Draenei getting Eredar skins... why can't Blood Elves get

it uses the dark ranger skin feature, you can get it for belfs too, pure white skin and red glowing eyes. the only problem is beinf forced to do the whole contend fron shadowlands.

Interesting warlock fel-transmog you got going on!

Which is Dark Ranger doesn’t even scratch the surface for San’layn

Maybe those fel belves with feathered wings?

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Then do something about it, or piss off. My contributions to this thread are just as valid as yours. Don’t like it? Sucks to be you.

The developers of the video game World of Warcraft have everything to do with this conversation. Meanwhile, all I see is you bickering with other players, as though their desires and requests are the problem, and as though that’s going to accomplish anything.

Comparatively, you are the one spinning in circles and wasting time. I’m , at least, trying to direct the issue toward its actual source.

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oh, well that is not too hard to make as developers, but the elves already got one customization, the orcs need their red skin.

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Sounds good, dude. Good luck out there.

And see this is a better sentiment to have. We can have discussions on who should get what first. That’s fine. That can be constructive.

But people acting like giving blood elves some extra customization is somehow damaging to the development pipeline are morons.

Omg you too! <3

The Belves barely got anything for our customizations. Definitely not as much as the other core races.

What’s wrong with all the stuff the belfs have been given already?

I never said there was anything wrong with what blood elves have already.

Your only method of arguing with me is to use semantics, put words in my mouth, and create ridiculous extreme opinions that I don’t actually hold.

You’re not good at this.

Your argument was “If businesses have resources, they can deliver many things.” That was your opener.

And that’s…literal objective fact. That’s baby knowledge. Are you disputing that?


I’m asking why you bothered writing it.

you seem really unpleasant


There’s no way in hell you’re this stupid. Take your willful ignorance of what should’ve been obvious somewhere else.

If you’re confused, try reading what I’ve said again. I do not have the time, the energy, nor the crayons necessary to explain this to you any further.

You clearly have the time.


Only when people purposefully take me out of context, rely on obvious semantical arguments, put words in my mouth, and make ridiculous assumptions to support their point.

If people don’t like it, that’s meaningless. <3

Anyway, I think the Alliance should get high elves, Draenei should get man’ari, and Blood elves should get felblood elves! Let orcs be fel orcs too!

Not for you.

Who put words in your mouth, and what were they?

You’re getting way too emotionally invested in an argument with someone you will never meet and painting yourself as an unlikeable person. Its just not worth the argument man we are all going to get our customizations one day so keep it cool and constructive

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