Dusk and dawn weave stopped dropping

I am a tailor and I have not seen any dawn or dusk weave for a week now.

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I haven’t been getting any Duskweave or Dawnweave drops at all recently despite having the talents to get them to drop AND the talents to get EXTRA cloth to drop (Textile Treasures). I ran every m0 on Tuesday, no drops. I ran every m0 yesterday, no drops. I did multiple delves, 10+ world quests, and so forth. No Duskweave or Dawnweave drops at all.

This can’t be an intended design of the game. It’s got to be bugged.

Professions are a big part of the WoW experience for me. I feel pretty bad right now because I had 3 characters that all had tailoring and two of them (my two “main chars”) specced heavily into duskweave builds. Unfortunately, I couldn’t meaningfully my professions on these characters, so I recently dropped tailoring on one of them. So that still leaves my main character (this character) having a mostly-useless Duskweave-centric build.

Blizzard, please look into this, and please address this soon. This can’t be intended. And it’s been going on for a while now, as you can see in this thread.

Doing whatever I can to try to bring more attention to this issue. My tailoring progression has completely halted due to this change. Maybe the drop rate was too high earlier, but I struggle to believe that this is the intended drop rate and suspect that there’s a possibility something might be wrong.

Thought I was just unlucky a few days ago, until I noticed this across multiple characters.

I first noticed the issue after the Thursday hotfix last week. Since then I have looted 0 duskweave on my tailor despite trying multiple delves, dungeons, human farm spots.

The dawnweave / duskweave scarcity seem to be universal as prices have ballooned to a point where it is unsustainable to attempt to level tailoring any further. Please post if you are affected by this issue (all tailors). It needs visibility. If it is a bug, it is game breaking for tailors currently. If it was a nerf, it was overtuned. Players aren’t seeing enough drops to maintain the market.

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Adding my name to the list of people effected. I was on for 8 hours yesterday finishing up campaign stuff and doing a bit of farming. I might have saw a grand total of 5 duskweave all day, and I know for a fact I only saw 3 dawnweave because I started with none. I’ve just now went towards the stuff to get me more from unraveling and drops but even then I had a decent supply as a tailor. Something has got to give here because it shouldn’t cost 200k+ to level a profession, and it’s ridiculous when I’m seeing certain bags going for north of 20k and just regular pieces of cloth going for 300+.

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This would explain why my friend was asking this morning why he hasn’t seen any after picking up duskweave specs yesterday.

I don’t want to pay the super inflated prices for dusk and dawn weave so I go out and farm it myself. but there are no drops. they need to fix this.

Over a week this has been happening and we have had complete silence from Blizz.

I guess Blizzard has decided to kill tailoring. might be time to find another game.