Dawn/Dusk Cloth doesn't exist

Fully specced into Looting Cloth on my Tailor. Ive spent hours grinding cloth prior to reset and would get a reasonable amount of Cloth for my time spent. 2-3 Dusk/Dawn cloth with each pull. Since reset going out to farm I am going multiple pulls without even getting a single cloth yet alone Dusk/dawn cloth. Whatever nerfs came through with the reset have basically made my profession specilization choice worthless ontop of the fact i can’t get more knowledge points because all of my weekly knowledge is locked behind going down a different specilization that i don’t even have unlocked yet…


Have to be in the zone for the cloth, I know Duskthread is from Nerubians.

Nerubian delves and Order of Night delves reward their zones’ specific cloth as loot, as well. That’s dependent on which story is active for the day, because a delve doesn’t always contain enemies specific to the zone it’s located in.

Same issue here. Yesterday I was looting tons grinding spiders for the mount quest. Today I haven’t seen a single dawn/dusk drop…


Scummy nerf or a bug because the amount of dusk/dawn weave I’m getting as of the reset is so low that it’ll take me the whole expansion of 24/7 farming to match what I had from occasional solo farming delves/follower dungeons/open world humanoids.


So what tends to happen is people discover a hyperspawn and use 2 x 4’s to farm an area. Blizzard catches wind of it and nerfs the loot table of those mobs.

So if one area seems bad try another with humaoid mobs.

they nerfed the drop for every mob everywhere is the problem.


Looks like you might be right. I went to the place I used to farm and had 1 weavercloth bolt dropped. Killed 20+ mobs. Cloth prices have spiked as well. They have doubled.

Someone must have known and bought up all the cheaper cloth.


Blizzard does not respect our time, weather is farming mats or our gold we worked hard to get. All to sell tokens…they have a uncanny talent to take all fun out of the game for the regular player. Blizzard is just trolling players at this point.

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I’m thinking it’s probably a bug, but it does make tailoring feel horrible right now since we have to kill mobs to get the drops in the first place. For once, I envy blacksmiths and miners. o.o


It’s extremely demotivating to try and work on my tailoring right now. I was thoroughly enjoying being able to go out and gather enough of the cloth to keep a slow but steady trickle of bolts coming in to play with. But now that’s hit a wall. I’ve done multiple instance runs in the past day, fully clearing them and gotten absolutely zero to drop.

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The way things are now, you are much better off farming gold in some other way and buying it off the AH. Might as well leave farming cloth to 2 x 4 farms.


Same here. Sigh…

Don’t think 2 x 4 cloth farming beats solo mining or even 1 x 5 skinning rn even with increased prizes tbh it’s quite sad lol

100% agree. I switched mains to fill out our raid group season and made the change to tailoring to help supply our group. At this rate, I don’t even want to play the class anymore because I look at its professions and it’s so demoralizing to get on par with my alt’s profs.

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And apparently they just hotfixed it to where follower dungeons will no longer drop dawn/duskweave.

This just sucks.


They nerfed this so hard it’s ridiculous. I can farm for hours and not get a single duskweave/dawnweave. The price of these cloths has risen 4-5x and is now unaffordable. Please stop making the game unplayable for people that don’t have the time to spend 24/7 playing. WHY was this nerfed??


Professions are a big part of the WoW experience for me. I feel pretty bad right now because I have 3 chars that all have tailoring and two of them (my two “main chars”) specced heavily into duskweave builds. I ran a ton of dungeons yesterday and got near-zero duskweave. It’s crazy nerfed or bugged or something.

Blizz, if you’re going to make it impossible to “re-spec” profession knowledge, this stuff can’t happen.


This can’t be an intended change. Yesterday I did 5 delves all humanoids, 5 heroic dungeons, a follower dungeon of Priory with a full clear, 60% to complete the Severed Threads work for the week, and enough world quests to make me go cross eyed.

Despite having the correct profession talents and having previously gotten duskweave drops, out of all of those mobs, I didn’t get a single piece of duskweave, cloth or bolt.


My guess is that they looked at how much cloth could be farmed with a Max cloth specced 2 x 4 farm and adjusted drop rates accordlingly.

In the process making it unfarmable for anyone not Max cloth drop specced and not farming in 2 x 4’s.