Dual Spec.. please?

I wonder why you’d say this…

Could it be because of posts like these?

Seven posts later…

And a few more for good measure…

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Every time I have to talk to you people it’s a bad time. I don’t want to say a single word to any of you. I don’t really like any of you. But I have to use you to bump the thread. Or what, did you think we were friends?

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That’s pretty much how I see it. Pointless because time and gold are interchangeable for me as concepts.

But for the people to whom it’s not interchangeable, maybe there’s value in not forcing them into a situation where their gold amount needs to go down. If you perceive gold as a kind of progress bar to a goal, then reducing it by 50 might be intrinsically unfun.

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Right because you apparently rank all activities in WoW as equal in terms of enjoyment, hence it doesn’t matter what you’re actually doing. You would be just as happy running circles in Shat.

On the other hand for people who actually value different activities differently farming gold is not interchangeable with running a BG or doing a dungeon, or for that matter simply doing something besides playing WoW.

Just out of curiosity, why did you choose not to include the rest of my post in your quote?

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People who like massing gold just to have it isn’t really relevant to dual spec as that’s not the main motivation for dual spec. There’s plenty of people who want dual spec who would be just as broke regardless and plenty of people who just play to gather gold who would never touch dual spec.

Ah, I gotcha. That’s a pretty severe misunderstanding then on your part. I’d appreciate you editing your post to include my entire post in the quoted section because splitting it up that way greatly distorts the meaning.

If you did it because you misunderstood, no harm no foul as long as you edit it accordingly. If you did it to intentionally warp the meaning - well that’s pretty messed up.


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have to?

You don’t have to.

this is also false, you could just ignore us and reply to kuma or zir or fasc.

there you go, projecting again.

seems to go against the concept of currency though. to always gain generally doesn’t pan out well for game design.

The two of us never said this. Applying a gold value to an amount of time is not the same as viewing all activities as equal enjoyment wise.

I have done this though.

Yeah this begs to differ,

And it seems to be a concept shared by most people anti dual spec, you don’t seem to understand that simply farm gold is a bad answer for many people because that’s not the equivalent of doing whatever that person would use dual spec for. And in many cases might prevent even doing whatever it was in the first place making the exercise pointless to begin with.

That quote doesn’t prove your point. there seems to be a leap in logic that you can’t put into words.

It’s funny you make this statement, since you’re the one misunderstanding what Etc says.

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I’m trying to understand the difference between time and gold when it comes to cost. For me, spending 50g to respec vs turning in a quest that makes me run a heroic is kind of the same thing. I can run a heroic, make however much gold that makes me, do whatever else in the game until I have the 50g, then I’ll have the ability later on to pay for my respec. That’s what I mean when I say they are interchangeable to me. I don’t care which one I’m spending because I can readily convert one to the other.

So that means that there’s some element that causes time and gold not to be interchangeable for some people. Fey made a point that they are happy with a cost in time (TK attunement) where they make gold, but unhappy with a cost in gold (respec).

So that’s kind of the reasoning for my idea, what if respecs were more like the TK attunement and less like a gold sink. Maybe gold sinks are just not a fun interaction and it would be better for those kinds of players if the cost of respeccing was purely time.

But then I agree with:

For gold to be gold, there needs to be cases where it goes down.

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Oh I see. That’s how you maintain the TOS. You never call people liars without evidence! You just link Fleetwood Mac songs in reply to people…

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That’s superficial. It’s like saying time and dollars are interchangeable so it doesn’t matter what job you do so long as it pays well or that the better job is the one that pays more per hour. There are many people who have a more nuanced view of work and money and a more nuanced view of time and gold in the game.

That was a question. When I ask a question I use this mark (?) at the end to signal to those with poor reading skills that I just asked a question. Though I’m not at all surprised you didn’t get it even with the ? mark at the end


You mean Zipzo’s little exchange with Delimicus, right?

Not really, I think you’re assuming I mean that X amount of time is worth Y gold, based on some accepted conversion rate between time and gold that is decided by whatever the optimal gold farming method is.

There’s no such value in my mind. It’s just a vague understanding that I can spend gold to save time or spend time to make gold.

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Well, I used a question mark, and you replied to that sentence, so clearly you think i already know how question marks work.


This is a fun take. I bet it ages well.



I’m purposely not telling people to go farm gold. I’m saying that you make gold passively as you play the game. Just go out do fun things for a while and eventually you’ll have the 50g you need to shake things up and do fun things in another spec.

The 50g respec is an absolute maximum, by the way, that anti-dual spec posters agree to use as a concession. The average cost of a respec is less than 50g.


I think the cost decay is unreasonably long.

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