Dual spec for TBC, please! A humble request

Pvp will be filled of people grinding for loot so they can bring pvp weapons to pve content.

Plain Jane basic barbershop should be added. Achievements wouldnt take away from game either. But Dual Spec does change things up.

I support dual specs :white_check_mark:

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And having the convenience to swap between holy and shadow or protection and arms does not invalidate those specs.
It just means you don’t have to go to a capitol city and fully respec and retrain and reset your UI.
It’s a quality of life change that dramatically helps healers and tanks.

Yup. I don’t even need to look at your logs to know you’re bad.

And clearly dumb too. What do you think dual spec means? It just means you can select 1 of 2 preset talent/ui setups. You can’t use both.

More importantly TBC is a solved game. That means we know exactly what specs/builds perform the best. There is no “new meta” that would come from just saving time swapping specs.
At most you will see healers/tanks swapping their roles to dps and vice versa for specific fights. And even if you didn’t have dual spec most find it worth it to hearth/respec/summon or just straight up swap in from the bench.

This idea of constantly swapping talents is ridiculous because there is 1 spec you go for your raid role and that’s it. Even the sweatiest people will cringe at anyone using dual spec to swap, drink, and go just to get like 2-3% more dps on trash.

Again, this is a solved game. And you saying there’s going to be “new meta” is more proof you are bad at the game and are completely ignorant.

Beast Mastery. 2-4 of them. MAYBE 1 survival hunter. That’s it. Marks is a joke and survival is crap dps and just brought for the debuff. And survival has a unique itemization from the other 2 so you are wrong there as well.
I don’t need dual spec on my hunter nor will I get it until after my epic flying mount and I’m done with all my professions and have it on my alt priest.

This helps that paladin way more than pure dps. That paladin now has more choice and freedom in how they play. They no longer have to do all the annoying crap just to respec and do some dailies. They can go into a dungeon and fill any role. Lost the tank? No problem I can take over this shadow labs.

I am genuinely curious how you even came up with this ludicrous idea. What logic and evidence did you experience in your cess pool guilds to make you think this?

Go watch the WoW panels at blizzcon from 2005/2007/2008. You’ll find good ol daddy kaplan talking about how they wanted dual spec for TBC but they had resource issues. And you’ll note they never once talked about how “wrath was built for dual specs”.
If you’re going to make some wild claims about the “intent of the developers” you need to actually have listened to what the developers themselves said.

And you have yet to offer evidence or details in just what kind of meta and even how this meta will form. Throwing out buzzwords and pearl clutching to appease your casual nature isn’t good enough, kid.

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If they are going to put dual spec, they should give it a 5k golds cost and a 3-4h cooldown. Then, it’ll be fine with a “Classic mentality” where you need to put the price for the convenience.

The cooldown would be here to prevent dual spec to affect the meta to much by being able to switch spec for specific situation.

If you think dual spec won’t affect the meta or anything you are dellusional. Some guilds will probably require a PvE/PvE dual spec.
It may affect some “meme spec” because some other class will be able to handle 2 roles better than them just by swapping spec.

Or alternatively, you could require visiting a trainer to swap specs instead of being able to do it on the fly. That would reduce the amount of guilds “requiring” certain dual specs since it would be an inconvenience to have to go to town and come back all the time.

This is a ridiculous statement because you should never look at a player as “just this one spec”. If they’re a good player they’re a good player. It’s nice to have identity but it isn’t, nor should it be, your core identity. Go do something productive if your identity/life is so reliant on this game that dual spec makes you look down on others.
This is coming from am affliction warlock main since 1.11.

Legion handled “class fantasy” the best because they respected both class and spec equally.

And if you think dual spec is going to ruin your spec identity, in an expansion where very specific spec compositions to maximize party buffs are debated and theorycrafted to death, then you are very ignorant.

If anything dual spec is just an alt spec for doing other things. 1 for pve 1 for pvp. 1 for healing, 1 for dailies. 1 for tanking, 1 for dps, etc…

Even your high horse is sobered up and tired of your crap.


1k in wrath was fine and 1k in TBC is fine now. Not everyone has tons of gold and epic flying still costs 5k.
The cooldown is meh. 3-4 hours way too long. Max 1 hour. Making it only doable in rested areas works too.

The point is to make the game more accessible. Bots and high level players either don’t care to respec or have tons of gold already. Hard gold sinks don’t work, they just hurt regular players.

Name some. Seriously. People keep saying this all the time and yet they never give hard examples with specs and fights on what that looks like.

And the fact is that that isn’t how it works. The dps gain from shifting a few talents here and there isn’t going to be the deciding factor of whether you down a boss or not.

