Druids can get Werebear, my Warrior can't get its Flail

Your last line sounds incredibly lame.

1- Sure, Blizzard only makes good decisions.

2- They are not, most players only play one class, even one spec

3- You saying its a fallacy doesn’t make it one.

The premise was: “The reward will become unavaiable after Legion”, the current fact: they are bringing back the very reward that they said it would not be avaiable but for one spec. Result: Only one spec gets the exception to the rule, being able to acquire a reward that became unavaiable to get.

The point that Guardians have less options for mogs doesn’t change the fact that they said it would become unavailable.

It’s all crap how they do this, they just need to bring back all the old appearances and get it over with. We are not going to stop complaining, ever. People will always ask for more, people will always argue about why it should stay gone, but times change and too bad for your little ego boost that you have something shiny and don’t want to share.

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The difference though is that the only flail appearances ever made obtainable for transmog were done as Mage Tower appearances. It is likely this is the reason why we haven’t gotten anymore flail appearances since then.

Some dev lead somewhere apparently decided that the Mage Tower flails are the ONLY flails that should ever exist as obtainable transmog appearances and that anyone who missed out on getting them in Legion will never, ever get to have flails.

It’s very likely that we won’t ever get another flail appearance to unlock ever again because of the Mage Tower appearances.

Who knows if they’ll change their minds, though. I’m sure that the “Fel Werebear” wasn’t originally planned for the Timewalking Mage Tower, so maybe they might decide to do new flail appearances as well, like those datamined Maw-themed ones.

If you’re implying they are prone to bad decisions then why would you also want their decisions to be applied ubiquitously if they don’t have to be?

All players are being offered the same rewards, if they choose to pursue them that is up to them.

The fallacy is forcing the answer to be 1 of 2 possibilities when other possibilities exist. I assure you I did not make that one up, its slightly older than this discussion.

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They have recolored loads of things though. I do not even want the same models. I just want a different colored flail.

1- Im just refuting your argument saying that its a good choice because they chose this outcome.

2- So lets stop adding content for all classes from now on, except one, lets lock all classes to level 60 and let only, lets say Paladin, reach level 70 next expac. All players have the same option right? To only play Paladin, if they want to play other classes is their choice, anyone can play Paladin.

3- What you talking about is “false dichotomy”, a type of fallacy, but it doesn’t apply. Because in fact there are only 2 options:

a) Keep their word and not add back the MT rewards that were time exclusive;

b) Add a MT reward (bear) and break the previously established rule of not adding them;

There is no other option, you either keep the rule or dont, making excuses for breaking the rule doesnt change the fact that its being broken.

I don’t really see what you think you’re refuting, but as your statement was

I’d disagree that they only make good decisions, but apparently you and I agree that this was a good one.

This is just complete nonsense. It’s almost completely non sequitur, and even your basic premise- which seems to be something about there not being rewards for all classes, is patently absurd as they are adding rewards for all the classes.

going to have to quote you here as this was the statement to which I was responding

See how you presented a false dichotomy by stating that they have to “stick to their previous statement or completely give up on it”? You actually, seemingly without realizing it, refuted yourself by admitting they have made a third choice.

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They didn’t bring back anything. They released a new version which is very clearly different from the OG versions.

The OG are still rare, desirable, and exclusive.
This single one will be on EVERY SINGLE OTHER druid in the game, making it boring and lame.

People want what they can’t have.

If everyone can get one, whatever it is isn’t cool.

Sorry you can’t be cool.

Are you okay?

The flail’s not that awesome. I actually forgot about it.

Maybe if they would let us cross-mog it with a different shield or something.

The Paladin exemple was simply a hyperbole, stop being so literal, i was taking your argument of “the reward is available to all players” to the extreme, Guardians being the only spec to get MT rewards back is not, in practice, a choice for all players.

No i didn’t refute myself, the dichotomy i presented is not about all possible outcomes, its about breaking a rule or not, you cannot at the same time break the rule and dont break the rule.

The supposed “third choice” isn’t one at all, its actually the same second choice, breaking the rule, if you back all artifacts or only the werebear still breaks the rule.

When i used “middle term” i was refering to their attempt of only adding the Bear and giving an excuse, i’m not admiting there is a middle term, the attempt is compromised from the start.

Shoulda just added reskins of the mage tower appearances. One extra color. The legion sets aren’t even good besides warlocks, and even being a warlock, I woulda preferred and alt color of the artifacts lmfao.

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Omg this again, the Fel werebear is just a tint, so why not add all artifacts with a new tint and let the OG 4 be exclusive?

Give me the boring and lame versions, i’m not asking for the original 4.

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Only doing one: bear.

The other rewards are garbage and should never have been for Mt.

Tint the weapons, I’ll take that, but only bc the weapons looked good. The sets are garbage

You didn’t actually state that though, reread your post.

It does exist, we know because its what is happening right now. If it didn’t exist then why would you even be talking about it? The reason you’re so agitated might be because your belief structure is contradicting reality.

How my “belief structure” is contradicting reality? The rule was: MT artifacts are FOMO rewards, they will never be available again. Whats happening now? The FOMO reward coming back. Period. Elaborating reasoning for it coming back doesn’t change the fact that they are changing said rule. So they should do it for every spec so all players are rewarded equally.