Elf fans. Do you still want High Elves?

go to a rp server and say youre a high elf, some ppl dont care if you post it on there

Off Topic but Nice Totem.


I personally think though the race select screen needs to be overhauled and then it can accommodate a lot of sub races easily.

For Example,
Creating a new character takes you to Horde or Alliance, brief description on them.

Say I go Horde, it takes me to Race Selection, I pick Tauren then it takes me to sub race, Bloodhoof, Highmountain, Grimtotem.

Each will have its own unique Customisations, Lore and all that jazz.

This can easily be implemented for all races Horde and Alliance.

This way Blizzard essentially has the ground work to add further, Tribes, Clans, Subrace off shoots (think Broken for Draenei) easily, while also room for future races without cluttering the screen.

Human > Stormwind, Kul’tiran, Gilnean.
Troll > Darkspear, Forest.
Dwarf > Bronzebeard, Wildhammer, Dark Iron.

You get the idea.

Ofcourse most new added races/sub races will start at Exile Reach, but essentially it can be limitless and future proofing the design.

So regarding the High Elf controversy, you’d Select Alliance > Elf, then would take you to the options of Night Elf, High Elf, Void Elf.

I think what’s most important is the Tag, so you will be identified as “Bloodhoof Tauren”, just like “Dark Iron Dwarf”.

Your clan and tribe is just as important. Not just for Lore reasons, but players themselves selected races purely cause of the connection they’ve grown to love playing all Warcraft games.

Some people don’t want to be a “Void Elf” in High Elf cosplay, they want to be identified and known as “High Elf”.

What I love about WoW is it’s race diversity, Blizzard needs to double down on this, no other mmo can compete.

Edit: I’ve never understood the reasoning for being against other players who just want to play a race they love, WoW has such amazing lore and history. Let the players be happy.


Says the Blood Elf.

At least the Horde doesn’t recognize you as their main hub pretends your race doesn’t exist.

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Allied races and unlocks killed that option.

Blizzard even did the Wildhammer Dwarves dirty. All they did was add tatoos and call it a day. Wildhammer Dwarves are nothing like Ironforge Dwarves yet that’s all they get.

Furthermore, it wouldn’t work as High Elves and Void Elves won’t join the Horde. So it would be odd to have someone go Horde Blood Elf then see 2 blocked out options as they’re Alliance only.


Horde Elf selection could open up to Blood Elf, Nightborne and San’layn.

“ The San’layn (sometimes spelled in lowercase, also known as the Darkfallen ) are Vampyr Blood Elves in service to the Scourge. They used to be among Kael’thas Sunstrider’s greatest followers, until they were raised into undeath by Arthas following Illidan Stormrage’s failed assault on the Frozen Throne.”

They are basically an off shoot of Blood Elves, speak Thalassian too.

Not to mention been requested a lot aswell. Like I said it’s future proof for when they choose to add more.

But I agree 10000% what they’ve done to Wildhammer Dwarves is completely wrong and unfair.


They would still need to do all the stuff a playable race needs like racials, a hub, heritage armor, customization options, and the such.

So it’s basically Allied Races but condensed into a tab. That might confuse players. Especially for races that must be unlocked.

Alliance would be kinda bare too.


  • Stormwind
  • Kul Tiran
  • Worgen

Night Elf


  • Gnome
  • Mechagnome


  • Ironforge
  • Dark Iron
  • Wildhammer


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No, she isn’t. There is no form of declaration or otherwise of such. Show your source or just stop making up facts. If you knew anything of High Elven/Blood elven culture, you’d know why her being declared a leader of the high elves makes no sense and is an insult to it.

Not all High elves are in the Silver Covenant.
Not all High Elves follow Vereesa.

Yes, she is. It’s written in several of her descriptions and bios. It is the defining concept of her entire arc with the existence of the Silver Covenant and her leadership…


Yes, she is. That’s why she always leads all High Elf forces. Not just the Silver Covenant. All Alliance High Elves answer to her command.

Not sure why this is a hard concept for you.

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Lol, this will never happen and requesting it is a waste of time since he has no real source or sources it’s mainly headcannoing how somehow that the Blood Elves aren’t the High Elves because he wants them for Alliance despite it being our entire lore and the fact Blizzard wouldn’t give Alliance High Elves in BC, Legion or BFA they got Draenei, Void Elves, Lightforged, Kul Tiran, etc.


Bloods Elves are High Elves. If you haven’t accepted yet you are just comically wrong.
Also Blood Elves that still call themselves High Elves are just disrespectful traitors, we are still defending the homeland while you are playing skip with the Alliance while our beautiful city was razed and attacked by the Scourge multiple times.

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The posiition of ranger general is moot given that she has no loyalty to quelthalas.


Blizz should have just added High Elves first, then found a way to add the whole void thing with Alleria later.


Welcome to every conversation with emet.


Yet they called Vereesa in to save them.

Funny how Blood Elves are. Exiled her and those under her, yet beg her to save them, then kick her out after she saves them.

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“They” didn’t, Halduron Brightwing did without the foreknowledge of Lorthemar.

Only takes 5 minutes to find the embellishments that you slather about.


I just want the option to play a San’layn.

If Blizzard ever wanted to make a chaotic evil faction in Warcraft with playable races then maybe add the San’layn and possibly the Eredar.
Would this make sense in the Warcraft lore…probably not but I still would like them as a playable race.


can they add medium elves and low elves too

As long as high elves got dark skinned options, I’m fine with it. Any time I see high elves in games, its void of color. Comes off as…only a certain group seem to like that. Like I’m not african or super dark, but hispanic and have more color than they do and get mixed up with being light skinned quite often (to my dismay in certain encounters with certain groups of people). I mean, this character is light skinned that isn’t an issue, but I have a lot of dark skinned characters of all types.

Because the problem with adding high elves and making them look like every game makes them look, its gonna be the race all the…hmm…red hatted people would hop onto and it wouldn’t make the game any better, but the opposite.

Like warhammer total war…high elves are all as non-color as you can possibly make them in a game.

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nature is efficient, so if you dont get sun exposure often or intense enough to require melanin increases, your skin cells economize and you end up pale after many generations. it has nothing to do with politics, its just how nature deploys resources in the body.

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