Dual spec for TBC, please! A humble request

I posted my opinion and reasons. Your are entitled to your own opinion, but calling me dumb, a kid, and stating that I have not done anything productive in my life? Seriously? This is how you have educated conversations with people? I don’t have to explain myself because I already have. Don’t go off on a tangent being a bully because your opinion differs than mine.


That’s exactly my point. I and most other pure dps classes won’t benefit as much as healers/tanks.

The most extreme use of the dual spec system to benefit dps would just be having a raid spec and then having a spec for other content like pvp or class specific farming. Really not a big deal at all.

Meanwhile hybrid classes can do this and swap roles to give themselves way more freedom in how they play the game.

I am arguing for the benefit of healers and tanks. And I’d like to do disc/shadow priest in TBC as an alt. Maybe paladin when they allow the boosts for BE.

I think if people want the game to be healthier making it easier for people to tank and heal content would be welcomed and extremely positive.


You’re getting really emotional about being bad at a game and making stupid statements.

Maybe you should take a step away. It’s okay to be acasual and ignorant.
You just gotta do better and not get in other’s way with your ridiculous and unfounded accusations. And when you get called out for it you gotta take the L and do better.

Okay kiddo? Now scurry off to complain about a nonexistent pay to win system, ya little scamp.

The boredom that exists in SL has absolutely nothing to do with TBC dual spec lmao

What are you even saying


Good bait right here.


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If they do this then they need to Revert the 2.1 change to Bonus healing = 65% Spell damage.

you cant get both over itemized gear that’s way beyond what it should be AND dual spec,.

Bonus healing was change to just raw spell power in Wrath because healing gear was insanely over itemized in TBC post 2.1 changes

Classic has been a fun casual experience for me overall. I clear content casually and grind to get the requirements to clear content casually. This is an easy and very unbalanced game which means there’s not a lot of reason for me to go hard in it. For others that’s great.

TBC and the lack of shadowlands content will get me seriously playing and I’ll have no problems with gold.

There’s a lot more people than you think that will treat TBC as the former. A fun casual experience with an old school grind gameplay loop.
There’s a lot of people, even on retail, that do not farm gold. Like, ever. They just do dungeons and raids and pvp. Some dailies and dabbles in professions. They are going to struggle to get gold. And that’s okay, their way of play is fine, and TBC will make passive gold farming better to help them.

But since we established that gold isn’t a big issue. And it doesn’t hurt higher end players to the point where it doesn’t phase them outside of the inconvenience of going to the trainer.

Who is the respec cost really hurting? Not the high end player with a ton of gold. Not the botters who just use 1 spec always.

Respec costs hurts casuals, especially tanks/healers, the most. So why not give them a little hand and implement dual spec to make our lives easier in the process too?

TBC was great but it wasn’t perfect. Dual spec is something that would improve TBC in my opinion.


Lol ok bro. You enjoy your night, I will go enjoy mine.

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While I actually disagree with this part quite a bit (personally), I don’t need to attempt to flex and/or force my opinion/preference on others. There was definitely an addon (or addons) that could be used to remember talent builds back in the day.

My personal opinion is that for someone who is playing a class as a main, you should spend the time to read what the talents are and do. Being able to change your talent build (which we currently are able to do in Classic) gives the ability to play around with different builds to find what works better and why. Making some trade-offs here or there to optimize for raid healing versus quality of life can be interesting choices.

I’m not as familiar (yet) with the TBC Classic builds. It may not be as viable to have an excellent raiding build, yet still be quite viable for soloing farming content with a gear switch.

And, while I suspect that if someone is doing both farming and raiding, they should be able to afford 100g/week or so in respec taxes, I do appreciate that not everybody has the same outlook. Heck, some people are comfortable role playing beggars in game, and actually ask for gold. Something I personally dislike.

But you will also get Pandas DKs DHs store mounts WoW tokens and a non skippable non optional The Maw intro for TBC as well
monkey paw finger curls


I don’t want to have to use an addon for something that could easily be implemented in the game itself.

This is not at all what I’m asking for, and quite honestly feels like a troll response. Please move along.

Dual Spec is not in Shadowlands. Dual Spec is a WoTLK feature.


TOP OF THE LIST. Arenas without dual spec makes no damn sense and i was the original impetus for even making dual spec in the first place. ADD DUAL SPEC @BLIZZ


If you mean Wrath of the Lich King? Yes. Yes that is what we want.

I want to play TBC but if I am being honest, its just a stepping stone to where I want to be. LK was the best of everything. That is the game I want to play.

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bump until they do this.

of all the changes they have and will do this 10000% should have been the very first change


Blizzard talked about embracing “some changes” for TBC Classic and specifically mentioned QoL changes here:

WillE did a poll asking about Dual Spec here, it has 21,000 responses with 79% voting in favor:

Seijuron from these forums posted a poll here:

Here’s the results of the Dual Spec question:

Despite the very loud #NoChanges minority on these forums, the poll still displayed a very large majority in favor of implementing Dual Spec. When you leave this forum and ask the community, the answer is even more in favor, as displayed by the poll WillE made.

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to troll post so it evens out

100 johnies are beneficial to the game world.

881 people out of the classic player base is a very large majority yes

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