Draenei getting Eredar skins... why can't Blood Elves get

It depends how you look at it.

The blizzard creative team sat down and discussed allied races. Naturally they knew the blood elf model (including high elf alliance renegades) was a big appeal. So how do they add it in?

Vanilla high elves wouldn’t work. That decision was made years ago when Metzen and co wanted a new take on the high elf concept for Warcraft. It wouldn’t add anything new or unique.

So what if they made a group of them no longer aligned with the “light” and Sunwell…but to the void? They could play to the cosmic idea Blizzard is building up. Add in a legendary leader to guide them in void (in comes Alleria) and there you have it.

They hoped it was unique enough, and in a way…it has elements, but could use more distinction.


Let’s maybe get Revantusk skins for trolls before we worry about the elves again, eh? And beards for both vanilla and zanda bois.

I never said this.

Never said there was anything wrong with it.

Look dude. I’m about to go out for dinner. I don’t have time to sift through this conversation we literally just had.

You’ve taken very simple, easy points I’ve brought up, and morphed them into something for you to argue against.

I’m sorry (apparently) don’t want more customization options for blood elves. I would love more customization options for everyone where appropriate. I’m happy the Draenei are getting man’ari skins (even if I think it’s a little silly teaming up with the big bads :stuck_out_tongue: ), I’m happy for the new heritage armors and I can’t wait to see more.

I just don’t see why it’s worth coming down on OP for wanting more customization options, as though that somehow deprives you of things you want. If that’s an issue you have, direct it at Blizzard.

I would LOVE forest trolls! It’s crazy we still dont have them! >.<

Anyway, sushi time. See you guys tonight if I feel like arguing more. This was fun! :stuck_out_tongue:

A recap for you.

  • I said wow development is a zero sum game
  • you said “no it isn’t”
  • I said “then why did it take 4 years to get Nelf heritage armor”
  • You then tried to claim you were making a point about business in general, and not blizzard, going on to say that blizzard incompetence is to blame for a 4 year gap
  • Which, for the record, is all but agreeing with me
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it really do be like that tho

Then I’m glad we could find common ground! Maybe done put words in people’s mouths and rely on cheap semantics to make your point next time. See ya.

Uh huh, I think what happened was you know it’s a zero sum game, that the people saying Belfs should take a backseat are justified, and then you wanted to save face. Enjoy your sushi.

No. It’s Blizzard being a bad company.

If anything, Blood Elves need to take a backseat until Blizzard figures out what to do with them. I still think they should get customization options, eventually.

What, out of anything I’ve ever said ont his site, makes you think I care about saving face in anyone’s eyes? You sound even more conspiratorial than me.

Thanks! Just finished getting dressed to impress!

Right, and if anything that’s a sign of Blizzard finally moving in the right direction. I want more of this, not less, and to act like Blizzard can’t do this while running a functional game is just silly to me.

You know what? You’re 200% right. I can be a bit harsh at the best of time, but I get soooo frustrated when people…well…

I admit, it really sets me off. I’ve spent years giving people like this the benefit of the doubt, and it’s literally never been worth it. So, I admit, I now just come out swinging immediately :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m very passionate about games and music, in the way many people are passionate about movies. So when I see someone making arguments that enable Blizzard’s bad behavior and lack of effort, I get pretty damned pissed and sometimes I take it too far.

But, again, you’re right, and I appreciate you calling me out. Everyone needs it sometimes <3

Btw: sushi restaurant was closed so we went to a traditional seafood restaurant. Still delicious. Excuse me if I’m a bit tipsy XD


Worgen would like to have a few choice words with you.

Worgen options:

Blood Elf options:
Tab 1:
Tab 2:
Tab 3:

So do feel free to explain how 3 tabs of customization’s is less than the 1 Worgen get. I’ll wait. Oh and for the record Worgen are a core race.


I wasn’t talking about Worgen. Talking about Orcs, Night Elves and the such.

Still Worgen’s human form got a lot just by being human.

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If Worgen could do anything in human form I would agree but we can’t. This isn’t World of Peacebloom this is Warcraft which means 99% of the time Worgen are doing something we are fighting which means we aren’t in human form. Also Worgen human form is Blizzard being lazy as hell and giving exactly 0 unique looks to Gilnean humans instead just copy pasting all Stormwind humans stuff over. Now don’t get me wrong I want all races to have more customization but claiming one of the elf races in the game has less than the other core races just is simply not true.


Well I wouldn’t worry about who has more as to who gets customizations, because Blizz doesn’t even use that barometer. Or else Nelves wouldn’t be also getting tattoos here soon. They just fill in whatever assets they are working on.


It’s…it’s what they look like. Gray skin, and red eyes. I am referring to the generic mobs from ICC and not the princes with the special modified models. They just had red eyes and gray skin.


Oh I agree I’ve been harping on Blizzard for 13 years to give Worgen options and will do it till the day the game or I die. Blizzard has shown they can do great work they just have to get unlazy and keep saying oh it will cost you a raid tier. That joke is dead. Give more races more options in general. Make WoWs characters rival other games.

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Well I hope they do get more for the Worgen side. And since they say their aim is to make it so people can create the unique character they want better, then they really should.

Because you already got it.
They’re the Darkfallen skins.

San’layn were never anything special. Look at the bulk of the mobs in ICC.

Read the Sylvanas novel too.

You want a full on gothic theme? That’s a Void Elf. Which also have access to Darkfallen and make perfect vampires.

This is absolutely a they gave us what we asked for, and it’s not enough for some people.

I’ve got literally 5 alts right now all stylized to look like the fanon version of San’layn / stereotypical vampires. They are all Void Elves.


Because you’ll have the void elf community spit in your face with disgust and say it’s ‘outrageous’ unless they get literally 100% of all what Blood Elves get – But Belves should not have vice-versa.

Wasn’t that already confirmed, for later on after the Eredar? O_0


Well special modifications is what i’m looking for though.

No it’s not though, there are plenty of options that can be given to BE’s to be san’layn.
If you don’t have any imagination or can’t be bothered to search, that’s your problem.

I really don’t care for the opinion of those type of people though.
The more options, the better, for any races.

So bring on the vampire options Blizz.


*makes purple blood elves

“Erm can people stop asking for elf customization”

What are yall on about? That was 5 years ago.