Dragonflight New Race/Class Combinations

Per the MrGM Interview with Brian Holinka, all current playable races will be able to play as rogues, mages, and priests in Dragonflight. Furthermore Blizzard has expressed an interest in moving towards a world where the race of a character doesn’t restrict what classes you can play. Though they have also stated that classes that are more strict from a lore adherence will need more of a set up.

So don’t expect Tauren demon hunters out of the blue.


Good to know they are at least open to making it a option in the future. Because I would totally play a worgen demon hunter :wolf:


Tauren rogues were really what we’ve been waiting for if only to finally put a stake to the jokes.


As long as they stop giving away Druids to more races I’ll be grateful.


Is this where we bring up the fact that Night Elves are not the original Druid race after all?


I feel like the only classes that should have some restrictions are druids and warlocks. Everyone else has lore reasons or can have easily made lore reasons to be every other class. Paladins, which some think are controversial, should be available to every race. Sorry Pallies!
Worgen, Void Elves, Kul’Tirans and (Mecha)gnomes and so on should be available. Same with Shamans. Just make a reason at this point. No more class gating. If a goblin can be a shaman so can anyone!
If Blood Elves needed to consume a naaru to become paladins. Void Elves can draw on a similar power. I don’t see reasons for some class restrictions considering current lore.


It shouldn’t be similar. It should be thematic. They should be Chaotic Anti-Paladins of Cthulu. Instead of golden wings it should be violet tinged tendrils. And above all else, they should NOT be calling on the Light.


That statement has gone back and forth so many times that I don’t really know where we are right now but I do believe is was established that Malfurion was in fact the first fully fledged Druid. Everyone else before him who studied under Cenarius learned nature magic but not to a Druid level as we know today.
But my sentiment still stand. Lets keep Druidsm among the current races that form the Cenarion Circle.


As of BFA, we now know that there are races who’ve discovered the Druidic path without any help from Cenarius, the Drust, the Zandalari Trolls (who also beat Humans to Paladins by the way) and the Worgen. (who had Harvest Witches before the contact with the Night Elves)


Agreed! I’m tired of so many classes having ridiculous restrictions because in-game we see examples of said race combos we don’t have available.

For example, Legion had paladin Night Elf. In Shattrath we have Broken Warlock and in alternate Draenor we have Auchenai warlocks, so Draenei have reasons. We have paladin undead since Cata in the Eastern Plaguelands. We have so many examples lore wise of reasons for warlock Zandalari trolls. Monk Light forged Draenei. Night Elven shaman and humans for that matter. We should make all these optional except druids who should be thematic and unique, but even I can accept lore reason for Blood Elven and Draenei (broken) druids just look at their BC examples.


To be fair, many races don’t tolerate darker alliances or could survive another element. Sometimes even a race doesn’t need a class because of their environment-- though that does bring into question the Kul’tiran druids and if it deserves a pass because of last-minute lore that justified as another race from Drust. :thinking:


Not sure I like that… Sounds like bad news for world building. That cultures aren’t set in stone and do evolve through their contact with the outside world is perfectly sensical, especially in the context of multiracial factions like the Horde and Alliance. But classes should still reflect the culture, faith and physical specificities of the races

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As any sailor would tell you there’s a world of difference between towards and to.

I don’t think this is a totally bad thing. Warriors, mages, priests, hunters and rogues are a staple in pretty much all of the races of Azeroth. The only one that’s iffy is priest, but iirc that’s just Orc and Highmountain and priest lore is so varied it can really be spun to fit those racial flavors.

If they do implement certain flavor classes, particularly the ones that have certain abiding lore, as long as they give them the same treatment that KT & Zanda druids got in that they got unique forms and lore to justify it, it won’t be so bad.

If say, Goblins, get to be druids with literally NO context, then it’ll be an immersion killer for me for sure. Though, I can’t see that being the case.


I liked Cata’s approach; just a small handful of bold race/class choices foreshadowed and reflected in the lore. They should’ve kept doing that expansion by expansion.


But we don’t have a good record on classes when it comes the time to give it to other races.

Druids were meant as a Night Elf thing but for the sake of balance Blizzard gave it to Taurens as well. I like Taurens a lot and I don’t dislike that choice but here comes the problem. Lorewise Wild Gods became neutral as well as the Cenarion Circle so Night Elves lost a core component of their society while Taurens got sucked into an Elven theme with nothing to really represent them as a culture which might have had a different take on Druidsm. Taurens talk a lot about An’she but other that that nothing really reflects that belief unlike Night elves and Elune.

Priest got hit the hardest among all race/class combinatios. A Night elf priestess who draws power from Elune casting lunar magic is now forced to act as a light worshiping human priest. Same with Trolls whos take on priesthood are Witch Doctors working with voodoo and hexes or like Undead which lean to a Shadow Priest.

I know it would be a pain the behind to balance but Blizzard should embrace the uniqueness of each class and respect the culture those classes represent by giving classes to certain races/factions without having the need to bend lore and give it to someone else.

Like for exmple give Orcs Blademasters while giving Gnomes Tinkers.

At the very least Glyphs that change spell visual effects would be the simpest way to try to fix that these probles by giving the sense of uniqueness to some race/class combos.


I don’t disagree, which is why I stated in my original post that if they DO opt to give certain classes, there should be some lore implemented as well. Classes like shaman, druid, demon hunter and paladin should have some semblance of explanation behind them like how the Zandalari druids and paladins gain their power from the Loa and don’t share the same Wild God pantheon that the Night Elves do.

As for priests, I’d personally love to see some glyph options to make our spells look like they are more fitted to the race, but it’s kind of outlandish to ask for four (or more) different priest-like classes to exist within each faction when they can all be summed up into one class as a whole. In a perfect Azeroth, I’d LOVE to be a true Priestess of Elune, but I know that realistically that wouldn’t be feasible on a game balance level, so the next best thing would be glyphs.


I know what you mean and I’m kind of wondering if Dragonflight is where Night elves were end up being paladins. They did create a story for it with Legion and they are adding new combos for DL, so why not?

Speaking of the Zandalari, an easy to open classes for the Darkspear and Zandalari would be to show the tribes working together and teaching one another new avenues of power. Like Zandalari teaching the Darkspear how to be paladins and the Darkspear teaching Zandalari to be Warlocks.

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OMG please stop that travesty before it’s too late. Do you know how humiliating it was to see a member of the Sisterhood of Elune to say how the thousand years of training were insufficient and it did not compare to the Light? That was an outrageous moment for Night Elf lore.
This is gonna be the same case like Priests where they all end up becoming a generic light priest but in this case worse because we have ground to say how insignifican Elune Priestesses are compared to the Light. That’s a killing blow for Night elves.

I know many may disagree but as I’ve said before Night Elves have their own kind of Paladins aka Priestess of the Moon. Holy Warriors wearing plate armor trained in combat (prefering bow but using many weapons) and riding their trusted mounts into combat.

If Blizzard wants to bring Paladins for Night Elves they should be very careful about the way the do it. For me the only logical way that wouldn’t brake any lore is to make specific animations for them and simply make them be their Moon priestesses that put on their plate armor as before.

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I am hoping she gets retconned into an actual rogue. She was made into some sort of hunter/rogue hybrid back in the day because we couldnt be draenei rogues.