Draenei getting Eredar skins... why can't Blood Elves get

Don’t, just don’t. I’ve tried reasoning with them and pointing it out, others have done the same, but their awareness is like nothing. It’s almost like they’re not a paladin, but instead a HUNTER!

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You are dictating what i should ask for when you tell me i shouldn’t ask for anything regarding BE’s.

What are you allowing me to ask for? Tell me so i know.

Nobody is asking for other races to NOT get customizations, it’s good that they are getting customizations. Is that clear mister warrior?

Your petty attempt at being condescending doesn’t work.
Try harder.

Okay and again, I never once did this. I just made fun of you for demanding things because another race got a thing.

Since I know in two posts you’ll have forgotten this, I never once dictated what you could say. Say what you want, just don’t complain when I mock you because just by the title of this thread, everything you say is doomed to sound like “BUT OTHER RACE GOT THING! I DIDN’T ALSO GET THING!” when you’re playing the most spoiled race when it comes to customization options in the game.

The motivation is clear, it’s a simple comparison, you being limited and not being able to detect it is not my problem.

Where is your gnome thread? I asked for it like 3 times already.

Do you even have a gnome thread dude?
If not, it means that i want my customization more than you do yours.

Stop being a child and ask for what you want, instead of waiting for others to ask for you.

Oh, are you going to do the forum blood elf thing where you get overly sanctimonious and start talking down to me as if you at any point have stood over me in this discussion? After that are you going to announce to everybody that you’ve blocked me because I am the child while you throw your temper tantrum over being made fun of for being entitled?

That’s the best part, the only person here being entitled is you by definition. Yet you’ve thrown it at me who at most has just said “Other races have like next to nothing compared to you btw lmao.”

Please do get sanctimonious with me. You’re so far beneath me there’s a layer of clouds between us. I just love putting people like you in their place.

I won’t block you, i never blocked anyone.
Now go and make your Gnome thread.

You’re just here to troll i see.

I’ll ask for whatever i want, when i want, and there’s nothing you can do to stop me.

Osmium needs a new title, I’ve found the new most dense element in the known universe.

Anyway I’m leaving this here, have fun. Maybe look at it, reflect. It might make sense to you one day.


How many times did i ask for stuff for the BE race?

P.S. Come and continue the conversation, this needs bumped.

How many times did i ask for stuff for the BE race?

looks up at forum title, stares at poster, presses “back”, reads this, looks at poster… sighs

Draenei getting Eredar skins… why can’t Blood Elves get

This is just the forum post and we’re already at one, except this request wants a few things too so it’s actually like 4 in one as you asked for 3 skin tones specifically, do I need to dig through 411 posts of which half are probably you giving c-gets-degree tier reasoning skills with other posters like I’ve seen so far from you?

But again, it’s like you’re intentionally dodging admitting this. The gripe is not about blood elves asking for things. The gripe is blood elves asking for things every god damned time a different race gets a thing. At this point, bring back personal loot. If you’re playing a blood elf and get nothing, you get a 3 hour screeching cinematic of them kicking and screaming “WHERE IS MY LOOT? HE GOT ITEMS! SHE GOT ITEMS! WHERE! IS! MINE?!”

I said how many times, it’s 1 time and i’m asking for stuff for my BE race that i play.

Guess what, that’s about to change because you’ve convinced me that i only asked once, one time for things for my favorite race, which is very low.

That’s just wrong… so i’ll think about some new things that BE’s can potentially have and make some nice threads. I’ll be looking for your continuous bumping for them too, thx.

I think if I was to speak my honest to God thought regarding what kind of person you are from the display you’ve shown me on the forums, I would probably be on an unending vacation. Not only does your self-awareness barely register as existent, when people clear as day point these things out to you, it’s like you don’t even acknowledge these things. These are things that you did, that you said, that you typed out.

All I can really say is basically for you “Good luck with that attitude in life because it really won’t get you far.” If you’re struggling now with navigating the mental quagmire that is "Why are people making fun of me for asking for things when my forum post is specifically worded in a way that says “Draenei got something, I didn’t, so here are my demands” and still not able to find the answer when I showed you ever braindead way possible to where for most people they’d realize “Oh, it was the way in which I made the post!” I even said that myself well above about how this isn’t about you asking for things, it’s you asking for things because another race got things and it comes off as petty.

