It kind of is weird how some people hold Metzen up on this sort of mystical pedestal, as if sketchy and or outright terrible things weren’t added to the game when he was around. There was plenty but people oddly choose to ignore them for some reason
Yes and that has been the main thorn in by backside for months and why I’ve in particular have been so…well passive aggressive in most of my posts in the Story Forum lol.
See, I refuse to ignore that stuff. Metzan, at the very least, signed off on (or worst case scenario wrote) some very stupid and problematic things. I can say that about almost any long-running fantasy world.
I’m also VERY wary of him after everything we learned about the culture at Blizzard.
But I also genuinely believe Metzan (and his team’s) vision for Warcraft was much more cohesive, deeper, and more interesting than anything these current writers have done. I can find the man deeply flawed, while still acknowledging he helped create something truly great.
It was a genuinely fascinating and unique universe with a very unique cosmology and magic system that tied into everything that happened. It was like an edgy cartoon fairy-tale on the surface, but with genuinely fascinating mysteries and worldbuilding baked in.
I would have much rather Blizzard:
Rather than this embarrassing, pretentious, shallow, mawkish, joyless, saccharine rewriting of the entire setting they’ve been doing since the end of Legion.
I kind of enjoyed WoW when the people at blizz knew WoW was basically a Warhammer/Warhammer Fantasy knockoff and really leaned into that aspect. They didn’t try to pretend to know better.
Right. The brilliant thing about Warcraft is that it was always very simple on the surface. It’s full of familiar tropes and ideas, and it wears its inspirations on its sleeve, but it twists those ideas in fascinating ways, threw in a few of its own, and had a surprising amount of thought put into it.
And it did it all through the lens of a cartoony, corrupted fairy-tale.
I don’t even know how I’d describe what the franchise is now, but it’s not…that.
It’s shallow. Basically that’s all it is. It’s a hollow game with not much substance. People like me don’t even play because of the story anymore, it’s the RP community and friends.
That’s how bad it’s gotten
I can’t even rp anymore. I’m literally at the point where my TRP3 profile mentions that I gave up on the lore years ago, and now just live in my own classic-era head canon.
I’m just pretending I’m still playing in the same universe I grew up in XD
I don’t think the story can ever, ever recover from the War of Thorns and Shadowlands. As I said earlier, I genuinely think it’s time for a story reset. All of this is just fanfiction imo.
I’d be fine with a reset, as long as people got to kept their mounts and transmogs. I be cool with them resetting it back to BC. So I can least enjoy my draenei
Zerde is a habitual liar. He literally said that malganis failed in getting the undead of Stratholme because we didn’t get a game over screen.
Stop pretending I’m being unreasonable for calling out his ish.
I’m not pretending anything. You two don’t anything to a conversation other than your child like Nuh Uhs back and forth. It’s nauseating. Great, you think he lies. Find a new hobby already
You literally call him out for lying, too
Clout chasing is a bad look.
I don’t chase him into every thread and yell Liar. If I catch him lying, I call it out and correct him and move on. That simple
Way I envision it, you’d be able to keep all your stuff, all the races would still exist (except void elves are high elves with some extra customization, and the Alliance gets (Shen’dralar) “nightborne” (horde can still keep Suramar)).
You’d have to play around with the races a bit. Maybe establish that there were always a few zandalari and vulpera working for the Horde (and then invite them fully into the horde as the story develops).
Ideally, we’d be starting in a revamped version of vanilla and TBC, just so Blood Elves and Draenei can still be in the mix, and COMPLETELY REFRAME the Illidari back to what they were in Warcraft 3 (lovable anti-villains) instead of turning them into generic raid bosses and edgy Jesus metaphors. Keep Kael’thas king, remove the problematic “crush” he had on teenage Jaina (I swear they only added that into the lore to properly villainize him for TBC) and maintain his friendship with Illidan, Akama, and Vashj.
From there, maintain the ORIGINAL lore on magic, the cosmology, and how the setting fundamentally works, and EVOLVE IT FROM THERE rather than RETCONNING EVERYTHING.
I also have plans on how the Eastern Horde (including Sylvanas, Varimathras, the Revantusk, and Kael) SHOULD have developed. I talked about that in another post:
I could go on, but in short: yes players could keep their stuff in this scenario. Story-wise, just say its stuff from an alternate reality.
He replied to my post with a lie.
There are also tons of ways in which the MMORG flatout overwrites the RPG. It’s great material but it’s increasingly out of step with the way the game has evolved since Northrend and even there there are variances.
I have all of the printed books in my collection and I’ve read enough to remember there were two editions one based on the RTS and the second on the MMORG. And even they are in variance with each other in some areas.
Drop the pretentious attitude Dread, it’s not impressive or helping you
Say dumb things, win dumb prizes.
Okay squidward.
And you wonder why nobody takes either of you seriously
You literally said I chased him into the thread when he replied to me, Micah.
If it helps you sleep at night, you can pretend I am whoever you want me to be squidward