Earthen Gem Eating Racial being FIXED

How do you eat gems? There isn’t a racial that allows you to eat gems, only the passive “ingest minerals.”

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Just like you do food. Look at “cut gems” on the AH it will tell you that you can ingest it for ______ stat buff

Trust me on this. This will become such an issue next week they will come out with a fix fast. So dont be like that

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I just bought a Quick Emerald and clicked it like you would any food and my well-fed buff changed to Haste.


Fortunately, I’m a jewel crafter, but still, that’s an insane money sink, the well-fed buff for earthen needs to persist through death to be worthwhile, and there’s still the drinking issue for healers that needs to be addressed.


Yep. Glad my Earthen Shammy is enhance :rofl: :ok_hand:

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This feels like an untested oversight, because it makes them the absolute worst healers. On top of having a racial DPS loss.

Still gonna make one, but it should be fixed to be near Pandaren-levels. Maybe a vers buff since it’d be fitting

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That doesn’t regen health

So which is it? JC or Alchemist? You know how you sound? You are driving in circles to talk about how good a bad racial is. While you are trying to figure out a solution, everyone else is eating their 2g meal into full health

Mate, that is just Visage for evokers. They get out of combat regen and mana regen as well.

Yes it does.

When they eat a gem it regens both health and mana just like food does. At the same rate also

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These are Bugs and are NOT working as intended. However the mana issue for healers and the price of Gems mentioned in my OP is not a Bug. That needs addressing

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Are they not able to use basic vendor food? Something like this:

That is not helpful. That just pigeonholds you into a profession because of said racial.

No. They do not eat food and can not. They eat Gems. Eating gyms for them does the same thing as eating food/drinking the problem with this is they are often extremely expensive gems. Paying 1-2k a pop for one piece of food/water is crazy. If they’re going to go this route another option it’s just to Simply create a gym food vendor that sells gems for them to eat at the same price of food

Like I said in my OP…
The best way to fix this is create a simple conjure gemstone racial. That way they stay munching on Gems for the fantasy of the race. Another Option is to add a “Gem” Based food just for earthen to all the Innkeepers/vendors

No, they can not eat any food.

But they can eat mage food? Honestly that sounds like the kind of unintuitive decision that will get changed for the sake of gameplay in a patch or two. Race fantasy is cool and all, but gameplay is more important.

Presumably because otherwise Earthen mages would not be able to eat their own food, which would be class breaking. So since they wanted to outlaw all food and drink from earthen, they made an exception for mage food because earthen can be mages. They also could have just made the exception even more narrow (like only earthen mages can eat mage food), but knowing Blizzard they probably felt they were being magnanimous and relaxed by allowing non-mage earthen to consume it as well.

Crazy, yes, but we’re talking about Blizzard here.

I only played Beta up until mid-july, then stopped. Granted, I also only played the max level realm.

Few things:

  • Couldn’t eat gems, it didn’t work at all.
  • They didn’t even have mana water for ANYONE on a vendor; you either needed a mage OR you had to take up cooking. at one point the feast gave 37M mana back over 20 seconds (that was super nice, btw, in M+ when you needed to drink and could fill your mana back in 4 seconds).
  • Earthen Racial didn’t even give you the well-fed buff, it just didn’t work at that time, anyways.

When I got the message I couldn’t eat traditional food/water yesterday I legit expected the Rocky Road, Chocolate Lava Cake, etc. items on the Innekeeper in Dornagol would be usable… but they aren’t. Either this is the most asinine decision made by an intern who’s never played this game, or it’s a huge frikin’ oversight by blizzard on something they didn’t have functional in beta for players to test/give feedback on.

Earthen has some cool ideas, but terrible execution.

I’m guessing Blizz will eventually fix the problems with the race. Until then, play something else.

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