EDIT: FIXED (kinda) Personal note - Ran out of food money today

Check out Julie Pachecco on Youtube. She has several videos on how to cook for a family of 3 for a whole week on less than $25 or so dollars. High protien high fiber stuff with veggies too. Not just corn and eggs. They are called emergency grocery budgeting.

good vibes your way :revolving_hearts:

Didn’t do any of these things. Was literally the very definition of introvert throughout all college.

And yet, despite that:

I struggled for the better part of five years.

Sometimes you can do everything right and it’s still not enough.


Your post gets a +1 just for this part.

I struggled for longer than five years. You’re not special. You have to grow into wealth. Wealth isn’t always given to you. And those with generational wealth statistically don’t keep it.

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That’s quite the high horse love.


You struggled for longer than five years and yet you make absurd claims like:

Extremely easy implies success comes easy. If you’re struggling, it’s not easy.

P.S. I never claimed to be special. In fact, I think I’m the opposite because I know I’m not the only person who struggles.


And you’re supposed to be broke and starving, but you’re posting on the WoW Forum all day. Did you even go and apply for assistance today?

I’ve eaten. I don’t have work today. Goodness gravy a girl can’t do anything without getting criticized huh? I HAVE snap. I’m on assistance.
I have a honkin job. :frowning:


Wealth doesn’t fall from the sky. It is easy. You’re in your 20s or late teens. You’re more durable than you know.

Kinda reinforces a lot of the stereotypes that a lot of the ‘well off’ or ‘rich’ just got lucky and then end up looking down at others while they struggle.


Ive been renting for almost 20 years. I have NEVER seen a place that does not take a security deposit. If you can link me to a listing in the US, anywhere, that does not require a security deposit I would be genuinely shocked.

I was pretty surprised too but it sounded like it when I signed the lease - I was wrong and made a mistake. It’s my second apartment.

Lmao you have no idea how old I am? I also never said I was struggling right now. I’m doing fine, but it wasn’t easy getting there. It’s ridiculous to assume success is easy to obtain.


You make your luck.

It’s called mitigation.

You make decisions that make good outcomes more likely.

If your goal is wealth, do you choose the option to just graduate high school or do you choose the option to get a higher education? One increases the chances for wealth to happen more than the other.

And you continue to make decisions that will increase the likelihood of “luck” happening.

What you do is you keep making decisions that don’t increase your chances and then you complain about the people at the end of their path that did.

Instead, look at yourself and your own choices.

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You’re replying out of context. We’re talking about struggling early in life to make wealth later.

Read my post, please.

I simply stated there are some places that do JUST security deposit and don’t require first months rent.

There are places that don’t require security deposit too, but those are usually related to low-income housing.

Generally don’t.

I don’t know, you don’t seem to be making those. You’re here on these forums posting too.

Wonder how many people are in debt as a result of choosing to get a ‘higher education’?

How many of those end up working jobs not related to the field, or end up unable to finish and in school loan debt too?


Ew. Heck no. Ain’t gonna do that. I’m two steps away from heading to the shadowlands at any moment because of my mental stuff. I’m having fun while I can and taking what small joys I can find.

Keep making great decisions bro. Enjoy your life. I think you’re trolling personally. And that is sad because there are really people out there struggling and you contribute to negative stereotypes of them.
