Dual Spec.. please?

I think I’d be in favor of changing the decay to 1g daily (instead of 5g weekly)

Edit: Wow it’s 5g monthly. That’s outrageous. Shows how long my respec cost has been capped.

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I bet even zip would be in favor of drastically reduced decay timer.

Correct, but she’s not capable of understanding that, which is why she doesn’t understand why just farm gold is not a solution to the problem for most people.

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The decay timer as it stands serves no purpose as it remains maxed for most players pretty much all the time. Well maybe not most, but anyone respeccing on a weakly basis will never see it drop.

So, I’d be fine with tuning the decay timer.

It should provide some motivation otherwise why have a decay timer at all? As it is people ignore it - even on the forums people just blanket assume the respec is 50g. Tells me the decay mechanic isn’t really serving a purpose with the current tuning.

you mind quoting that?

The issue with farming gold to pay for respecs is not that people are just stingy with their gold.

Etc raised a valid point here, you don’t actually need to farm respec gold. Just play the bits you like playing and you will soon have enough. You do have to ask what priority respeccing has over other things that cost the same though.

Then you have the dilemma where dual spec is highly valued by you namely due to the fact that respeccing isn’t worth 50g for you. You don’t see enough value in swapping spec for 50g - which is an incidental amount.

Proves the point that it’s a nice to have but not really a highly valued feature at all.

Ask for it by all means. Maybe you’ll get it maybe not.

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And that’s not really the way specs works, someone actively using dual spec will go through far more respecs than they would ever get from the content they’re doing. Particularly if they’re using it for something like PvP that gives no gold.

And while you might also fall into the category of all activities in WoW being interchangeable so just farm some gold is fine for a lot of people that’s when they don’t play at all.

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Blizzard concluded similarly, which left more or less no point to the restriction in the first place. People either blew past the cost or never touched it but once in a blue moon.

But even doing other things in game that generates gold, does so rather slowly. If you’re only logging in once a day to do 1-2 hours at most, you’re not acquiring a ton of gold from dungeon runs and daily quests have very niche appeal. Your time generates even less gold if you do things like BGs/Arenas, or spend gold and/or time grinding up a profession, etc.

Doing both dungeon dailies will net ~50-75 gold depending on how lucky you are with drops. That won’t even cover switching to whatever spec and then back again.

And that necessitates following only the daily dungeon RNG, which isn’t always appealing either. I can’t imagine everyone wants to do Heroic Blood Furnace just 'cuz

And many people have trouble finding a group to do both dungeon dailies every day. Dual spec would help people find groups and people are claiming you can just do the daily dungeons to pay for your respec. It’s nonsense.

I can tell you as a fact that I play a paladin on TBC Classic and the number of times everybody in our guild said “I would tank or heal if it didn’t cost so much to respec constantly” because hardly anybody wants to level as a tank or a heal because it just takes too long to kill anything.

I, myself, am a Ret Paladin. I would, in a heartbeat, dual-spec to Prot whenever possible because I am tired of “LF1M tank” and the group never getting off the ground because we can never find a tank.


Oh yeah, it takes SOOOO long to kill things as a prot pally…

Lol scrubs.

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You never met a fellow Goblin, friend? They could teach you a thing or two…

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Probably not (if Blizzard is smart).

Have to disagree here, my dudes.

The decay timer, as restrictive as it is, is another layer of evidence that shows that they didn’t intend respeccing to be willy nilly at the time. The slow decay time is basically just an emphasis of that point.

Essentially it was a “soft cooldown”. So, something that would mentally bar you from respeccing. If you really wanted to, you could, but they wouldn’t ease up that mental barrier until a pretty significant wait time came to pass.

So to me, the reasoning for keeping a respec fee is almost identical to the reason I’d want to keep the restrictive respec cost decay, that both contribute to illuminating for us what the intended scenario was meant to be for most players: they don’t want you to respec much unless they put in serious effort to support that style of play.

Like if we were forced to change anything about the respec cost decay at all, I’d just say it should be removed and have the cost be a flat, permanent 50g and never decay, that to me would be more in line with what Blizzard has shown there outlook for TBC was.

However, since it is an original feature, it is what it is. It’s there to be an olive branch to players like Fey who can’t stomach being logged in to an MMO for anything but active-time fun-having instead, you know, farming, which has for decades been a naturally understood past time that most MMORPGs require.

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however from a decision standpoint it’s such a long delay that it doesn’t actually factor in towards decision making. lots of people don’t even know it’s there, or how long it is.

So it such a long delay, that it’s now removed as part of the equation for choice.

As it is now, its effectively not there, because it’s just almost never having an effect.

So yeah, change it or remove it.

I disagree, with a form of decay, there is choice to be made constantly. if its a static 50, that choice disappears. and i think the outlook for tbc was that choices are a good thing.


And the fix (to make decay relevant) doesn’t need to be to make it faster, making it more granular could work too.

As it is respeccing is so cheap that a weekly decay barely ever gets to happen daily (but at the same rate) would at least have a function.

And maybe that’s the problem, respeccing is so cheap compared to how easy it is to get 50g and how hard it is to find stuff to spend it on that respec decay isn’t even a thing people contend with anymore.

Right now, at least there’s new gear dropping to gem and enchant, but later in the phase (as happened in last phase) that will dry up.

You just don’t get how many people play. I know many people who struggled to get the gold for their flying mount and still don’t have their epic mount. 5k gold doesn’t fall out of trees. People aren’t just saving for the mount they have weekly expenses for consumes and as they upgrade gear another enchant and gems. None of this is cheap and on top of that if we want to play another part of the game we have an additional 100 gold to do it. If I’m farming it’s for my mount, enchants, and gems. So I don’t play half the game because there’s no dual spec. Or if I’m burned out on farming I log out. Or I don’t heal with my druid because farming and questing is painful in a resto spec. None of that is good for a MMO. And it’s not good for those spamming lf 1 more healer for x dungeon. Frankly I think there’s more players like me than there are players awash in gold who can’t find stuff to spend it on.

This is why I don’t want to waste the time repeating all I’ve said about how I play. It’s what healers who play carefully say. If you don’t pug and only do guild runs, or if you’re careful to never heal for an undergeared or inexperienced tank or if all the players in your group are top players or if you wait to do the dungeon run until your groups is over leveled and over geared for it you can heal in a mostly dps spec. I like to challenge myself. I like to push the limits. I like healing for undergeared or inexperienced tanks. How will they get the gear or experience if no one is willing to heal for them? I like healing pugs. I’ll do guild runs when I want an easy time. But they mostly bore me. I’ll spend half my time dpsing. To do what I like to do you need to be deep into the holy or resto tree. I don’t care that you like to take the easy route when you heal. Play how you want. But don’t hand me this line of bullsht when you clearly don’t know what it’s like to challenge yourself as a healer in this game