Dual spec for TBC, please! A humble request

I believe Blizzard should do what they said they were going to do and work with the community on changes they would like to see. I support Blizzard polling every single Classic player, because I’m confident that the majority of players want changes like Dual Spec.

If everyone received said poll and only 881 filled it out. All this tells me is the majority of those polled don’t care which path blizz takes for one reason or another or possibly assume this is purely just for lip service as blizzard knew full well what they intended to do far before the poll

The idea of the respec cost was basically killed with the ability to grind massive amounts of mobs while taking next to zero damage during classic. This only gets more common in TBC.

Is the dual spec needed? Eh, probably not, would it hurt anyone? No, how would blizzard enable it? Likely Wrath style if they did.

IMO blizzard needs to use the Classic WoW version of mount / skill system so that mount collecting is expensive and way more exclusive providing the game with the gold sink it was meant to be.

5k per flying mount would actually Put a dent in my gold coffers…

Another trouble with dual spec is that it doesn’t fix the gear problems associated with over optimized gear like we have in TBC making even the +healing now equals some damage kinda pointless if world farming is your thing.

I guess the point for dual spec is ironically more for pure classes lol…

but but but but then people would just buy gold!!! Right? that’s what every player does when they hit these walls.

Well, I guess that’s why you’re asking for it on the forums!

It’s definitely something they have implemented for #Retail.

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You literally proved every point I wanted to make while trying to insult me in every manner you could muster.

Classic was completely changed and meta inserted with nothing but player knowledge of how the game worked.

I play retail and classic btw. Im not a paladin in classic.

If you can’t comprehend how allowing on the fly talent swaps does not create meta and massively impact the dynamic of a raid comp or give added benefits to specific classes then i don’t know what to say to you.

You also called me a casual when you are the one asking for quality of life changes. So what exactly is your definition of a casual? Someone who wants the most difficult and time consuming version of the original game?

it makes perfect sense
you either commit to your glad career or you pay 100g a week


lets gooo

dual spec c’mon

Druid main here. Give us dual spec, Blizzard, pretty please.

Well, personally, I think that would be great.
But the no changes folks won’t be happy about it.

I’m no changes on duel spec in TBC (bring it in Wrath), but if they made it a store bought option at like $50 I would support it then.

Only the people that want duel spec will fork out the money. The no duel spec crowd like me won’t buy it. And, like the boost, Blizzard are more likely to back a change if they make money out of it. Everyone wins?

Edit: Before people rage about store bought stuff think about it. Boosting to 58 won’t be free, so having the option to access a feature that was never part of TBC shouldn’t be free either.

I’m sorry, but that’s honestly way worse.

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When you are doing it more than 5 or 6 times week that really adds up.

Doesn’t having respec available in the game in the first place atleast somewhat invalidate this argument? People are only asking for a way to do it more easily/conveniently.

Apparently you don’t know what either of these words mean.

This is definitely a joke, right?

good to see your eyes are now open

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Nah, I’d buy it since we cannot make any meaningful improvements on a 15 year old game due to some irrational fear wow classic will be monetized in a few years like anyones gonna be playing it after wrath anyways so it won’t matter lol.

Absolutely dead serious not even trolling. Boosting wasn’t part of TBC but Blizzard has introduced it as a service you pay for. They won’t get rid of it despite the whinging because they are set to make a lot of money out of it. So you want to convince Blizz to introduce another thing that wasn’t part of TBC… tell them they are going to make a lot of money from it and they will come to the table :brain:

Sound logic. I like it.