Druids can get Werebear, my Warrior can't get its Flail

Please no. I don’t want to have to force myself to farm the tints for every spec, again. :sob:

Also, my personal opinion that the new fel “werebear” tint is actually hideous. Polar bear ftw.

I am going to get all the tier sets O.o… gonna hate myself for a bit. Ahh just like in Legion.

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But Blizz said you would never be able to get THE Mage Tower appearence, if they made a new Druid form sure it would be fine, but they are giving the MT reward with a new tint. Its the same in terms of a reward from doing MT in Legion. It was the very argument to not be added again in game, your point does not refute that.


Right??? Those unique mogs compelled me to farm MT all of Legion, even when I was getting so tilted trying as certain specs. Feral Druid in particular made me rage quit on a few occasions. But the mogs… Too good to pass up.

Let me have another chance at the challenge skins that I missed too. Re-release the cloudglaive, just give it a different color so that the original says “special”.

Level a Guardian Druid. It’s not like it takes a long time. Just do it and get the werebear form and shut up. :slight_smile:

Yeah they kinda shot themselves in the foot with that one, given how the “werebear” form is so unique. There could never really be a way to give that back for players to obtain without using the same model, other than what you said and that’s to introduce a completely new bear form.

And feral druids with their glowy form.

Honestly Blizzard, this is a half measure that satisfies nobody.

What a roller coaster of a comment.

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And I am ok with that, the OG is still definable and we get the form, it is the best of both worlds.

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But why not do this for every spec? A new tint for each MT appearence? Why is this so hard to understand?


It’s not, I think it’s a good idea to add different version of the MT. I personally wanted them to just bring back MT but make entirely different skins for the artifacts and that could be used as that expansions one time item to get. Like instead of werebear give something like weretiger or wererhino, anything.

I spent a lot of time trying to get the artifacts instead of enjoying pvp templates : /. At least they changed there minds about all the artifiacts. I spent the whole expansion farming artifact looks until they finally changed there minds about it. (made me happy for a while).

Yup, exactly. There’s no way to replicate that model either without giving the base model back in some other glowy-colored variant.

Ah I understand, I never grinded any of the artifact appearances other than the MT ones. I have an obsession with unique mogs (MoP CMs, WoD CMs, MT~) so I made it a goal for myself to obtain as many as I could, and just ended up getting all the MT tints for every class and spec. :sweat_smile:

You’re right. There should be more flails in the game.

If you want the MT ones specifically though, they’ll have to add everything else that was exclusive in the game along with them. It wouldn’t be fair to target one group of exclusive rewards and not every other one.

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People don’t understand blizzard almost made it so all the artifact appearances wouldn’t be obtainable after Legion. The magetower ones were like the only ones they did this for in the end!

I did 36/36 of the original MT challenges. I personally think new tints would have been a much better reward. The armor sets look like complete dog :poop: with the color palette they chose.


Hmm I never saw it in that light! I think I just played too casually during Legion to really recognize how the artifact appearances would be affected post-Legion. So I just derped along and whichever appearances I happened to unlock, then that was it and I didn’t bother with others. Like I know people frequently ask for the “Balance of Power” questline to be account-wide in order to use specific artifact tints on other characters. But other than that I never pondered about the mogs after the expansion was over.

No you can’t get it, and I don’t own it either. They shouldn’t have brought the druid skin back either these are limited time items and will stay that way.

But they did brought it back, so the argument is shattered, period. Limit time items wont stay that way, because they are bringing it back, for one spec only.