Like I made it clear as day, I think a seven year old would probably get the message too. So I am just lost as to why you can’t. Am I expecting too much of you? Is that what the problem is? Regardless, if you can’t figure out what I laid painfully bare to you in paragraph 2, as well as other posts above in response to you, then really you will need that luck in life because it does not get easier. You do actually at a point need to know how to think for yourself, solve problems for yourself, and even learn how to engage with other people like an adult and for the first time in your life, maybe try to actually understand what they’re saying to you.

Because they don’t matter, what other people have asked for have nothing to do with me.

So yes, San’layn options for BE’s would be really awesome, i hope Blizzard looks into this as soon as possible.
Also those coats that the Venthyr used in SL are top notch, so hoping that those are put in one day for players to use.

P.S. Thx for the free bumps, keep rolling them.

Okay, still not getting it. Got it. Okay.

“Draenei getting Eredar skins” THIS IS YOU POSTING THIS.

This has literally nothing, NOTHING, not a god damned f-ing thing to do with other people asking for things. This is ENTIRELY about your brazenly entitled attitude that you not only felt it necessary to make a post where you specifically in the first four words immediately make everything you pen come off as a petulant rant about how other people are getting things. Then me, and other posters poking fun at the generic “Oh look, that race stereotyped for its posters being overly self centered and vapid has one of its posters making a thread crying about why they aren’t getting things.”

Your first few responses in this thread alone show this to be true, and I’m not really shocked the only people taking your side in this thread, are other blood elves or void elves which is basically the same thing because their customization options are just that limited they look the same, and not got that way over round after round after other rounds of customization changes aimed at those two races in particular.

If you still after reading this honestly think this has anything to do with “You asking for a thing” and not “I am mocking you for acting like a spoiled brat then your further bratty behavior” then I don’t know what to tell you, I really don’t because it doesn’t get more clear than that. Is it the fact English is my second language? Maybe if I spoke in Spanish that would make you able to understand?

To be completely honest, I also get annoyed at certain Blood Elf players’ behavior from time to time. Simply because, for some reason, it’s often these players who feel the need to dictate rules to others on the forum or engage in plain and simple trash talk. Blood Elf players and occasionally Vulpera players as well, though it’s assumed that they might be the same people using alts. :sweat_smile:

That being said, regarding the OP in this thread, I’ve noticed the exact opposite. Yes, the title paints a certain picture, but apart from that, the OP has been really friendly and they haven’t put down any other race or their fans in any way, as far as I can tell. Therefore, I truly don’t understand the aversion to the OP’s wish in this case. In my opinion, Void Elves and Blood Elves should be considered as one race/sub races (or better yet, make all races neutral). Then the Horde would also have the San’lyan look, which is currently more pronounced among the Void Elves. But until that happens, come on, let the OP wish for a few new options.

It was weird to me then that Alliance got two draeneis but horde didn’t get two high elves, and it’s still weird to me now.

I would rather see the fel elves from Sunwell. Along with some of the other options mentioned here already. Feltotem would be cool, red skin for orcs, maybe if the Dev team is feeling really bold add some spine options for them. Would also like to see a bit more for the red Draenei skin colors, I mean yeah, the quest line is supposedly about “cleansing” them, but why can’t they still have some fel scars etc… and green eyes.

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Idk why you’re obsessed with this, it’s a simple comparison of a race getting an evil skin, it’s the proof needed to show that allows other races to get evil skins as well.

Like BE’s getting San’layn.
If i were an Orc player i’d have asked for Iron Horde skins.

You’re acting very entitled to what i should ask for, maybe stop?
Go and ask for what races you play and stop harassing my thread, i won’t go in your threads and dictate that you shouldn’t have asked for X.

More customizations is better…

If players don’t ask for things, then Blizz will just do or even worse, won’t do, any customizations they want.
So ask for what you (generally speaking) personally want.

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I still find the whole system with allied races completely ridiculous, to be honest. They could have all been sub races. Vulpera was the only new race that truly felt like a new race worth having. The rest, in my opinion, should have been included under the original race.

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Maybe Night Elves and Nightborne. Not everyone else.