EDIT: FIXED (kinda) Personal note - Ran out of food money today

I don’t actually think they said anything bad. Literally two mentions of a pronoun. But you are lurking in their discord channel in a place you’re not wanted internet stalking them?

They sure do! Worked at one while going to Heavy Equipment operators trade school.
Had tons to eat every day!

Maybe you can point out what was bad, or perhaps its missing context. I just dont see it. I have not been known to be very empathetic when it comes to online interactions.

Additionally, really I just cant bring myself to believe you at all. You claim to be a world class feral druid on the EU servers, yet you dont provide a name, your not playing on US servers at all based on your achievements which means your just using this account to post on these forums.

Europeans tend to be much more accepting of LGBTQ stuff, so coming here and going out of your way just to be in your own opinion “abused” seems really suspect to me.


Linking threads to bridage them,

Are all casual solo players supposed to quit on - #485 by Pawzer-moon-guard (The thread they linked, where I had corrected someone that constantly called me ‘it’ and continued such behavior through March and Thallia/Rhielle continually defended them despite me correcting them previously and in that thread.)

Open use of slurs (derogatory towards women, etc, as well as Ableist ones commenting on mental health.)

I provided a name. All the logs I’ve posted are my chars, all connected to the same account.

Yes, as most EU posters do? Are you even aware that there’s a bunch of EU posters that got put on the Community Council and even had to make a US account to become one and post in the CC forums?

?? Depends on the country, I wouldn’t say it’s particularly ahead of the USA. A lot of people on EU say the same thing about the US because of specific states.

Ah yes, ye olde victim blaming. Again, more fitting for your name.

Am I funny?

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Yea man, people complain about the pay, and it truly is crap, but you can’t beat not having to get groceries ever.

I mean I bought some fresh veggies and some fruit for breakfast to try to stay healthy, but other than that… I just ate at work.

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Using the word dude to refer to anyone is part of my culture.


Maybe 20 years ago.

This guy has some great budget recipes for people who are struggling.


Yea, I am in no way struggling, but Wolf Pit is a good Youtube channel. I also like…

For struggle meals.

And for the record, you can be rich and frugal. Even those of us with a lot of money don’t like to spend it.


Security deposit part has me scratching my head. How old are you that you didn’t know this was a thing?


And if you want another reality check on just how much we throw at food that is unnecessary… just watch the kind of stuff the people on the show Alone eat.

You can just toss anything in water and make a stew.

Yeah, i lived off those pork chops!! I was also a Picasso with a can of tuna!! This was back in the mid 80’s! Great times!

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Pretty sure itsd not so much frugal if you have more money than you “need”, sounds alot like hording wealth. that imbalance in general is why the vast majority of the US in impoverished

OH please. I earned what I earned and I invested. My investments allowed others to better themselves IF THEY CHOOSE. Some of you choose to make all the wrong decisions you’re presented an option with. That’s not my fault.

Same here. Any land lord worth their salt get first month, and security deposit. They also get last month in advance if its not a month to month lease.

Not just that, it has to be written into your lease.


In the US it’s extremely easy to succeed. But at every turn in the road, you all make poor decisions.

Alcohol, drugs, early pregnancy, focusing on partying or social relationships over education, focusing on how work is getting one up on you instead of volunteering and growing…

You all look at things for excuses. You don’t look at things as opportunities. And that’s a mental difference more than a WEALTH difference.

You have poor habits, I have good habits.

Keep stretching ya’lls ears and getting sleave tattoos. Meanwhile I struggled in my teens and twenties to educate myself and work hard. And now you’re surprised I have more money.


Not always true, it depends on where and the company/people that own it. Plenty of places that are just security deposit and don’t require a first or last months rent, though a lot more do security deposit + first months rent (if you move in at the middle of the month you get a reduction on your next month.)

What sucks is when you have to security deposit for electric and other stuff too.

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