DPs balance in M+ is so bad - has huge negative impacts

Eh. This is too big brain for them. In fact, if their goal was selling boosts, they would shake up the meta MORE often, not less. See: Hearthstone.


And your post is just as worthless now as it was 6 weeks ago.

Dps balance is important but there are more dps then groups is the real issue.

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The numbers show it to be a balance issue, which leads to greater perception issues.

But mostly it’s a game play and customer retention issue. There’s a large number of players that main a favorite spec. They don’t min max to the point of switching mains every time the balance shifts a little bit.

Perfect balance isn’t the goal. Perfection is almost always the enemy of the good. But when you have specs whose performance is nearly 50% of other specs you leave a lot of customers with a bad experience.


it’s balanced in the sense that any class/spec can complete every 20 at LEAST with zero issues. considering that’s all that’s 99% of the community I’d say it’s pretty good. M+ has come a very long way since it came out.

of course if you want to see the glass half empty, you will. /shrug.

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Viability and balanced are two different things.

That every runner can run a mile doesn’t mean they all get there at the same time.

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Stop lying. No one has ever complained about a 1% difference - that’s smaller than the delta between Survival and Destruction, and obviously no one is whining about Destro locks being underpowered just because Survival is a couple percent ahead. The actual difference from top to bottom is over 50%.

Definitely true, I can’t believe they still haven’t done anything about drums, it completely boggles my mind that they think it is fine that every group is required to bring a mage, shaman, or hunter.


It’s pretty bad right now. I know balance has been hit and miss in the past but each spec usually had its strengths. From what I see, destro locks are just best at everything lol. Windwalkers and survival hunters are up there too. Mages probably right after that. And then everyone else


But the current way of balancing things has given Warlocks a leg up over everyone for over a decade.

It’s funny I think hunters have one of the best toolkits for mythic+ but you’ll hardly ever see a hunter that knows how to use it.

Yes any class/spec can complete +20 keystones in time if they somehow manage to get invited to a group, including naked dead players (who are only getting invited if they pay for a carry).

That doesn’t mean that things are balanced well, when certain specs do 50% more damage and get automatic invites

It’s just demoralizing more than anything. Whole point for me to do keys is to improve and be the best that I can be, but when your spec is at such a disadvantage it ruins that kind of motivation. Literally no reason to invite anything else other than locks and hunters if you’re going for optimal.

And you’ll see that in higher keys when people are only looking for those two classes specifically

It’s horrific. My 3200 Warlock can get into whatever key I want but my 3k Ele Sham, with my Lock’s score shown, cannot get into anything 20+. Not an exaggeration, I have not been accepted to someone’s 20+ on my Shaman this patch. I am forced to push my own key which alternates only between PF, Streets, Spires, and ToP


Yeah, it all seems rather upside down to me.

The way things are, the content itself is the goal, with the classes/specs played being of almost no consequence. Nobody cares if you don’t like spec X of class Y, that’s what’s “best” and if you’re going against the grain and trying to play something else you’re wrong.

It makes way more sense to me for content just being an excuse for everybody to play the classes/specs they enjoy most, because having to let the community essentially decide what you play in a game that’s largely about personal choices seems stupid, but obviously the masses don’t agree.

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There’s never gonna be balance, thats an illusion.

Not everyone has carries at their beck and call.

More than a few.

This game isn’t user friendly.

I was invited to an 18 theater on my shaman, and the moment they saw I was elemental I was kicked. People take meta very seriously.

I can always climb IO as resto but healing is so boring. Definitely the most boring role

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Considering the best (and even not best) players consistently fotm swap every patch all this really shows is the best players will always be at the top of the leaderboards. Because it’s about being at the top, not playing a spec or class because it’s fun or enjoyable. That is WAY down the list of reasons to play.

You can see this in raid parse count every tier too. Fotm swapping is massive for players.

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Carries has nothing to do with it. Any spec can do a twenty.

Also lol at trying to imply I buy carrys

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