EDIT: FIXED (kinda) Personal note - Ran out of food money today

Gotcha - i was unaware of how much yall did. Thanks for the info tho!

All I said was that that particular word is not necessarily gendered in modern discourse.

But then I deleted it because I didn’t want to get into an argument. And I’m not responding to anything else you say.

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Yeah, it is just gold or green text. Also a flag letting Council folks post on the Council forums. Nothing more.

I’m sure the person that’s intentionally misgendered me in this thread and avoided using my announced pronouns thinks it is too, but it’s not. It’s also something I’ve said i’m not comfortable being called. Not hard to abide by that, because it’s a masculine leaning word with the connotations to follow.

You are gonna hate me then, I call everyone dude. Pretty sure I called my mother that once.


One of my favorite 1-pan “cheap” meals (although “cheap” and “meals with meat in them” are increasingly an oxymoron)

1 cup rice
1 pound ground beef
Garlic salt
Diced or dry onion
Chili powder
1 8oz can tomato sauce

Brown 1 pound of ground beef in a large pan, drain the grease. In the same pan, add 2 cups of water,1 cup of rice, the can of tomato sauce, onions, seasoning to taste. Bring it to a boil and then cover and reduce heat until the rice is tender but not mushy according to the package instructions for the timing and the water is gone.

The initial investment can be a little pricey, but once you’ve got decent-sized containers of rice, garlic salt, chili powder and dried onion they can last for many meals. 8oz cans of tomato sauce are usually well under a dollar. The ground beef can run you several dollars but when finished it makes a couple of meals worth of servings. It’s fast, easy, has protein and carbs to fill you up, and if you do the meat without rice or water and three cans of tomato sauce instead of one you’ve got a good basic meaty spaghetti sauce. A package of spaghetti noodles will only run you about a dollar if you’re not getting fancy GMO-free organic blah de blah. And then you’ve got two potential meals you can do with the same seasonings.


I’m fairly certain “trolling” in the general sense is against the CoC. I wonder what cutoff or specific behavior is considered enough to have broken the rules. I’m guessing it’s a case-by-case thing dependent on whatever mod is reviewing what is written.

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It is, and unfortunately it’s also case-by-case per post, which means that trash posters like a certain worgen get to behave the way they do over and over again without review.

This forum is inundated with unchecked trolling thanks to their piss poor moderation.


Who misgendered you?

You can do whatever floats your boat in your food… For me it would depend on the type of curry.

It is their SOP… Don’t engage… Just report and move past.


In this thread? A decent bit.



Ironically, the people telling others to ignore/report is something they’re not supposed to do. Guess they never read the EULA.

dude is gendered now? sheesh man i’ve been out of it for a while


ask a straight man if they would be with a dude. It’s definitely not gender neutral and cis people know it. No amount of cis females telling me they’re ok with being addressed as dude will make me ever believe it’s a neutral term. It’s especially harmful for mtf trans people because people do not respect the fact that they are women and they get constantly misgendered.

It’s not hard to not use certain terms when people have stated they’re not comfortable with it. Its definitely gendered in the same way “you guys” for a mixed group of people is. That it is widely used exemplifies how western society privileges maleness as default.

Male-default words are not gender neutral as much as some people want them to be, I’m not telling you that you can’t call others the word - just don’t call me that please.

yea fo sho

To be fair, “dude” is often widely accepted to be gender neutral. However, if you say you don’t want to be called that, then I won’t call you that.


Some people get a certain entertainment poking trolls just to see what responses you get. It’s like engaging with a chatbot, almost.


That actually makes you look pretty bad. Not them.


Been in the situation far too often. It is rough, sometimes you just have to eat ramen with hot dogs, or stuff like that. Don’t buy fast food, if you have a place to store / cook food yourself. Inflation is insane right now and just going to get worse.

Very telling post of yours if you don’t think discord brigading, intentional misgenders and pronoun jokes, and slurs directed at others is the side you go with. But you do you, as already pointed by your char name.

Again, more telling of you than anything.

I’m not in their discord, thanks though. Those were screenshots shared by friends and other server members that are not happy with other peoples behavior there.