Dreamsurge in the Azure Span not showing

You know, it’s not even the bugged dreamsurge portal at this point. It’s the deafening silence from Blizzard in regards to this bug, and just about every bug that has afflicted WoW since day 1 of retail release…which was when? Nearly NINETEEN YEARS ago. You would assume, that after all this time, that Blizzard would have learned just how important communicating with their player should be. I guess I shouldn’t expect too much, after all WoW is free to play (kek), so we’re really getting the customer service we pay for. So Blizzard…if you’re reading this (double kek), cough up a few dollars and hire some low paid troglodyte to peruse these boards once awhile…and maybe fire off an occasional “yea, WoW be broked…we workin on it”. The thoughtful insight and prompt reply to the playerbase’s concerns would do wonders for everyone. Or just continue to ignore bug reports that are affecting nearly everyone, and carry on with the usual sounds of silence.