Druids can get Werebear, my Warrior can't get its Flail

So my Warrior should be able to get it too, its simple as that, i understand all arguments against bringing back old rewards, but Blizz choose to do this. Having done that Blizz should add new tints for all artifact specs.

“Oh but the werebear is different”, it doesn’t matter, it feels horrible as a player, my friend tank Druid will be able to get it, and i as a tank Warrior won’t.

Adding the werebear is already breaking their promise even with the justification of it being unique.


I’ma hit you with one side:
No. I’d prefer to have a personal ego boost at the cost of the health of the very game itself.

And now the other:
Yes it would be nice to add flails to the game, perhaps even different models if they’re so stubborn about not releasing that specific model of flail. Especially if we intend to ever have new players replace all of the ones we’ve lost over the past few years.


Linking Soulebreaker’s great detective work. They made a new flail, but it’s not available.

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I don’t feel horrible about it at all. But I’m an adult.


This is from a Sactum mob if i’m not mistaken, it is an NPC weapon.

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Blizzard should let me take it from them after I kill them.


Thanks for granting us with your presence Sir Adult, me as a subhuman will continue to be annoyed by that. Glad you have the time to comment on a game forum even being a very important and busy adult.



When it becomes (effectively) the default Guardian Druid skin, no one will even notice it or care. They will be all over and just another Human Paladin or NE Hunter. Yawn.

The OG remains rare, exclusive, and therefore desirable.


An oddly childish thing for an adult to say.


Not three gnomes in a trench coat?

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Then no one would mind adding new tints for all MT weapons right? Since they would become the lesser tint, it wouldn’t damage the “prestige” of the other 4 tints that people got back in the day.


They can always add new flails. Why not just ask for new flails?


I’m just waiting for 2H Flails to be added tbh


The werebear (and the glow kitty) were on top of the artifact appearances (reason being is that guardian and feral druids rarely show off their transmogs unlike resto who are in their default form and balance via a glyph). The Fel werebear is just that, the werebear. No weapon transmog to go along with it.

Personally I want more flails (and fixed physics) but the werebear is different.

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They should just make new flails.

I mean they can always make new ones (and much better looking than the war one please). hey can’t make a new werebear without following the current werebear design, it’s a playable model after all.

Huge difference.

Wooooah there buddy, you’re going to cause the entire reasoning behind their logic to crumble there, chill.


I am, i always did, as i ask for more Druid models, more DH Meta models.

But i also talking about the specific MT appearences that are amazing and only Guardians are allowed to get it after Legion.

This. Chains (!) of Domination would have been perfect for a flail. Heck, Maldraxxus, Revendreth and Bastion CN weapon appearances would have been a good way to introduce new flails.

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Its only different in technical terms, but they are the exact same, by being a time exclusive reward from doing MT back in Legion, its the same as all other artifacts.


They are only getting 1 half of what they got in Legion.

Druids got the werebear and glow kitty forms ON TOP OF the artifact appearances that originally required you to mog into them to turn into those forms. Guardian druids are just getting a fel version of the werebear, no bonus weapon mog to go along with it.

Well that is a contradiction.

“These things are different objectively, but I feel like they aren’t”

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