Earthen Gem Eating Racial being FIXED

Having to use cut gems to restore mana is a substantial problem in itself, and is compounded by having to match with the proper buff. Why isn’t there some cheap gem that just restores mana, no buff?


Agreed. Like I said in my OP ATM Blizz is saying You picked Earthen? I hope you got some deep pockets buddy”

Thats why I fully believe the best fix for this is to create a simple conjure gemstone racial

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Well, or just make them all mandatory JCs or something so they can cut their own gems for food. It’s the craziest design I’ve ever seen that they are the only race that has no cheap food.

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Another fix would be to add a “Gemchunk” Based food just for earthen to all the Innkeepers/vendors. Doing that is probably the Fastest and easiest fix for this. Didnt even think of this till now. ill add it to my OP

Could call it Jimmys Gem Flakes or something


Yes they could add some Earthen gem food. Honestly it’s shocking that there isn’t anything.

Every other race has “buff food” and “baseline food”, with the latter being for just quick mana (normally) restores. The fact that they have a permanent well fed buff shouldn’t impact their access to “baseline” food. I wonder what Blizzard thinks Earthen healers should be doing? Literally burning cut gems that cost 1000g every time they need to restore mana?

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you have the means do get around this, and instead choose to whine about it something that isnt even proven yet.

What do you mean? You can’t eat food. I tried it on my earthen. The only things you can eat are cut gems – it’s in the game now, it’s “proven”. What is there left unproven?

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I saw that racial and just KNEW it would be the death of this race performance wise :dracthyr_crylaugh:


So much so that I am considering requesting a Token refund and going back to Tauren on my shammy. I will look at this race once Blizz have given a fix for the issue outlined in my thread.

It all depends on how long it takes Blizz to respond to this issue


Yes please! Either let then eat normal food or fix the racial.

I love the way my little Earthen looks but not being able to eat … is a huge deterrent to leveling. Sometimes I need to eat after bad pull but that’s out of the question now.



Eating Gems does the same as Eating/Drinking. So you can. BUT due to the well fed buff if you are a healer or DPS that wants extra haste or crit? Be ready to spend 2k a pop of said “food”

This is 100% a problem and next week when M+ and PVP Season 1 starts? These forums will BLOW UP about this issue

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In the beta the line that said you couldnt eat food wasn’t actually active. I could eat food and it would just ovverride the buff until it expired.

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just let them eat regular food. who cares. if they can get stabbed, etc why cant they eat food. just doesnt make sense blizz

You could just be jewelcrafter and a miner

Honestly makes me sad because I was so excited to swap today and now I’m handicapped for the first week of S1 and want a refund lol

as temp fix, just go into a follower dungeon at the start of session and get conjured food from the npc mage.

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I feel like its not iterated enough that the well fed bonus is worse in comparison to every other race.


I love my horde Shammy Earthen too!

Next Week this issue will BLOW UP. Im sure Blizz will address it with a fix fast. Im sure you wont be longer than 2 weeks into s1 like this. Even if their fix is as simple as adding “Gems” exclusively for Earthen at innkeepers/vendors

Thats why I made this thread now to attempt to pull attention to this Early.


Get more attention on how the well fed bonus isnt perm and offers lower stats than base races.


Well, rip. Was looking forward to rolling one