When a corporate-controlled story refuses to acknowledge anything “political”, it often leads to hilarious situations of terrible writing and unintentional comedy.
I’ve heard a lot of conversations about this lately, especially when it comes to some of the (potentially) intriguing issues with dragon society.
Easiest one to point out are the Dragon-like creatures who serve the Aspects.
Originally, in the RPG, the Dragonspawn were descendants of mortals who worshipped dragons by choice. Over time, their exposure to dragons mutated them into dragon-like beings.
Now, this begs a lot of interesting ethical questions that come with a lot of nuance. What’s important here is that, at the very least, the people who originally became Dragonkin had agency in the matter, and didn’t come from a single race. I mean, can you imagine if they made it so Drakonid are literal race-slaves created through magical eugenics and bred to be loyal?
Fast forward to Dragonflight, and we learn that Drakonid are actually created by the dragons from a pre-existing species, “fashioned by their masters to be helpful and loyal”.
Now, if this was an intentional decision written with these dark implications in mind, then it may be interesting. Hell, it could be a great angle for the story if the devs allowed the player to engage with these issues in depth.
But, Blizzard seems completely unprepared to tackle the ethical problems they’ve created in a meaningful and compelling way. Every time they’ve attempted to do so, it’s come off as tone-deaf and centrist. It feels more like Blizzard touches upon these issues out of obligation, not out of passion for the worldbuilding.
Sometimes I wonder if they’re just responding to player feedback, and they actually had no idea what they were doing until people pointed out these obvious issues.
So, not only does Blizzard keep falling into these narrative traps through careless retcons, they also refuse to reckon with these issues in a satisfying way. Because the writers simply do not have the freedom (or desire?) to explore the ethical themes that they’ve (accidentally) created.
This is what happens when new writers take over, don’t understand why lore decisions were made, think they can ignore it all because they’re too good for the setting, and end up making something hilariously tone-deaf.
So Blizzard: please, if you’re listening (you’re not), either THINK before you jump into an issue you’re not prepared to write about, or stop being p****** and actually show us what you stand for.
Because at the end of the day: