Dual Spec solves Tank shortage

Dual spec isn’t going to help your alt if it’s a pure. Do you think your hunter can tank better as BM if you swap from marks? :wink:
Sarcasm aside, you’ll get your dual spec for sure, in approximately 1.5 years. :tada:

Yes it will. Some specs are better at PvP than others.

This is a perfectly reasonable response and promotes further discussion.

This doesn’t. And the majority of the time is just a troll.

That’s the point I was trying to convey.

It wouldn’t but most people don’t play like you. How many do you think have leveled up two tanks to 70? Dual spec could convince some who are leveling a dps spec to have a tank spec too and do some dungeons with it.

For those who don’t have two tanks they’ve leveled to 70 and are struggling to get groups an undergeared or inexperienced tank is better than no tank at all. Most dps I know would rather struggle through a dungeon than not get a group at all

You’re going to find many inconsistencies with that one.

did you play wotlk? dual spec didn’t help tank shortage. learn your history before you try and rewrite it to serve your propaganda for dual spec. NO dual spec! earn your gold!!

The “tank shortage” is people refusing to play a tank

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Of course it did. It didn’t “fix” the problem, but it certainly pushed it in the right direction.

Dual spec costs 1000g.

That’s 20 respecs.

Tell me the number of respects the average player will make in the game.

It is for me, though I am still opposed to Dual Spec.

As a Moonkin, if I had Dual Spec, i’d have a Healing Spec. But the catch is, I either get to roll on gear as both a Moonkin and a Healer, or i’m not coming.

it didn’t solve it in wrath what makes you think it will this time?

Sorry, I’d post again, but then I’d just be repeating myself.

No offense but that sounds like a personal problem you’ve created for yourself with wanting biased loot simply because it would be easier to switch specs. The general pug consensus is roll for the role you came for unless no one needs an item for said specs, then off spec rolls are free game. People that needed on everything just because it was their other spec were frowned upon and a minority. This was the same in Wrath and even in later expansions when everyone was given instant access to all specs.

There’s nothing to stop you from doing that now. As many people against Dual Spec are eager to remind us, from what I’ve heard it’s extremely easy to switch specs. Only costs 50g.

Did they add guild banks to classic? No?
Well I accepted that and learned from it. They don’t want to add things that were highlights of other expansions that they plan on releasing a classic version of. So if you want dual spec, wait for the classic version it was released in, which is wrath, not tbc.

You literally answered that in your first crappy sentence

Oh look

Actually it will, it did on retail wow. You literally can get a tank for anything in retail for any content with a decent amount of time. On TBCC its spamming Lfg for an hour or more.

Dual Spec is for the people who want to not be stuck doing 1 form of content, most of us actually would love to tank and dps or pve and pvp.

And there we have it. You don’t like farming gold for your PvP. ‘But the concern is for those poor players waiting on a tank ‘ yea, right…
We all know dual spec doesn’t create more people willing to tank. Reference retail for the details.

No, you speak only for yourself. If that were true, there would be no shortage. There is nothing stopping you from changing your spec aside from yourself. People managed just fine 15 years ago, you could do the same now.

It’s not a hated feature, it just doesn’t belong in TBCC.

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Your comparing retail wait times for a tank as if dual spec was the ONLY change made to reduce the tank shortage.

It wasn’t. There was over a dozen other changes made to target the tank shortage.

Dual spec didn’t fix it, it didn’t even make a noticeable change for me from tbc to wrath.

Your trying to sell dual spec as a fix to the tank shortage when history shows it didn’t make a noticeable impact.

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This is exactly the problem dual spec / 10g respec cap would fix. You can’t tank specced for Arms PVP and you can’t PVP specced prot. Its a great quality of life improvement that comes in the next patch after the one were on. Its really not as big a deal as these naysayers are making it.

Whoever said:

Dual Spec won’t make people who don’t want to tank, Tank has it right.

Furthermore, let’s just say they go through with it. All those people who have been ‘Imma need this for OS’ take this gear, get dual spec, swap to tank, then are terrible at it. They then go back and never return, vendor gear.

Simply put. No.


This is what the respec cost is for. You can do all the content, it just takes 50g per respec which is EASY to farm in tbc. Heck some classes are able to farm 400g+ an hour.

And even if you don’t want to do farm strats, you have dailies you can do, with more dailies coming soon. Doing the daily cooking, fishing, and dungeons yield about 75-100g from quest turn ins, vendor items, and raw gold.

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They also made tanking easier with threat management pretty much gone, what would you choose zero threat issues or dual spec is the biggest change for someone (answer is dual spec)

And Dual Spec was the biggest change

Sounds like you just dont want dual spec in the game cause you’re self entitled

History shows that I’m right and you’re on an alt who just hates dual spec, oh the irony