Dual Spec.. please?

You’re actually clueless if you think this is why guild banks were made a thing. Guild banks were made a thing because guild masters would have upwards of 5 characters on their account and prohibit them from having alts because they had to hold guild items on those characters like all the boe tier from MC, enchanting mats for guild enchants, herbs and ores for the players, etc. Or were forced to have another account subscribed to have alts or hold those items just because they were the leader of a guild and therefore expected to hold all of the items for the guild that would be used to progress.

It also stopped the whole “Well our GM just quit the guild and took the entire bank with them.” because Blizzard had logs of what they had that were guild related and could punish people who ninja’d the guild bank. Though they did later stop dealing with this and just tell you “They had permission to take items, they did, nothing wrong was done here.”

You really should quit the game since you wanted no changes and there have been so many changes you didn’t want.

Boosts are in the game. A store bought mount is in the game. The wrath change to the pally seal is in BC. These changes clearly aren’t that bad for you since you’re still playing.

Blizzard makes the decisions and they have announced that there will be some changes. They asked for feedback from the players about what changes they want. Now you’re telling me it’s wrong to give the owner of the game the information they requested. Your stupid furniture story is ridiculous but if a friend asked me for feedback on his furniture arrangement I’d respond if I had an idea

You’re saying the devs made a mistake when they didn’t have guild banks and it caused problems. I’m saying the devs made a mistake when they didn’t have dual spec and it caused problems.

I mean, if that’s how your guild had your guild bank set up, it was easily stolen from. Guild banks didn’t have to give people unhindered access. It was usually officers who could pull stuff out and distribute it, and you would have to ask them for it.

If your guild had a free for all grab what you want… that’s on you and your guild I guess, and stuff probably disappeared a lot for you.

No, you can say what you want. Just don’t try to paint it as “We all want it” because we don’t. Also there were plenty of other dual spec threads out there making this one was just spam.

The devs didn’t make a mistake by not having guild banks in vanilla, they had plans to release it and it got postponed until tbc. But that doesn’t mean player homes (aka garissons) should be in vanilla classic because those were planned as well.
Guild banks didn’t come out until tbc, so they will be in tbc classic. Dual spec didn’t come out until wotlk, so they will be in wotlk classic. Let the classics be what they are supposed to be, stop trying to change them. I stopped pushing for guild banks for vanilla even though I thought it would be a good addition because it doesn’t belong in vanilla.

So give your feedback, but don’t try and make your opinion out to be “our” opinion.

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I played the game for years on several different servers in several different guilds and every one had different tabs with different levels of access. The first tab might allow anyone to take out as much as they wanted, another 10 items another 2 etc. One might only allow access to higher level members. I never heard from the guild officers that there was ever a problem with it. Perhaps the trust level in your guilds wasn’t very high so your members had to ask every time they wanted something. Or perhaps you’re lying and you didn’t know that each tab can have different levels of access. I know how guild banks work because I had personal guilds on alts for the guild bank to store stuff for all my alts. I have one alt with a personal guild in BC classic now.

I never have. I care about language, intellectual honesty, and clarity. I’m very careful about my choice of words. I’m meticulous about using qualifiers like some, many, etc. These things are more important to me than this game. I’ve never said “we” want dual spec unless it was clear who I meant by we. Never even by implication said we meant all players. It’s usually the anti changers who keep claiming that other people who they are clueless about agree with them.

You’re not the forum monitor and you’re not the boss of me. I’ll do what ever I want within the rules blizzard has set up for their forum. It’s not your forum. It’s not your rules

I’m well aware of the different levels of tabs, I was an officer in my guild in wotlk-cata. The first tab did give most members access but it was mostly a junk tab. Second tab was raid consumables, then we had enchant/gem mats, then top end gear mats, then the guild master had a tab that was basically his personal bank tab. Each officer teir had the job of organizing the distribution, restocking, and organization of a tab. I was one of the 3 officers in charge of the raid consumables, though I also had access to the enchanting and gems tan because I regularly deposited a lot of ore and gems as well.

