Dragonflight "Pathfinder" issue

Oh shoot, my apologies! Thank you for the correction. And will do!

Yes. And as we’ve all noticed, that changed immensely, didn’t it? That was nearly 10 years ago. Now we have an incoming toggle for static and dynamic, along with a new version of flying introduced immediately.

Actually none of this is true. Games do not evolve. They are changed by decisions made by the Top Men in charge of making those changes. This is nothing like evolution.

If a business decides to stop serving a segment of their customer base and make their product unusable to them, then later changes their mind and makes a patchwork of band aid fixes that add up to less than previously, this is a choice they made to write off those customers. The customers are under no obligation to go to great effort to find ways to use a product that is now less useful to them.

It sounds like he needs entertainment to take his mind off his troubles.

That is called evolution of a product in the business world. Rather you like it or not.

I’m sure there’s other games out there that stress joints far less, then? Turn based RPG’s perhaps?

You mean like your post? Just FYI trolling a Dev… not a great idea. :person_facepalming:

Donʻt count your dragonlings before they are hatched. We still have to see if this makes live. hopefully it will but, Not everything ever data-mined makes it to live servers.

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But are the changes going to keep the game active? I dont think the playerbase evolved well with Wildstar. I dont think it was the players that in the end lost out

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I realize everyone is different but I have some pretty bad arthritis and for me dragonriding is not one of the things that gives me the hardest time. Combat in melee range is nearly impossible for me. Having to constantly pitch and rotate is horrible.


only because people revolted and they were forced to back track on it. They have been passive-aggressive on the issue ever since because I think upper management got involved and forced them to back track.

It is more wrist movement for me but then I only use two abilities and have them bound to my mouse. I probably would have quit playing if I had figured out how to do that because there is no way I could use the keyboard to ‘fly’.

Please, Please, please, if you’re really going to go forward with pathfinder 2.0, please dont include anything that requires renown. It’s an awful system that gates far too much content and quite frankly ill personally ignore it till it goes away or i do.


I really think you should reconsider the purpose of this pathfinder at this point in time. Most people don’t care if they get regular flying, at least not enough to do your laundry list of things if they haven’t already done it.

Almost the only people who really care are the people who couldn’t use dragonflying for various reasons and because of that they wouldn’t likely have earned a lot of those achievements you want. It seems unnecessarily punishing to make these people have to do all that at this stage of the expansion. Typically a lot of people come back once flying is in the game, I am doubtful people who couldn’t do the content they normally do because of dragonflying issues will be encouraged to come back if you expect them to do a month of content in addition to the new rep requirement.

this is never going to happen for the people who click all their abilities normally and keyboard turn.


He has the option to play wrath classic super simple

Right after Dragonflight came out, I was diagnosed with a recurrence of cancer and had to have surgery that involved a radical resection of my neck and a full sternotomy. Not boo-hooing here – I’m actually 100% fine now – but I was put on some physical restrictions for about three months that made it impossible to do things like drive, take out the garbage, clean the litter boxes, and so forth.

It also made using a computer somewhat difficult. Not impossible, but definitely difficult.

As someone who has had accessibility issues with a PC/keyboard game due to a medical condition, I feel for your friend.

However, the same things that make dragon riding difficult for your friend will also make any keyboard/mouse activity difficult for your friend. Regardless of the mousepad / key binding / controller solution that someone with hand/arm/wrist issues might use, the same thing that makes dragonriding difficult makes everything difficult.

I would not put accessibility issues just at dragon riding’s doorstep. If you have a tough time using a PC, mouse, and keyboard – or even a controller – the entire game is going to be challenging, including dragon riding.


It seems like the devs fundamentally want a significant speed bump between a new account and flying and it’s always been a little fuzzy why exactly.

Look, I don’t find pathfinder particularly onerous, and I think the people whining about having to get 15 renown in a bunch of fairly easy repgrinds are being melodramatic . . .

But I still don’t see why pathfinder is necessary to literally downgrade to static flying.


Hi there. Any updates to dragonriding for Dracthyr? Or normal flight? Or will I end up watching a Druid switch to flight form next to me while I’m summoning my Flying Machine still?


i agree. my dh should also be able to fly. and my rogue should be able to deathgrip mobs.

DHs need to repair those wings first. Too many holes. Maybe a leatherworker or tailor can help.