Dreamsurge in the Azure Span not showing

9:31 MDT, Kel’Thuzad server, no sign of the portal. Have reports from Shattered Hand (General chat) that there’s no portal for them, either.

Please fix!!!

Same problem. Parked at Camp Antonidas when the event starts no dreamsurge fire druid portal showing on map. Have no clue where to go?

Still no portals on Anvilmar (same as yesterday - flew around again nothing). Rares etc ARE spawning with ‘empowered by the dream’

Read their blue tracker they are working on everything but fixing the crap that is broken

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Not working on Ma’Ganis

Ah, and the tantrums start. I’d rather QA focus on fixing things than posting here and getting roped into battling it out with angry people, or have the reports get muddied by everyone ganging up to harass them.

As an extra bit: the small portals seem to work fine, though I suspect they were always meant to show up on the map as well so stuff is going on.

Not sure where these alleged tantrums are? Or are you just prone to hyperbole?
Just a lot of people saying where it’s not working.

Not working on Nagrand either by the way, for at least the last two days.


More of the community needs to request better communication from Blizzard. Things like this are happening far too often. If they just acknowledge the problem, they will get less people raging at them.


Still broken wtf blizz.

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Not showing on Durotan either

I’m only weeks into my attempt to return to this game, and nonsense like this is a great reminder of why I left in the first place. Everyone who insisted that Blizzard is a better company and WoW has improved as a product are huffing every variety of copium known to man – this is very much the same trash it has been for many years now.

Also not showing up in Area52 - even when going to the coordinates that someone mentioned earlier with an image of the portal. it’s not here.


Not working on Black dragonflight just now.

I think I got the " Investigating Dreamsurge " quest this week on my marks hunter and with help he closed one of the small " Waking Dream" portals in BIg Tree Hills and I think it gave him credit for closing a portal.
There are 5 small waking dream portals scattered across Azure span. 2 to the north and three to the south spread east and west.
I was able to complete the quest , but I can’t confirm that is why it worked, If somebody else is willing to check it out?
Somebody with the map Co’ords app ought to post them on a wow info site.
Hope that helps!

Some form of acknowledgment of the problem and a simple, we are working on it and some estimation on when these things will be fixed would be nice blizzard.


Still a problem on Illidan…

Blizz half week and the portal continue don´t work.
Please adjust this, we need receiv equips for alts.

I see the Dreamsurge portal open in WAR MODE ON, someone can confirm?

No portals on Zul’jin

Still no on Khadgar