We talked to guild members, told them what we were running low on, asked specific people to farm for X mats. Passed the consumes out in raid, exc. It wasn’t a trust thing, it was organized and coordinated. All a member typically had to do to get something was ask. And it would be provided. If the guild had 20 yellow gems and 0 red gems we would sell some yellows to buy reds. If we had to much fish feast and not enough flasks, we would sell some and buy flasks. It was a balancing act of gathering what we needed, selling surplus to buy understocked items, and distributing it as needed. Not having free for all tabs isn’t just about trust, if you have to many people trying to “organize” something it just becomes a mess. And I hated being an officer, it was a lot of work to keep everything in order when I just wanted to play the game. And I did a lot of the fishing and ore mining on My own because I enjoy it. But having to tell others what we needed and asking them to gather and keep it organized sucked.

If your guild was giving full access to the guild bank, it was unorganized as heck.

They have rules against spam. How many dual spec threads does it take to count as spam?

I already told you the guilds I was in had multiple levels of access based on the tab. Do you always have this much trouble remembering what your read? It was only minutes ago.

I don’t know the exact number but from my experience on the forums since Vanilla it hasn’t even become close. I’m sure none of them will be deleted or consolidated. So your desire to silence those that advocate for dual spec will fail.

Telling you why dual spec is bad is trying to silence you? Disagreeing with you is not trying to silence you, if you feel attacked, well… sorry for not letting you have an echo chamber??? Your here expressing your views and opinions, I’m doing the same. If I was trying to silence you I would be trying to get you forum banned, which I’m not. I’ve been targeted for that before during an AV thread discussion where I was having dozens of posts falsely flagged simply because I had a different opinion. They were reviewed and dismissed, but it was still hiding my posts for a time from others. If you don’t want to talk to me, you have the ability to ignore me.

So you have a nice day.

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Implying that the dual spec threads are spam and that there are rules against spam is evidence of your desire to silence us. Did you forget you said that too? Your memory issues are pretty bad. You really should have that checked out.

Your back to the insults again I see, since you seem unable to hold a civil conversation I’ll say this, since tbc classic started we have had dozens of dual spec threads per day. I’ve commented on a few of them, basically all of them consists of “We want/need dual spec” with one of the complaints being about being forced into PLAYING the game as to why dual spec is needed. I have given you reasons dual spec should not be added and you ignore those points and refuse to discuss them so you passively dismiss them and rely on insults. You are not interested in a conversation. You clearly want an echo chamber, and since that is the case I recommend you make a mix tape about how you want dual spec so you can listen to that, because you seem to think other people talking with a different
opinion is an attempt to silence you.


They showed us dual spec with wrath, it was since then always in the game (one way or another) for a reason and we also want it in TBC to enjoy that expansion even more!

Hopefully you got the point!

What this guy obviously don’t get: you are forced to play UNWANTED content, to be able to enjoy the WANTED content.

But this punishment only include those, who wants to enjoy more than just one content. That’s why it’s unfair and stupid. Because such a system isn’t generating any additional fun, but only frustration:

I am mainly raiding but need to spend 2 hours to be able to enjoy 30 mins pvp? Why would I do that?!

If such a question comes up, you know that the system isn’t working and should be changed or at least there should be something to make it easier.

This is a lie.

Not a necessary change

oh yes, and people will be here whining for tri spec soon enough -.-

Sorta like being forced to get 900 gold for flying- without it you can’t even do 3 dungeons, or a whole raid.

What’s the solution for that? Maybe we need to remove the cost for flying or make dungeon teleports.

I honestly haven’t seen anyone complain about and demand the change to the requirement to flying yet.

You do it if you want to raid, and pvp.
If it’s a big enough problem, you might make a new character so you can pvp on one and raid on another.