Well tell me crazy but… I remember that there is a filter or good PvP auras.
So… I think that Blizzard could simply create auras for M+ and for raid, in this way they could nerf or buff classes depending on the demand or the comments of the players instead of inventing or putting systems that are not flashy or not very accessible for everyone the players in general (that is, listening to your community for the first time to try to save WoW from a possible SL 2.0 or WoD 2.0)
How is this any different to 8.3’s “It’s throwing if you just plain don’t have a fire mage” The fun part about fire mages back then? They went 8.2 no nerfs 8.3 no nerfs, 8.3 actually gods that made everything irrelevent.
Warlocks get into something cheesy? Same with surv and wind walker?
Blizzard: So lets nerf warlocks 5 times and leave the rest topkek
It comes down to AoE caps right now, in that survival hunters and destruction warlocks have no caps. So with the tier sets and how both work in favor of their AoE, coupled with no caps, means they have no limit to how high their damage is able to go.
AoE caps were one of the dumbest things blizzard did to this expansion. Which was reflected by them literally changing all of them to be past x amount of targets it does reduced damage. Yet they also let some specs get off with zero caps to their damage z then made tier sets that enhance their AoE. While not removing all AoE caps and means that it’s led to the current meta we have.
Removing a lot of the AoE caps would solve a lot of issues, if not simply expanding how many targets will cause reduced damage.
One person could easily do the job, taking up 30 minutes maximum. Literally everyone playing the game knows that survival hunters and destruction warlocks are ridiculously overpowered.
Blizzard isn’t understaffed, they just don’t care at all about balancing once Race for World First raiding is done, at this point they only care about Season 4 and Dragonflight. I wish they would actually understand that the players stuck in Season 3 for a few more months need them to give a crap about balance today
this is a total lie i can play my heart out as a ret paladin but put me agaisnt a lock or survival in aoe and theyll crush me no matter how good i am or try, balance has been terrible this whole xpac they made aoe caps but forgot to balance them out correctly some ppl can hit 5 things then reduced, some 8, some like us with wake of ashes hits 1 and reduced lol then we have locks with fully uncapped aoe on ALL their stuff, think at it like this having a lock and a survival in your group is like bringing an extra dude to a key thats how far they are from the rest of the pack
Um…wut? The fact that BrS replaces swipe isn’t why it’s not taken in m+, nor would making that change make it worth taking outside of maybe lower keys (I still doubt it). From the looks of it, we’ll have that change for the next expansion, but for right now it’s still on the same talent row as Primal Wrath. Primal Wrath beats out BrS for aoe every time. Our lack of a shroud hasn’t stopped us from getting invites either. Honestly, my damage is right up there with every other non-survival/destro/ww.
This is more like it, although it’s more of their 4pc needs to be toned down a bit kind of like how they nerfed ferals 4pc in the ptr because our aoe was too strong pre-nerf. Survival and destro are both weak specs prior to getting their 4pc, it’s literally just the set that puts them over the top. Honestly, I’d rather see other specs tier be buffed to that kind of level than see those specs be nerfed though. It’s fun being powerful, no one wants to feel like they are smacking a boss with a wet turd.
of course other rets have done 28s they use the said op meta classes in their groups lol the highest ret key has also 2 destro locks in there the ret was probably there for moral support, that actually validates my point about the class imbalance even further “if you want to climb eventually youll need one of the broken classes”, also 55% of all dps are locks and survival hunts in 25s or higher keys thats just not right my dude, see it from whatever angle balance is messed up at the moment and i know they cant do anything right now since season is already to far in, but would it kill them to balance the game like every 2 weeks or something like that the next season? so we dont have the disparity we have currently, also it doesnt just affect the top like you say ppl are actually asking for locks and hunters on 20s or lower keys if balance is not done right the comunity perception of classes just bleeds to the lower brackets
Gotta agree with the OP here. This problem exists in FF as well but in a different manner. Some classes are outright harder than others and can hold a group back. Folks will opt not to take them.
It’s definitely a player mindset that inhibits allowing any DPS, but it ultimately stems from poor balance. The scale shifts ever so drastically with each new patch. Some people just want to play the class they like, not whatever fotm it is. I’m one such player.
This does stem to all games though. I suffer through it in fighting games because I like a low tier character. It’s infuriating and the worst part is you’re told “You brought this upon yourself.”
In the America’s region, I’m not sure if that’s true. There are zero Ret pallies that qualify for rank 1 in the Americas region, I think the highest is 3480 something. I dunno I’m on my phone do I can’t double check very easily at the moment.
(PW+swipe) outperforms (brutal slash+no swipe) in aoe every time.
PW vs Brutal Slash without factoring in swipe is a lot closer to equal over the course of an entire dungeon. Brutal slash adds substantial burst aoe and ST value and reduces non-optimal blood talons procs while PW only provides a DPS gain in situations with more than 3 mobs who will live the duration of bleed (with maybe some favorable variance for Apex if thats your bag).
The addition of BtS+swipe to the toolkit provides a true all-rounder damage profile enhancement option similar to toxic blade for Assassination rogue.
The utility discussion has more to do with M+ utility as a whole. There are a few catagories of classes that people look for when building a group:
Heroism - covered by hunter mage shaman
Battle Rez - covered by dk druid warlock
Fluffer - covered by dh monk debuffs and to a lesser extent mage and warrior buffs.
Skipper - covered only by rogue or a seasonal mechanic like encrypted or awakened
^^ One of these things is not like the other. That Rogues are the only ones who bring shroud is an issue, and it’s enough of an issue that 2 entire seasonal affixes were designed around fixing it not to mention making entire dungeons more linear than they probably would have been otherwise.
The whole “invis pot” argument people make is BS, because at that point Shroud is essentially worth one DPS/mana pot for everyone in the group which is pretty strong too. That other classes can ghetto-skip some of the shorter skips with mind soothe, gate, prison or ring of peace is kind of like saying “technically shadow priests do have an interrupt.”
So the question of where to add Shroud to make that slot more flexible comes down to who could use it thematically and without being broken, and Shadow and Feral work well. They are both under represented specs one of which really could use the utility for overall parity and the other of which has utility but to a substantially lesser degree than it’s moonkin counterpart. Neither Shadow nor Feral are popular enough that this really undermines a Rogue’s value, either.