Druids can get Werebear, my Warrior can't get its Flail

Nope they explained why but if it makes you fell better we can ask them to take the bear away for you so that way it doesn’t come back and it’s all fair for everyone.

Explaining something doesn’t change reality. “Im not gonna hit you”, proceeds to hits you, “oh i only hit you because X reason”.

If they didn’t want to include artifacts for all specs yes, it would be better to not add the bear.


I agree, they should not have done that, not here. They should have left it at the T20 recolours. If I do this once on my bear I’ll get the outfit and the bear appearance.

Either recolour all of them or none.

Bipedal bear is a truly unique rig completely locked behind the tower so I can see them wanting to give people a chance for it that either didn’t do it or weren’t here during Legion. But make that part of some other challenge, by tying this into the MT TW they have flamed the fires of discontent.


Nah, they can and should make decisions on a case by case basis for what they feel is going to be the most sensible outcome for the game. Making all decisions arbitrarily uniform is silly.

Even if you believe that to be true, it does not follow that repeating that “breaking” of a promise makes sense.

I got the mage towerstuff. Glad they put in a new bear form to get! Some of the challenges were harder for other specs/classes. I think druid wasn’t that bad. Then again I don’t know the current state of guardian druids nor do I have the legendaries. I guess I may use old stuff to help if it’s scaled down. Should be fun. I am happy we got new stuff to get! Especially those mythic tier set recolors. I hate that they always remove the gladiator color versions, I hope they bring back more of the old stuff like that.

Exciting times for you, because now you can go in and give it a go on your guardian druid. I did do them on my bear before, this new version of the bi-pedal bear is really outstanding, so I will be doing the same thing as you :). Good luck in there!

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I main demo now, and I’m sad I didn’t get the skull at the time, but I’m fine with my aff staff. /shrug

No flail for you. Should have done it when it was current.

*Swings Flail around

Yeah guys its not unique enough to be included :sunglasses:

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Yesterday we didn’t even know we were getting the new bear skin. Give it some time

They specifically said they’re not allowing any of the other weapon skins.


No they should not make case by case, they should either do all of them or none.

They said that MT appearences would NOT be available to get after Legion was done, period, doesn’t matter if the bear is different.

Now they are adding the Bear, while at the same time saying that they won’t add the other rewards so people don’t feel cheated, thats just and excuse, by adding the bear they are contradicting themselfs even if they try to justify it, period.

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Ok, if you feel that way why would they have to make that same contradiction repeatedly?

If he feels that way he can just not do mage tower at all.

1- Because the principle is: The MT mogs is exclusive to players that got back them, ALL THE MAGE TOWER REWARDS.

The werebear is as much as a MT reward as the flail and other weapons. They should never open one exception to one specific spec, even if there is good reasoning, if they feel like they should, they need to do it for every spec, all players deserve the same.

If the reasoning is scarcity of bear models, they should just have made a new model instead of adding back the Mage Tower.

2- It creates another problem, they either have to stick to their previous statement or completely give up on it, by choosing the middle term they get the worst of both worlds, they are treating specs differently.

I do not understand why they cannot just make another flail. Even an ugly one lol. I just want a swinging spiked ball attached to a stick.

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No, they can make what they think is the best decision for the game. Which is what they are doing.

They are being fair to all players. They aren’t prohibiting any player from earning the offered rewards.

No they don’t. That is a classic logical fallacy.

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Because that is a mage tower appearance.

they should!

If we use your logic, then no more staffs since they used a staff as a MT appearance. :roll_eyes:

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