At most this will only apply to some healers and tanks that want to swap for very specific fights. But again, what’s the real benefit of that? It’s not a whole lot and it’s very sweaty. Which is fine, if you want to push to those upper 90 parses to for it, that’s fun for them. But spec swapping isn’t going to be needed or required for anything outside of the sweatiest speed runs. And again, what’s so wrong with that? Let them have fun and join a different guild that goes at a slower pace.

How drums will be handled is a far more impactful discussion than what minor talent changes you’ve made, if you’re even a spec that can swap some talents, most don’t.

You’re over reacting.

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Rage much? We both have our opinions and it is what it is. Dual spec isn’t happening until wrath so move on.


Why not just get rid of specs? That would be much more convenient. Allow everyone to play every role.


He should change his name to Cptnrage

People really out too much weight the “importance” of their choices. This is a game. It’s to escape life, which is fullnof tough choices.

I think the point is not to compare this video game to life but to compare a mmoRPG to an action game. Action games don’t have lasting meaningful choices, rpgs do.

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I see, so you find “OK” to pay 5k golds to fly faster but not 5k to get a dual spec.

If they want to add dual spec i find, like some other costs, it should be more expansive in TBC then “nerfed” in WOTLK.
Then, it would fit a Classic mentality too where you have to work for convenience.

Unless you are this type of players who want everything by not investing the proper amount of time for it. An instant gratification (retail) addict ?

I’m not a min/maxer but i’m pretty sure there are some situations when it’s useful.
Like you, who can’t imagine going into PvP with your PvE spec there are situations where a spec is better than the other.

Anyway, 50 golds isn’t a big deal in Classic why it would be a bigger deal in TBC ? It won’t.

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You have a dumb opinion.

I’m speaking from experience, evidence, the ability to understand nuance.

Wow! Not everything is binary?! That concept must be very confusing to you.

You made wild claims based on literally nothing and now you’re trying to back out of it? Lol, come on kid, not going to double down and start ranting about a cash shop?

I’m a hunter main. I will spec BM and stay BM until forced to go MM for some arena. I don’t need dual spec. So I don’t really care.

But your pearl clutching and straight up lies needed to get pointed out.

And look, you aren’t able to address anything I said because you know you’ve just been making things up.

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Dual spec benefits pure dps classes much less. My original post was a request from a healer main, and I’m sure tank mains can also relate.

I disagree. As a ret paladin, my second spec would be prot. That’s huge.

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This “convenience” is most beneficial to those who already have high maintenance costs and/or are casual players who can’t/don’t know how to farm gold efficiently.

1k to a noob is a big deal. 5k is insane. And to get there doing just dailies/lite professions/farms and some pve content? Add on top of that maintenance costs of repairs and consumables and respect/retrains? It’ll take you a very very long time.
And think about the gold cost combined for mounts/dual spec/rep vendors/professions. Easily 12k (16k if DS was 5k) total on a good economy server.

Bad insult. Very weak. Needs a lot of improvement. Especially considering your a retail alt. But even if you weren’t a coward and said it on your main it’d still be a pitiful insult. 2/5 better luck next time, kid.

So why are you talking details about min/maxing?

You are basing your whole argument on information you think is correct and not information that is fact.

Do you see where you might be acting dumb and wrong?

This was hard to read because you structured it in such a weird way and you also made weird inaccurate/false references towards my statements? Very strange. You should maybe take a step back get yourself together. I think the forums are affecting you too much.

Especially since I’m a hunter. We only have 1 spec for pve. The other is just for a debuff and does crap damage.
That’s the case with the majority of specs. You have 1 main spec and that’s it.
Doesn’t matter if the warlock is affliction or sac/snf spamming seeds is your best aoe rotation. Spamming shadowbolt is your best single target. The talents that you can change between them is going to be just above negligible at the absolute best.

Only people who will swap specs will either be tanks/healers doing very sweaty stuff or people changing their entire roles based on what’s needed. And even without DS you’d still do that by swapping people in for those benched.

Even if some weird super sweaty 90+ parse cheesing speedrunners find some way to do something with dual spec it’d still only be useful to them and not appropriate for most, just like any other speedrunning tactic. Let them have their fun too.

50g+retrain fees+travel time 2+ times a week. Most in my guild respec 3-5 times a week. The cost and restrictions add up quickly. Especially for casual players.

You can’t even articulate the most basic details about any of the wild claims you’ve made. So stop being try hard at gatekeeping and let people have fun.


You did play Classic right ?

Golds aren’t an issue. Didn’t bought golds i have 4 epics mount and still have 10k.
Some players have 100k golds, some reach the gold cap.

Since there is no gold reset, every mats will have a high cost so : normal farm+dailies+professions+quest = no golds issue unless you aren’t even trying a bit.

I couldn’t even afford my repair sometimes during Vanilla, had no epic mount. In TBC i never had gold issue and even had my epic flying mount in 2.2-2.3.

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