Dragonflight New Race/Class Combinations


But we weren’t discussing whether or not every single expansion has seen a surge in returning players. That’s been a known quantity since the days when we got reported sub numbers.

I’ll requote your statement so you remember what I asked. I think you forgot.

Where is the data to support this mass trend of ongoing subs?

They knew shadowlands would be a failure before it was released. They have already said so in the interview with Preach. By the time they identified that people actually had gotten really tired of this AP grind borrowed power tomfoolery they were already so committed to BFA and then Shadowlands they just had to go with it. It is a bit like driving a bus with a 10 minute delay on its breaks and only having a minute to not go over the cliff.

There were different issues of unrelated failures. There were people not happy with the storyline from BFA and wanted a fix.

Other folks however were disappointed with the slow pace of content creation as far as dungeons and raids went.

They are not the same people, the latter group being a good deal larger.

Do you have evidence or just feelings?

We really revisiting your and others’ delusion that this subforum represents a meaningful fraction of the player base?

Compare the number of unique posters in this group to one in any of the General Discussion forums.

Don’t move the goal post now.

Why did you put this sub-forum? Thats not what you said originally. Or are you saying the only people not happy with this storyline are exclusively limited to this sub-forum?

If you make a claim then actually back up that claim.

This assumes that every post and poster is strictly talking about dungeons and raids when any cursory glance would show that General Discussions have every topic up for discussion.

I have repeatedly backed it up, but like Flat-Earthers and Moon-Landing deniers there’s no such thing as evidence that you’ll accept.

Then please provide me with the spreadsheets for us to go over the data. I would love to see it.

I’ve done all the work on this I care to. I’ve got much better things to do than run pointless analytics for people that reject observational data because it doesn’t fit their narrative.

You have made claims and when asked where you are getting that information you proceed to make claims to back up the previous claim.

Either actually back it up or stop being such a contrarian who advertises to have all the facts when infact you have none.

You have nothing but empty assertions.

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And you’ve played moving goalposts every time I’ve offered up data.

Not playing your game any more.

In the time we spoke you brought no nothing.
All you did was say you already had done it or you made some new assertions which I asked for where you were getting that from.

Why do you keep lying? Its written and time stamped.

Your hidden profile isn’t going to prevent me from sending you back to the block bin.

For anyone else who needs to blocked someone trying to stealth here are the steps.

Ok sounds good bye! For the fourth time now? :kissing_heart:
Maybe next time you will actually have proof of your claims besides “trust me bro”.

blink I made this thread to reveal the new race/class combos for Dragonflight and now it’s this weird back and forth.

You are very bad at answering questions that are actually asked.

I think this might be a mental block of yours.