Dreamsurge in the Azure Span not showing

It’s up for 2 of my toons so far. There’s a road leading out of camp, to the west. Archdruid Hamuul Runetotem and friends are on the right, before the purple banners. Might be fixed? Good luck!

I found one yesterday at about 35,48 by a small lake with an island in the middle. It didn’t show up today tho.

That’s all I want, some kind of acknowledgment that there IS a problem and they’re looking into it.
Silence is not golden lol.


There are 3 or 4 of the mini portals and you can do those (if you can find one that’s working) for the weekly.

200+ replies to this one thread , mulitple other threads made including on general discussion, and not a peep from blizz. LMAO


I just had 2 in a row work on Sen’jinn (1:00 and 1:30 PDT). Maybeeeee…

Nothing on Muradin. Been checking every half hour for the past 6 hours.

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I found that in Warmode the portal wouldn’t show up, but turned Warmode Off and the portals were there, give that a try.

Never turned war mode on in over a year so that’s not the problem for me.

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I have not used WM in forever and I still cannot see the portals.

Portal is finally up on Muradin at 6pm ET.

The latest patch updates says it was fixed, so I assume it’s now working for everyone?

I wanna thank Blizzard for keeping us updated on this issue like on Tuesday when they said “…” and on Wednesday when they said “…” and most of today where they said “…” before the hotfixes popped up. Honestly great communication.


nope, maybe a glitch in the matrix…

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But the crickets are so cute.

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Yes, that is what I thought Theara, you don’t necessarily need the big portal to complete the quest, The little ones give a complete!

Editing this to say it is now working on my server (Windrunner) and this is the first day I’ve seen it actually work (Saturday September 23rd). So they must have finally fixed it. Good luck everyone!

Anvilmar seems to be working now - at least so far this evening

Not working on US - Dawnbringer. It’s 8:36 pm Server time.

Finally, yesterday afternoon when I logged on I saw that portal. So its been fixed (so far) on Anvilmar.

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