Dreamsurge in the Azure Span not showing

Still a problem on Alleria-Khadgar, nobody in general chat for Azure has the coords. WM Off.


Still a problem on Alleria-Khadgar, nobody in general chat for Azure has the coords. WM Off.

If you’re on the Community Council, can’t you get a comment out of Blizzard? Surely they listen to you guys, right? (I am being serious)


It’s not working on any server, as far as I can tell. It’s a systemic issue on their end.

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Yeah, I literally have alts that I was just getting to go for that quest - and now I can’t complete it until I close a Dreamsurge portal. /facepalm


You can close the mini portals IF you happen across one. But they’re not always active either.

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They changed it to only the top of the hour.

Of course they told no one.

Oh that’s easy! You should’ve read through the thread a bit. Let me grab them for you.

Here’s one.

Dreamsurge in the Azure Span not showing - #141 by Miserian-proudmoore This whole post is one.

Got another one here.

And probably a few more. Being snarky, or ranting about supposed ineptitude, all that crap, those are tantrums. Grow up and understand that things break, complicated things more often than simple things.

Glad I could help you find them though. :slight_smile:

try opening tickets …

I just had the portal spawn for me at the top of the hour. 5 mins ago. possibly fixed now?

NOT FIXED on Uther. Been bugged since Tuesday morning. Hotfixes have done nothing.

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Still not working on Uther…not at top of hour, either.

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Is it not possible for literally anyone at Blizzard to notify on here that it’s being looked at?

What are they doing at that company?


Finger + Bum = Profit

Just worked on Wyrmrest Accord, your results may vary it seems now, unfortunately…

Those aren’t tantrums though, those are people being rightfully frustrated. I don’t know about others but I have submitted tickets and still nothing. The lack of a response in light of their trying to be ‘more responsive to the player base’ is annoying. Especially when you consider the fact that if this was a Raid or M+ issue it would have been addressed immediately.

Now I get, it could be a complex issue involving phasing with all the other things as Azure Span is a known hotbed for those issues. But taking a few minutes to post ‘We are aware of this problem and are currently investigating it. We will keep you updated once a solution has been identified’ would go a long way to ease almost all the frustrations.


I’m back after ‘leaving and never coming back’, because I heard good things about Dragonflight. And I was GLAD I came back, because the quality of the gameplay, the transparency and responsiveness of the devs, had clearly changed. I was super-skeptical that Blizz could change it’s stripes, but after a month or two it seemed like it really had.

But then aug envoker imbalance happened. That was never going to be good (Blizz has zero skill at balancing specs), and it wasn’t. How many M+ dps players got benched because aug envokers grabbed 1 of the 3 spots? Just a terrible idea from the start.

And now this bug, there’s been others but this one is a doozy. It’s THE CURRENT content, albeit filler stuff. Completely unavailable this week? No decent response? STILL not fixed?

It’s this kind of stuff that drives players away from the game, with many never coming back. There’s just better games out there, especially that you don’t have to pay a monthly fee. Thought Blizz learned their lesson…nope.

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careful you’re going to anger the consooomers.

Dude is just trolling, ignore him.

It spawned at 3:00pm eastern on Illidan. I even created a group “DREAMSURGE PORTAL ACTUALLY SPAWNED” and not a single person even applied lol. It was obviously some overflow shard as there was only like 5 of us there to complete it, but we got it done.

Yeah it spawned top of the hour 4pm on Gorefiend realm. First time it has worked today. Might be fixed now?