DPs balance in M+ is so bad - has huge negative impacts

What’s the point of this statement?

The argument that Ret, Shadow and Feral overall don’t need any help because a few are doing +25’s is absurd. Their representation is poor across every level of key because of more than just skill and community perception.

Warlocks and Hunters matter at more than just the top level. Consider that most people are running keys towards the upmost end of their or their group’s ability level. When that is the circumstance, which class is overtuned or undertuned or has hero or battle rez or whatever becomes almost as important for success as it does for players running even higher keys.


The game should be balanced for PvE content of all sorts. The games balance should not even consider PvP because when you consider pvp balance you just ruin everything.

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11 dps specs are below the cut-off for “meta viable”. You’re just wrong. It isn’t a few outliers, something like half the dps specs are trash. 1/3 of healing specs are bad as well.

The only role where you can actually play “whatever you want” is tank. This is backed up by hard analytics from querying Blizzards API. You are wrong.


Not as easy as it sounds. I mostly pug these days, and it’s a lot harder to make my own group with solid people than it is to just pug into them I feel like.

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Because no matter what happens even if the difference was 1%, people will still complain about how their class underperforms.

One of the dumbest things they did to make the meta even worse was nerfing drums.

The difference isn’t 1%. The difference is “the best player of spec X is worse off than the top 100th player of spec Y”. When we are talking about a 1% gap then you can pull this card, until then I’m throwing that slippery slope nonsense into the garbage bin.


If people want to chase the meta of what those running +25s and higher prefer to bring, pointing out that off-meta specs can do those keys just fine is entirely relevant.

There is a substantial difference between “chasing the meta” and making a choice that will improve play at any key level.

If you are in a group that would otherwise struggle to complete a 15, adding a warlock or hunter that does 20% more damage than anyone else is an important decision.

Most 15 groups do struggle. The people who can run 15’s comfortably are pushing themselves to run something more difficult, and the people who run 12’s comfortably are pushing themselves to run 15’s.

This whole idea that “any class can do very high keys” is so disconnected from how the game actually works. If some classes are 20-30% better than other classes, you should be taking those classes at every single level of key, because the players you are grouping with are probably close to their current personal gear/ability ceiling and making smart (meta?) choices substantially improves your team’s margin for success.


Realistically the meta dosent matter unless you doo the key level that actually requires it.

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Invis pot is more reliable.

No most of your 15 groups may struggle.

lol you’re so out of touch it’s not even funny.

Glad to see that just because you’re not playing your rogue you haven’t given up on sh–posting. Thanks for your contribution.

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Yes because the character im playing or posting on changes you being incorrect.

Yawn. Never said meta. The specs are still clearing content successfully. Sorry some ppl who want to aren’t having successes they want but the blame game is just pitiful. At least I’ve come to expect nothing more from you

They aren’t though. There are zero Ret pallies in the Americas region above the cutoff for rank 1.

This is where we were at about a month and half ago. So there’s been 6 weeks of gear acquisition and WW and BM got some buffs, but I have no reason to think there would be substantial difference in balance today.

At this point the lowest specs were doing 56% of the damage of the highest and in some cases less than tanks.

Tables don’t show up in links.

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So it’s balanced… see warlocks and survival hunter (I mean big pulls) breaking dps with their 100-200k? is that normal for you?
And before you tell me that anyone can do it… well no, unless the other dps are really bad or you get some benefit like IP or others, if you are for example a paladin or shadow priest, etc. You won’t be able to get to it that easily, while these aforementioned classes can do this without breaking a sweat and I don’t think it’s because of easy rotation (maybe, maybe not) but they usually do great dps for their tier, legendary, pact, etc.
They can say a thousand times the issue of “There are already people who did +20” but that does not remove the fact or justify the issue of the damage being so absurd or superior to others, I could even accept that the difference was 50k+ or something like that but when exceeds 100k (something is wrong).

PS: Also, if you try to make pugs around the world, it is very complicated or almost impossible for them to accept you to a party, because many classes do not have the utility or are frowned upon and well… you are doomed (unless you set up your party or go with friends) because usually what they always wear is: “Warlock, Survival, WW, Blood DK, Hpriest and Rshammy”

Because it’s very seldom an issue of balance. It’s basically always a perception issue, stemming indefinitely from streamers.

Case in point, I’ve played holy pal most of the expansion. I prefer playing safe because I only pug, so I play kyrian. I’ve had people literally declinee from keys because they said they needed big heals so they wanted a venth lol. And I’d be willing to wager this was not the only time this happened.

There’s nothing blizzard can do to make up for how stupid the average person that plays this game is.


I perceive that Destro Locks and Survival Hunters will always do better in M+ than Ferals, Spriests, Rets, etc.

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How would they sell character boosts if every DPS was competitively viable? Wont somebody PLEASE think of poor Bobby’s bank account? He’s only Super Mega Rich, not Mega Epic Rich.