Dream Surges Still Broken

Yep have not been able do the quest ever. Can’t interact with the Portal you need to close. So good job devs go make more dumb furry content


There should be a players association that calls out game companies when they release garbage content they can’t even fix within a week. Personally I think we should all get free time for this type of non fix where they just ignore everyone.

Working as intended. LOL

I Just want my Dragon Racing gold purses back. AND I want the amount that was orignally placed in them not this 502 gold. whaaaaaa haha. Seriously though The Dream Surges did work in WS and then OP. Just they broke it moving to the ASpan.


I’m not quite there yet, but every time I think to try doing something in current content… it breaks to such a massive degree that the content isn’t even doable. I swear, it’s like every time I try to give the Isles a chance again, something slaps me in the face and reminds me why I’ve spent most of my time in older content, lmao.

I’ll be hopefully getting BG3 soon though, so it may be a good time to take a small break from WoW when that happens. Just to give them time to… idk, make things work properly for once, and allow my brain a small reprieve from built-up annoyances.

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Least they could do is acknowledge it’s broken…

I guess I was lucky then because I always saw the portal within 20 minutes of hitting OP. I’ll be checking again tomorrow…can only play on the weekends. Have we all put in tickets for this, or bug reports?? I have to get 10 alts through this weekend. :speak_no_evil::hear_no_evil::see_no_evil:

I’m starting to think the devs don’t know there’s a problem because none of them play the game so they haven’t seen the problem themselves yet.

Maybe someone should send a Qwik a tweet…or an X…or whatever it’s called these days, to give him the heads up.

/moo :cow:

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How important is the half-hour portal really?

There are currently 14 rares up in the Azure Span on the server I’m logged into.

If we still need the mount fragments, there are still the small portals appearing in the Azure Span (admittedly you only get one each - I’ve been spreading time amongst alts so haven’t actually got my 20 yet on any one character)

We don’t need it to complete the weekly quest to get a champion gear piece / wyrm crest.

I’m just a bit curious in exploring how central the large portals actually are to peoples’ experience of the event.

The big portals were fine (and spawning every 30 mins) the first two weeks (Waking Shores and the Plains). They only broke with this 3rd week (in Azure Span). Lord only knows how bad they’ll be next week, when they move the Dreamsurges to Thaldrazsus.

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There are thousands of people working on just WoW. Lack of humans isn’t the issue, incompetence is.


People want to complete their quest


I log my Alts out there and log in every 30 minutes versus having to fly around killing rares on 20 characters


Just in case anyone was wondering, the small solo portals (which are still spawning) count for completing the one-time quest that asks you to close a portal amongst assorted other activities.


can’t complete the quest when it literally asks you to interact/close the portal

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I just did it this morning. No big portal to seen. Found and completed a small portal. Quest checked off.

where did you find the small portal? I literally have looked for hours and haven’t even seen one

I thought this was just a Moon Guard thing.

Glad to see others are angry.

Have not seen any portals, anywhere, whatsoever, nor has anyone else.

Based on my post, this bug is lowest priority. Never fix it quickly.