EDIT: FIXED (kinda) Personal note - Ran out of food money today

BIG UPDATE: I’ve taken a lot of advice and I’ve managed to stretch out what I’ve got into meals that should last me til payday. I’m gonna do my best to be more frugal. Thank you all so much for the support :heart:

And, if y’all are gonna refer to me, my pronouns are she/her and I’m a queer lady working as a barista.

I’ve gooooot five dollars in my pocket. Tried really hard to stretch stuff out by cancelling anything I’d bought for myself when I was comfy - netflix, WoW - heck - even meds.
But now I am in the position where I’m trying to just ignore it throughout the day so I can buy a sandwich from 7-11 and go to bed a little less hungry.

It’s all gone to rent - tis lovely to be told you’ve paid the first month - only to be told, “oh no, that’s just the security deposit. I’d like another x amount of money please.” After you decided to go celebrate with friends. Because you thought you had security.

I’m trying to distract myself right now but all my thoughts are scattered and I…don’t really know what to do tbh. Tried googling ideas but all I got was stuff for weight loss which is…a touch of cruel irony.

There’s like - a trail of unfortunate events leading to this. So much is out of my control - and so much of it would’ve been better if I’d just assumed like…I can’t do something as simple as buy anxiety meds for myself without worrying about whether or not I’ll eat that week.
If anyone’s got tips please go for it. Might be dumpster diving tonight.


Step one: cancel your sub


Did that almost a month ago. :sunglasses: :point_right: :point_right:

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As much as I feel for anyone in this situation … I just highlighted one of the easiest ways to make a change.

If you’re poor … never, Never, NEVER buy ANYTHING at a convenience store. You’re paying for CONVENIENCE. If you’re broke, you can’t afford that.

Go to a regular grocery store and learn how to cook. The $5 you spend at 7-11 for one meal will feed you all week.

Good luck.


So - this is true!

The issue is that there’s no grocery stores around me in like…a 2 mile radius.
Actually, scratch that. You’re right. I can’t afford convenience.
I guess I’ve kinda just been giving in to intrusive thoughts on that front. Getting out’s particularly hard cause of my flavor of brain. I’ve got voices and usually the meds help but - eep.
Thanks hun. :frowning: I appreciate the tip.
I’m gonna get some work done and head out in a bit to look for somewhere I can make my $5 last.

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Google up a budget template and actually plot your spending out. Be honest with yourself and make it uncomfortable. You’d be surprised by what you can limit your spending on.


There are even YT channels DEDICATED to “depression era” cooking. I saw one it was a lovely 80+ year old gramma making things she grew up on when her family lived off dirt.

It’s not all Gordon Ramsey cream sauce French junk. There is a niche for people trying to stretch a dollar. A lot of haute-cuisine we know of now actually came from simply BEING BROKE. French Onion soup didn’t start as a wonderful appetizer. It was because the French HAD NOTHING.

Again-- good luck! :slight_smile:


Pan handle, look for times when restaurants toss out left overs, get water and shower in public areas. Usually there are parks where you can do that. When I say pan handle just ask people politely for a quarter here and there, sometimes you will get more. Heck one guy gave me $20 one time. Do not do this outside around booze stores though. Walk around and look for money, honestly I found a $20 on the ground once and have seen a few other bills before, people drop stuff. Change is everywhere, well depending where you live.

edit: You can never go wrong with Ramen.


That’s true - lemme do that first. :3 Better to have a framework for stuff before heading out.

ALSO YES!!! Food history is so honkin interesting to me - like the gentrification and honkin theft of things that define the lower class is insane and…it’s good to remember our roots. I’mma head out in a half hour or so once I’ve got a recipe.

Easiest thing: whatever you’re cooking, just add rice or pasta to it. For less than $1, you can turn any meal into six meals. :slight_smile:


Use google to search for “food shelves near me”


You may also try and see if there are any Food Banks or Food Pantries in your area. In most states, unlike a food assistance program, many of these places don’t require you apply for benefits ahead of being hungry. If there are any large churches, synagogues, or mosques in your area, they may also be able to help. There is no shame asking for some help while you get back on your feet.


Don’t feel too bad OP, I’m sure a lot of us will be “involuntarily” losing weight in this crappy economy with food prices doing what they’re doing lol

As for your immediate situation, obviously hit up a nearby food bank/charity place for some free temporary food. If being broke is a recurring thing for you, consider applying for food stamps and/or whatever other welfare programs you can qualify for/get into. Workers at your nearby government office should be able to point you in the right direction/help you out


I just wanna thank all of you for this.
Like…so much.
Situations like this are really honkin hard for me because I’ve got…something. Schizophrenia, DiD - no idea - but hearing and seeing crap that isn’t there is part of my daily life. When things aren’t going so great, everything panics and it leads to not so good decisions. Usually I go to friends in those moments but like…in this case I know none of us are eating well right now.

But y’all have given me a lot of hope. You’ve given me a game plan and places to look. I just found a channel that’s got some great, affordable recipes - I’m gonna go out and grab something to make. :3

Thank you. Genuinely. You’ve all helped a girl out more than you know. <3


Ramen noodles… not the best for you, but can stave off hunger, back in the day… I would get a can of chicken or eggs to scramble, and a sprig of green onions helps the taste and adds protein… just saying… this economy just sucks for everyone, but it’s a lesson learned, I guess or hope. also you might want to look up your local food bank… almost every town has one through churches or city centers.


As someone who live on exeistential-minimum;
Buying a sandwich at 7/11 is not an option for me.
Its a lot cheaper to buy the “materials” for sandwiches, and stretches further too.

You have to think smart, not fun, when living on low money - even if it comes as a surprise (I once got asked to pay 1500 euro cause of something I missed to report, something the person who died used to keep track of; long story…)

I lived on potatoes for 2 months cause of financial stuff.
I’ve learnt to budget for WoW tho, cause its my only “escape” and hobby that is consistent and also provides me a social outlet.

Living on nothing (almost) makes you choose;
7/11 sandwich and a small soothing feeling of not having to make your own, lasting for approx 15min
buy materials at the grocery store, have enough to sustain you for a while

Good luck and sending lots of hugs, it’s rough and please try keep yourself calm <3


It was good to hear this. Like as much as my head screams that it doesn’t wanna cook, I don’t really have an option at the moment.

I’m going out in a couple minutes to try and find a market near me - I just moved - but you’re right. 7-11 ain’t an option. I was kinda deluding myself into thinking it was cheap.

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Don’t worry, I go there too - “comfort” food, so to speak, having it finished and ready to eat. Sometimes (in some cases) tastier too — but we cant always go that road if we wanna be smart.

Save up for the spenders and it will feel better in the end <3
Again, lots of hugs to you, you will make it :cherry_blossom:


I usually cook one or two meals a week. End up with leftovers that last for 3-4 days.


My partner and I use one of those meal subscription box things. It hammers out to about $3.50 per meal serving so really isn’t expensive, and eradicating the mental strain of having to meal plan or make grocery lists would be worth it even if it were.

sod off