuance for the Humans. More than enough.

More to the point: whose alt are you :roll_eyes: