Draenei getting Eredar skins... why can't Blood Elves get

I want elves to stop saying “what about me” every time a different race gets more options.

Thats pretty ironic tbh

blood elf and void elf males have fewer customizations than nearly every race other than kul’tirans, vulpera, dark iron and worgen form. the devs have problems designing canine furry races, which is why vulpera and worgen are so under represented. i have no idea why kts and dark iron are so low other than the fact alliance races other than humans and nelfs, are the bottom half of the chart, its sad, actually. zandalaris and mechagnomes could use some attention, too. in fact, itd be nice if blizz gave us a color wheel and sliders so we’d have modernized options.


I’ll ask for more customizations whenever i want, thx.

It’s not, since i make my own threads.
Make your own and ask for what you want, little child.

I wouldn’t complain if BEs got this, but I’m guessing the dark ranger customizations are as close as we’re going to get.

It is possible for them to call it a day, but it’s definitely on the lowest end of what they could have done. I gave examples in the OP of what other options there could be for San’layn.

Still, it doesn’t hurt to try and ask. Except for all these trolls in the thread having a personal issue with BE’s asking for stuff, they get but-hurt instead of going ahead and making their own asks.

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Yeah. I don’t think it’s an unreasonable request. I just have low expectations is all.


I literally made this exact post and people said I was stupid and crazy for asking for it…seeing your post with so many hearts attached makes me wonder if people just automatically hate my posts because its me posting it

Never said you couldn’t. Im just saying theres no room for what-about-mes.

Go and stand in another room then, there is room here to ask for BE customizations all i want.

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With the release of the new barbie movie, now is the best time to add additional customization options to the already 100s of blood elf customizations.

This is a Troll thread…I mean Bloody Elf thread…

For the amount of players playing BE’s, the number of customizations compared to other classes is lower.
As such, the bigger portion of the pie should be going to BE’s in terms of customizations.

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In Legion prepatch they got Demon Hunter customization. One of only two races to get any customization despite both Draenei and Fel Orcs being members of the Illidari.
In Legion, Belves exclusively got new customization, golden eyes.
In BFA prepatch they got an allied race with completely new customization.
In mid BFA they were the first horde race to get heritage armor, and at least in my opinion, better than half of them, and was the first after they confirmed that legacy races wouldn’t get any.
In Shadowlands they got by far the most support for nearly any race. Compare their additions to those to Draenei, Goblins, or Pandaren. Draenei got like 5 new hair styles and 3 new horns and tail options. Belves got nearly double that amount just for hair styles, along with new skin tones, new eye colors, new ear lengths, new jewelry, new eyebrow lengths, new wrist jewelry.
At the end of Shadowlands they got yet another customization, being the Dark Ranger customizations.
And now, next patch they’re getting even more.
I hope you understand why people get frustrated when any race that is slightly overlooked gets support and elves asking for more customization, as if they hadn’t been spoiled before.


Show me the amount of customization for each race and the total possibilities, along with that show me the population % of each race and after which, show me the lifetime (amount of time since they were added to the game) of each race.

Then we can calculate who gets what next.
So show me the numbers if you wanna say that BE’s don’t need more customization options.

Blizz is adding them next patch, so show them wrong.

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I’m trying to think of anything really cool about the BE vampires in the game but I can’t think of anything. I remember them being very half-baked villains that just leaned on the whole “hey, theyre vampires so you can pencil in the details yourself” thing that games often do.


The San’layn are just so San’lame.

vampire elf would be much better than “high elves” since we already have those.
exists lol